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~God Defined~ (1 Viewer)


Sep 16, 2005
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Political Leaning
~GOD is that which exists at the center of all living things.~Lucidthots

~GOD is the invisible, eternal, immaterial force, which animates the physical world with life and is capable of knowing~ Lucidthots
Befuddled_Stoner said:
god is nothing more than putting a happy little anthropomorphic face on the cold, uncaring and indifferent set of circumstances that were requisite for life on Earth evolving as it did.
Couldn't resist the opportunity to discordantly chime in :smile:
:lol: Wow..I was expecting something profound but that is the worst oversimplification I've ever seen. So if you don't mind my asking, Mr.Owl how many licks does it take to get to God? :lol:
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Lucidthots said:
~GOD is that which exists at the center of all living things.~Lucidthots

~GOD is the invisible, eternal, immaterial force, which animates the physical world with life and is capable of knowing~ Lucidthots
God is in us, with us, and all around us.-dead sea scrolls
Lucidthots said:
~GOD is that which exists at the center of all living things.~Lucidthots

~GOD is the invisible, eternal, immaterial force, which animates the physical world with life and is capable of knowing~ Lucidthots

God must be also the center of human cruelty and stupidity.-Me

I say this because if God is the center of living things, well, these also exist in living things.
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God- Is that which Humankind strives to become
tecoyah said:
God- Is that which Humankind strives to become


Mathew 5: 48

Be ye (you) therefore perfect, even as your father in heaven is perfect.

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