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Glad I found you folks (1 Viewer)




I'm so glad I found this site. There are so many one-sided websites out there, but I think that the best way to learn is to hear all sides of an issue.

I'm interested in finding the common ground between Democrats and Republicans. I think the country is way too divided and unfortunately creating "wedge" issues has been a fairly succesful strategy to win elections. I see immigration as the next wedge.

I'm pretty liberal, but I never pull the blue lever. I have voted for and campaigned for moderate Republicans in the past, so I tend to more of an issues voter. I had high hopes for a Kerry-McCain ticket to help heal the country. Unfortunately Moderate Republicans seem to be a dying breed.

I was enthralled by the Dean campaign via Democracy for America, and the the populist movement he lead via the internet. I think it's the future of politics and a way for the little guy to take back America.

Some big issues for me are education, foreign policy, corruption in government, verified voting, corporate ownership of the media, the environment and evolution.

I can agree to disagree with people and will try not to get personal on anyone. I would expect the same.

"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" Thomas Jefferson
The common ground between Republicans and Democrats is 12 paces between...turn....and FIRE!

Welcome to DP!
hipsterdufus, I love your posts! Welcome!

Good luck on finding common ground, most of us are reasonable, but some...oh boy!

galenrox, I find it entertaining when people are sometimes "un"reasonble--it makes it interesting. Cordial exchanges can get kinda boring to me. ;)

Hope to see ya on the threads :2wave:


Welcome hipsterdufus!:2razz:
If your wishing to find common ground between dems and reps then I suggest you go somewhere else haha. This isn't a non partisan site. Its a bi partisan site. theres a difference.
FinnMacCool said:
If your wishing to find common ground between dems and reps then I suggest you go somewhere else haha.

I disagree. There is no such thing as a strict conservative or a strict liberal. Everyone has a small side that agrees with the other. Often in abortion threads - a liberal may post about pro life (by definition this is impossible). Equally, there are conservatives that wish to represent gun control.

There are indeed common grounds - finding them is the fun part.

Welcome to Debate Politics!
FinnMacCool said:
If your wishing to find common ground between dems and reps then I suggest you go somewhere else haha. This isn't a non partisan site. Its a bi partisan site. theres a difference.

Thanks for all of the kind words. Now, in the spirit of bipartisanship and finding the common ground between Dems and Repubs, I proudly say "Let's kick some a** my friends" :shoot

"Not again. The line must be drawn HERE! This far, no further. And we will make them PAY for what they've done."

Welcome to debate politics and may I wish you luck on your search.
vauge said:
I disagree. There is no such thing as a strict conservative or a strict liberal. Everyone has a small side that agrees with the other. Often in abortion threads - a liberal may post about pro life (by definition this is impossible). Equally, there are conservatives that wish to represent gun control.

There are indeed common grounds - finding them is the fun part.

Welcome to Debate Politics!

Thanks Vague. BTW - how do you reconcile your JL quote with your conservative leanings? John is a hero of mine from childhood, and was very much a liberal.

Common ground?
hipsterdufus said:
Thanks Vague. BTW - how do you reconcile your JL quote with your conservative leanings? John is a hero of mine from childhood, and was very much a liberal.

Common ground?
Why must you catagorize people's political affiliations with their music?...:confused:

Beatles are my #1, followed by Frank Zappa...

Good music is good music...

Try to get through your perceptions and generalizations once in awhile...:roll:
cnredd said:
Why must you catagorize people's political affiliations with their music?...:confused:

Beatles are my #1, followed by Frank Zappa...

Good music is good music...

Try to get through your perceptions and generalizations once in awhile...:roll:

Yeah what he said
cnredd said:
Why must you catagorize people's political affiliations with their music?...:confused:

Beatles are my #1, followed by Frank Zappa...

Good music is good music...

Try to get through your perceptions and generalizations once in awhile...:roll:

"All we are saying is, give peace a chance."
Of couse Zappa was no big fan of Tipper Gore.
hipsterdufus said:
"All we are saying is, give peace a chance."
Of couse Zappa was no big fan of Tipper Gore.
Believe it or not, there are people out there who couldn't care less...

Do I want to hear Neil Young give a lecture on politics?...Hell no...

Do I want to hear Neil Young perform his songs?...All day long...

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