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Good human scum, and bad human scum. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 26, 2020
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menifee calif.
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Flynn lied to prosecutors, and admitted such, repeatedly. Given this fact, Trump says, the prosecutors that ALLOWED Flynn to plead guilty, are HUMAN SCUM. In fact, all those involved in the Russia investigation, are human scum. So much so, that Trump wants all the human scum to spend many years in prison. Trump got Durham, to look into all the scum, and they will be brought up on charges. And so, Durham found one lawyer, that FAKED portions of his approval of the PAge warrant. And so, that lawyer, plead guilty, and I presume Trump wants him destroyed, no mercy and no early exit. Turns out, that lawyer plead guilty to the SAME law that Flynn plead to. Flynn is a hero, a martyr. Klinesmith, a traitor.

Trump wants to spring Flynn, and if noone raised a stink, he would be speaking to the Republican convention. Trump says, he would hire Flynn again in his admin. Just to shine a light on the level of hypocracy, Clinton, was impeached, for lying about sex. It was not pertinent to the investigation he was even speaking to. Trump, is now known to have lied in his deposition, but Trump will not answer for his lies. But Trump still rails on Clinton for lying.

There are two sets of rules, those doing Trump bidding, who can lie cheat and steal, and there are the others, who dont love Trump. They are human scum, and should be in prison.
Bill Barr's Mueller probe has inadvertently exposed the hypocrisy of Flynn's defenders: legal expert

The case was brought by U.S. Attorney John Durham as part of his investigation into the origins of the Russia probe – an investigation that was initiated by Attorney General Bill Barr.

Writing for Lawfare, Barbara McQuade and Chuck Rosenberg note that the statute Clinesmith will plead guilty to is the same statute Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to twice in federal court. “One element of the statute to which Clinesmith will plead guilty requires that his false statement be ‘material.’… that means that his false statement had a ‘natural tendency’ to influence a pending matter (here, the surveillance application to the court) or was ‘capable’ of influencing that matter. This is typically an easy element to meet,” McQuade and Rosenberg
Bill Barr’s Mueller probe has inadvertently exposed the hypocrisy of Flynn’s defenders: legal experts – Raw Story

Trump calls Michael Flynn prosecution ‘treason’ done by ‘human scum’
Trump calls Flynn prosecution 'treason' done by 'human scum'
Good human scum, is any moderate Democrat, that votes conservative. They are praised, and used by Trump.

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