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Giuliani Wants Protections From Jan. 6 Committee Before Testifying in May (1 Viewer)


Air Muscle
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2020
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Word has it that the 1/6 Committee is out there right now searching for a large enough condom that'll fit over his fat 'oil leaking' head. :p

Normally, I'd say it's worth it to give ole Rudy his protection in order for him to testify but we know that this guy is drenched in illegalities so there's a part of me wanting him to pay the price for his role pushing DJT lies and protecting DJT as well. :unsure:

Rudy Giuliani is expected to speak in the upcoming weeks with the House Select Committee investigating the January 6 attack, although the scope of what he will discuss may be limited.

Giuliani, who was among four members of Donald Trump's legal team subpoenaed by the panel on January 18, is said to have agreed to meet with the committee investigating the Capitol attack sometime in May, reported CNN.
Wonder why Flop Sweat Tucking It In Rudy would seek protection when testifying before the January 6th panel?

Rudy Giuliani, August 2018 ~ "Truth isn't truth!"
I would expect the 1/6 Committee already knows the answers to the questions they want to ask Rudy.
His testimony will only confirm if Rudy is willing to lie and go to prison for his puppet master Trump.
I would not give him anything.
Word has it that the 1/6 Committee is out there right now searching for a large enough condom that'll fit over his fat 'oil leaking' head. :p

Normally, I'd say it's worth it to give ole Rudy his protection in order for him to testify but we know that this guy is drenched in illegalities so there's a part of me wanting him to pay the price for his role pushing DJT lies and protecting DJT as well. :unsure:

Rudy Giuliani is expected to speak in the upcoming weeks with the House Select Committee investigating the January 6 attack, although the scope of what he will discuss may be limited.

Giuliani, who was among four members of Donald Trump's legal team subpoenaed by the panel on January 18, is said to have agreed to meet with the committee investigating the Capitol attack sometime in May, reported CNN.
I'd tell him that he can testify now and if he is truthful and forthcoming we won't forward our information on you to the DoJ.
/sarcasm on
Maybe RudyG will present all the evidence he has at his house that the election was rigged/stolen. The evidence he keeps claiming he has but won't release it.
Word has it that the 1/6 Committee is out there right now searching for a large enough condom that'll fit over his fat 'oil leaking' head. :p

Normally, I'd say it's worth it to give ole Rudy his protection in order for him to testify but we know that this guy is drenched in illegalities so there's a part of me wanting him to pay the price for his role pushing DJT lies and protecting DJT as well. :unsure:

Rudy Giuliani is expected to speak in the upcoming weeks with the House Select Committee investigating the January 6 attack, although the scope of what he will discuss may be limited.

Giuliani, who was among four members of Donald Trump's legal team subpoenaed by the panel on January 18, is said to have agreed to meet with the committee investigating the Capitol attack sometime in May, reported CNN.
So do we no longer have client/attorney privelege?
So do we no longer have client/attorney privelege?
sure we do.

Do you believe that all of the statements and actions that RudyG has done regarding the event of 1/6 is covered by client/attorney privilege?
So do we no longer have client/attorney privelege?

Was it an attorney-client communication?

Does it fall under the crime-fraud exception?

Just how much does "Integrityrespec" really know about the attorney-client privilege relative to Giuiliani testifying before the Jan. 6 commission?

Is "Integrityrespec" perhaps just spitting out terms he thinks brings gravitas without really understanding them or bothering to think them through beyond considering whether they sound defiant?

Come to think of it, why would the guy calling himself "Integrityrespec" raise attorney-client privilege when the article in question says:

"Giuliani is said to be willing to testify under oath
about his false election fraud claims,
which are not covered by privilege."
This is the way the thread starts:

"Word has it that the 1/6 Committee is out there right now searching for a large enough condom that'll fit over his fat 'oil leaking' head."

One more very crappy, partisan cry baby thread! But the J6 committee needs any headlines they can get their buddies in the media to run with. Tick Tock November will be here before they know!
So do we no longer have client/attorney privelege?
I'd say not in this type of an investigation. If he knows something related to criminal activity then that something needs be looked at by the DOJ.
This is the way the thread starts:

"Word has it that the 1/6 Committee is out there right now searching for a large enough condom that'll fit over his fat 'oil leaking' head."

One more very crappy, partisan cry baby thread! But the J6 committee needs any headlines they can get their buddies in the media to run with. Tick Tock November will be here before they know!
So, joking around now offends you after 5 years of carnie barking.
It's official, Giuliani wanted to record his testimony with the 1/6 committee and they said no, not allowed - so he refused to come in. Most of us here know why he wanted to record it. To use it to complain about in public like on Fox News. To poke holes in it where none existed. That's ok Big Liar Rudy-cons, you're pretty well exposed as being unpatriotic anyways.

It's official, Giuliani wanted to record his testimony with the 1/6 committee and they said no, not allowed - so he refused to come in. Most of us here know why he wanted to record it. To use it to complain about in public like on Fox News. To poke holes in it where none existed. That's ok Big Liar Rudy-cons, you're pretty well exposed as being unpatriotic anyways.


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