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Going With the Progressive Flow (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 8, 2017
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Because ILLEGAL ALIENS are "the same " as LEGAL IMMIGRANTS, in Leftgoofyworld :

Going With the Progressive Flow

Inaugurating his third term, Governor Cuomo sounds trendy themes.

“The promise that attracted 5,000 people a day from across the globe to come to this sacred place through this historic portal on Ellis Island is not a faded memory of yesterday,” intoned the governor, “but a shining beacon for a better tomorrow.” Nowhere to be found in Cuomo’s energetic homily was the word “legal,” an omission clearly calculated to obscure the distinction between controlled lawful immigration—Ellis Island as iconic portal to America—and the unremitting border-dashing that has made immigration an incandescent political and social issue.

It’s easy to tell who’s on which side: most who support illegal crossers—Andrew Cuomo, et al.—call them “undocumented immigrants,” and many who respect the law use the harsher, but far more accurate, “illegal aliens.” There’s plenty of rhetorical room in between, even as there is not much substantively new to be said on a topic that’s been roiling American politics for decades.

Because ILLEGAL ALIENS are "the same " as LEGAL IMMIGRANTS, in Leftgoofyworld :

Going With the Progressive Flow

Inaugurating his third term, Governor Cuomo sounds trendy themes.

“The promise that attracted 5,000 people a day from across the globe to come to this sacred place through this historic portal on Ellis Island is not a faded memory of yesterday,” intoned the governor, “but a shining beacon for a better tomorrow.” Nowhere to be found in Cuomo’s energetic homily was the word “legal,” an omission clearly calculated to obscure the distinction between controlled lawful immigration—Ellis Island as iconic portal to America—and the unremitting border-dashing that has made immigration an incandescent political and social issue.

It’s easy to tell who’s on which side: most who support illegal crossers—Andrew Cuomo, et al.—call them “undocumented immigrants,” and many who respect the law use the harsher, but far more accurate, “illegal aliens.” There’s plenty of rhetorical room in between, even as there is not much substantively new to be said on a topic that’s been roiling American politics for decades.


“Going With the Progressive Flow”

Exactly what in Progressive ideology supports your claim of support for illegal border crossings?

“undocumented immigrants” is the appropriate and legal term. “illegal alien” is not and is not in court lexicon.

Yeah, roiling American politics for decades beginning with Reagan’s 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (enacted by Executive Action) reforming United States immigration law. Reagan going with the “Progressive Flow”.

If you can’t back-up what you say, you’re only trolling.

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