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Good Guys With Guns (1 Viewer)

More background on the shooter, Landeros...I have to wonder why the FBI didn't take his threat seriously and take his gun from him. Will we find out that he was illegally in possession of this firearm?

At any rate, resource police officers should be armed at our public schools.

Landeros was honorably discharged from the Army after serving from 2006 to 2012. In the days before the incident, evidence suggested someone using the name Charlie Landeros had made a number of anti-police comments online. “Time to start killing pigs,” one allegedly read.

Furthermore, the FBI received information via a tip line last year claiming someone called Charles Landeros had been posting “violent anti-government messages” on social media.

“It is unknown why Charles Landeros chose to use deadly force in this circumstance, but he clearly had no regard for the lives of the police officers or the students or staff present, including his child,” Perlow's report on the investigation concluded.

“Officer Timm saved the life of officer Johns, himself and perhaps many others given the number of rounds Charles Landeros had loaded in his weapon,” it continued. “There is no clearer circumstance that the use of deadly force is justified than this.”

Jesus Christ on a cracker...his own kids were there?

I will NEVER understand this kind of insanity.

Divorce can make people do some crazy ****.
More background on the shooter, Landeros...I have to wonder why the FBI didn't take his threat seriously and take his gun from him. Will we find out that he was illegally in possession of this firearm?

At any rate, resource police officers should be armed at our public schools.


The FBI is so thorough they are worthless. By the time they do anything its too late. They are more worthless now than ever.

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