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Go Illini! (1 Viewer)


Dec 21, 2004
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Go Illini!
After 100 years of basketball the Illinois Fighting Illini are going to the championship game. That's longer than the Red Sox in baseball. The Illini deserve it too. The player's have been practicing hard and the fans are ready to tear this town apart. Go Illini, and kick UNC's butt.
See, I am not into sports as much as politics....thats why I am on this website.

But I guess I agree with you.
The Illini are so lucky. I'm an Arizona Wildcat fan. If Hassan Adams and Mustafa Shakura didn't turn the stupid ball over we'd be playing in the championship game.
You have to admit that it was a great game either way, and give some credit to Deron Williams for stealing the ball.
We lost monday, but hey it was a great season.
Too bad my hometown crushed your hopes PWO.

We're loving it here.. cheers for the best Collegiate Basketball State in the world!

Go Heels!
pwo said:
You have to admit that it was a great game either way, and give some credit to Deron Williams for stealing the ball.
We lost monday, but hey it was a great season.

oh yes I admit that that game was one of the best ones during the tourament, maybe even the best game! Oh yes I'll admit that we choked big time. But pwo you got to admit that we had you beat. And that we should've won. You guys came back and you guys deserved it. I went to St.Louise for the final four. I didn't go to the games, but I went to the open practice. I saw all four teams. The Tar Heels were the most exciting, but I rooted for the Illini. I love that Roger Powell Jr. guy. He's a huge Christian. Peace out. This is also my official 20th thread

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