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GM says is has 2,700 jobs for workers slated to be laid off (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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DETROIT (AP) — General Motors’ plans to lay off 14,000 salaried and blue-collar workers might not be as bad as originally projected.

The company said Friday that 2,700 out of the 3,300 factory jobs slated for elimination will now be saved. Blue-collar workers will still lose jobs at four U.S. plants slated for closure next year, but most will be able to find employment at eight other GM factories where jobs are being added. Some would have to relocate.
I wonder how much of this has to do with Trump.

DETROIT (AP) — General Motors’ plans to lay off 14,000 salaried and blue-collar workers might not be as bad as originally projected.

The company said Friday that 2,700 out of the 3,300 factory jobs slated for elimination will now be saved. Blue-collar workers will still lose jobs at four U.S. plants slated for closure next year, but most will be able to find employment at eight other GM factories where jobs are being added. Some would have to relocate.
I wonder how much of this has to do with Trump.
I doubt much. I'd suppose it's purely a business decision.

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