I'm so glad I found this site. There are so many one-sided websites out there, but I think that the best way to learn is to hear all sides of an issue.
I'm interested in finding the common ground between Democrats and Republicans. I think the country is way too divided and unfortunately creating "wedge" issues has been a fairly succesful strategy to win elections. I see immigration as the next wedge.
I'm pretty liberal, but I never pull the blue lever. I have voted for and campaigned for moderate Republicans in the past, so I tend to more of an issues voter. I had high hopes for a Kerry-McCain ticket to help heal the country. Unfortunately Moderate Republicans seem to be a dying breed.
I was enthralled by the Dean campaign via Democracy for America, and the the populist movement he lead via the internet. I think it's the future of politics and a way for the little guy to take back America.
Some big issues for me are education, foreign policy, corruption in government, verified voting, corporate ownership of the media, the environment and evolution.
I can agree to disagree with people and will try not to get personal on anyone. I would expect the same.
"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" Thomas Jefferson
I'm so glad I found this site. There are so many one-sided websites out there, but I think that the best way to learn is to hear all sides of an issue.
I'm interested in finding the common ground between Democrats and Republicans. I think the country is way too divided and unfortunately creating "wedge" issues has been a fairly succesful strategy to win elections. I see immigration as the next wedge.
I'm pretty liberal, but I never pull the blue lever. I have voted for and campaigned for moderate Republicans in the past, so I tend to more of an issues voter. I had high hopes for a Kerry-McCain ticket to help heal the country. Unfortunately Moderate Republicans seem to be a dying breed.
I was enthralled by the Dean campaign via Democracy for America, and the the populist movement he lead via the internet. I think it's the future of politics and a way for the little guy to take back America.
Some big issues for me are education, foreign policy, corruption in government, verified voting, corporate ownership of the media, the environment and evolution.
I can agree to disagree with people and will try not to get personal on anyone. I would expect the same.
"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" Thomas Jefferson