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Giuliani quips he has 'insurance' if Trump throws him 'under the bus' (1 Viewer)

If he was Clintons lawyer you'd be singing his praises, how he took down the mafia, fought corruption, was brilliant on 911. But......he's the "evil orange man", so...…..

I never voted for Clinton, but hey, dont take criticism of Count Rudy so personally. The mans best days are behind him.

Now how could he have "insurance" if Trump hasn't done anything corrupt?


Naturally, things got dumbererer.

“TRUTH ALERT: The statement I’ve made several times of having an insurance policy, if thrown under bus, is sarcastic & relates to the files in my safe about the Biden Family’s 4 decade monetizing of his office,” the president's personal lawyer tweeted. If I disappear, it will appear immediately along with my RICO chart.

Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) | Twitter

They're all seemingly senile and demented. Assuming he is not lying like always, for the sake of argument, this means that Rudy has a safe full of evidence of Biden being corrupt. Ok. Now....

- How in the precise **** is that supposed to be insurance against Trump throwing him under the bus?

- Why would he help Trump abuse his power of office to bribe/extort Ukraine into manufacturing dirt on Biden if he has evidence that could take Biden down right now?

Past practice is an indication. I remember Trump saying that he sent investigators to Hawaii to find something about Obama’s birth certificate. Trump said, “you wouldn’t believe what they found.” I’m still waiting.

Giuliani’s ranting seems like the same.

er uh del, our conversation was not about the other lies or nonsense Ghouliani was spewing. It was about his "insurance" claim. The reason you cant follow a simple point is because you're in a cult. Please prove me wrong and discuss his "insurance" claim. thanks in advance.

er uh del, where'd you go? we were discussing ghouliiani claiming he had "insurance". Sure you tried to downplay it by claiming it was a small portion then claiming it wasn't the main point. You even tried to deflect to the rest of his lying nonsense. But we were discussing his "insurance" claim.

What I'm saying is, if you can dispute Giuliani's claim do so. If you believe calling someone a liar proves they're wrong, doesn't make it so. YOU claimed his clarification of his "insurance" quip was a lie. So, the burden of proof is on you. My position on it is, it's a non-issue. Does he have something on Trump? Maybe , so what? And parroting the latest democrat/MSM "it's a cult" talking point , makes you look silly. As I said, I'll debate with you, but let's leave the petty insults on the playground. Cult indeed :roll:
You mean like the 'insurance policy' that Strzok talked about that didnt bother you one bit?

Your constant demonizing of an American citizens right to his own beliefs and opinions show just how far you have gone from American values. This judge is talking to you.

"The primary takeaway from the past 250 years of recorded American history is that Presidents are not kings," Jackson wrote. "This means that they do not have subjects, bound by loyalty or blood, whose destiny they are entitled to control. Rather, in this land of liberty, it is indisputable that current and former employees of the White House work for the People of the United States, and that they take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
I feel bad for the bus.
Okay, so Giuliani has incriminating or really embarrassing dirt on Trump. Is there any other way to read this?

I doubt that Giuliani will be thrown under the bus. He was the one running around behind the scenes at Trump's behest to get Ukraine to agree to open a politically motivated investigation against Biden. He knows where all the body's are, and Trump knows it. So he will be protected to the end.

Sorry del, you're not following my clear point. I don't care what rudy said for 15 minutes. We were discussing his "insurance" comment. You flailed with a silly "it was a small part of his conversation" and "not the main topic". Nobody on the planet uses your silly "math" of "incriminating statement divided by total words said". You even reiterated you failed logic by posting "nuh uh, cherry picking". Now you are trying to deflect (and desperately I might add) with me having to prove his other comments were lying garbage. Forget for a second that everything he says is lying garbage, we were discussing his "insurance" claim. to any normal person, his statement is simply an admission of guilt. I don't need "insurance" from a con man who has repeatedly turned on his henchmen. for some reason rudy thinks he does.

Now if you reply, try not to deflect again.
Your constant demonizing of an American citizens right to his own beliefs and opinions show just how far you have gone from American values.

What a totally idiotic comment that is. Think before you type.
Another day at the gossip fountain.

It sounds like you're defending Giuliani. Might want to be careful on that. Latest is Trump is distancing himself from Giuliani, saying "I have no idea why Giuliani went to Ukraine. I didn't send him. He has lots of clients." Yet back in May Giuliani claimed "I only have one client."

So, you are saying he was lying about his "insurance" comment?
Giuliani will get thrown under the bus. Will "turn" on trump, trump fans will say Giuliani is a scumbag and a liar (as he'll have perjured himself a few days earlier) that can't be trusted like Michael Cohen. Trump will say Giuliani did everything on his own.

Then trump will dangle a pardon. Giuliani will be indicted and charged, won't turn on trump anymore, Trump will be re-elected.

I'll bet 100 dollars right now
Okay, so Giuliani has incriminating or really embarrassing dirt on Trump. Is there any other way to read this?

Which won't stop the Trumpologists from trying, mind you.... But this is clearly a threat to Trump.

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Which won't stop the Trumpologists from trying, mind you.... But this is clearly a threat to Trump.

Sent from my Moto G (5S) Plus using Tapatalk

Which you know, is totally totally normal and absolutely nothing to think is weird if Trump is A-OK and absolutely everyone around him is A-OK as well, a Presidents personal attorney threatening him on Live TV is absolutely normal and correct and exactly what happens in a very, very good administrations.

I know you and me don’t see eye to eye on a hell of a lot, over the years we’ve butted heads plenty... But damn man... even the Whistlestopper days version of ourselves would still agree crap like this is the Twilight zone and Trumps supporters having nothing to say about it is almost as worse as the craziness of it happening in the first place.

Can we get a magician to disappear rudy? I want to see what's in his safe. I certainly believe it's four decades worth of biden's corruption. You don't?

isn't that similar to what michael cohen thought?

"RICO chart"
as in Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act
that alludes to someone other than the bidens
wonder who it could be
and why the need to whistle that threat
Another day at the gossip fountain.

which portion of the comments reflects gossip rather than responds to julieanie's threat to the president of the United States

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