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Gm Mini Van - 43 Miles To The Gallon!!! (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2005
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in the middle of America
Political Leaning
Reported in the New York Times today: GM in concert with a manufacturer in China is producing a basic mini van there that sells (there) for $5,000 and gets 43 miles per gallon.

I know if that mini van was produced here it would have to be sold for more and probably upgraded because we Americans need more padding in the seats but.......

If GM can produce the Hummer here with gas prices averaging as of yesterday $2.34 per gallon, why not a mini van here that gets 43 miles per gallon? Do you think this could help us with our dependence on foreign oil?
:duel :cool:
gordontravels said:
Reported in the New York Times today: GM in concert with a manufacturer in China is producing a basic mini van there that sells (there) for $5,000 and gets 43 miles per gallon.

I know if that mini van was produced here it would have to be sold for more and probably upgraded because we Americans need more padding in the seats but.......

If GM can produce the Hummer here with gas prices averaging as of yesterday $2.34 per gallon, why not a mini van here that gets 43 miles per gallon? Do you think this could help us with our dependence on foreign oil?
:duel :cool:

It's not a question of whether they can build it but whether anyone would buy it. What are the 0-60 mph times? How many passengers? What load can it carry? Air Conditioning?
gordontravels said:
Reported in the New York Times today: GM in concert with a manufacturer in China is producing a basic mini van there that sells (there) for $5,000 and gets 43 miles per gallon.

I know if that mini van was produced here it would have to be sold for more and probably upgraded because we Americans need more padding in the seats but.......

If GM can produce the Hummer here with gas prices averaging as of yesterday $2.34 per gallon, why not a mini van here that gets 43 miles per gallon? Do you think this could help us with our dependence on foreign oil?
:duel :cool:

There are alot of factors to consider, such as, do the Chinese have specs. as strict as ours for passanger safety & such? If they don't, it could just be that the car is stripped down & very light, and that would add to the gas mileage. If everyone were to have one of these cars, then yes, it would probably cut foreign dependancy on oil, but it would more than likely not be something the masses flock to (like the Prius or other Hybrids, you see 1 of those Maybe every other day on the road (at least where I live) So unless thet're going to make it worth people's while to buy these cars, I don't see it having much of an impact. People may complain about the high gas prices, but will continue to pay them without thinking twice....probably until it hits about $5 a gallon. First they need to realize that they're paying about $40 dollars a gallon for their Starbucks (it's just water & coffee beans, people!). To cut foreigh dependancy, an easier thing to do would be to drill Alaska.
Stinger said:
It's not a question of whether they can build it but whether anyone would buy it. What are the 0-60 mph times? How many passengers? What load can it carry? Air Conditioning?

New York Times, Business section, today. :duel :cool:
Originally Posted by Stinger
It's not a question of whether they can build it but whether anyone would buy it. What are the 0-60 mph times? How many passengers? What load can it carry? Air Conditioning?

gordontravels said:
New York Times, Business section, today. :duel :cool:

Not a subscriber please elaborate.
Stinger said:
Originally Posted by Stinger
It's not a question of whether they can build it but whether anyone would buy it. What are the 0-60 mph times? How many passengers? What load can it carry? Air Conditioning?

Not a subscriber please elaborate.

Ok. It's called the New York Times. You don't have to subscribe, it's free and it's on line. If you have a computer you just....... :duel :cool:
gordontravels said:
Ok. It's called the New York Times. You don't have to subscribe, it's free and it's on line. If you have a computer you just....... :duel :cool:

Yes you have to subscribe, and while free I have no desire to put my email on thier list. Oh well you brought it up if you don't want to discuss it so be it.

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