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Ginsburg never repented of promoting murder of children (1 Viewer)


Apr 29, 2020
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Political Leaning
You can call it Choice all you want, but what is being chosen is murder

Once you accept that one group of humans is fair game for killing, you have accepted that any other group can be targeted as well. If you were in that targeted group, you would not... shall we say... appreciate it.

I hear Nazi Germany began with abortion.

Ginsburg is very likely in Hell as we speak. You cannot thwart God all your life and then, at death, enter serenely into eternal bliss with a God you have ignored and gone against all your life.

It is NOT about choice. It is about MURDER.

Save the Children

Trump 2020
You can call it Choice all you want, but what is being chosen is murder

Once you accept that one group of humans is fair game for killing, you have accepted that any other group can be targeted as well. If you were in that targeted group, you would not... shall we say... appreciate it.

I hear Nazi Germany began with abortion.

Ginsburg is very likely in Hell as we speak. You cannot thwart God all your life and then, at death, enter serenely into eternal bliss with a God you have ignored and gone against all your life.

It is NOT about choice. It is about MURDER.

Save the Children

Trump 2020
A medical procedure is not murder. Claiming your made up religion makes it something else is bs.
anyone who says abortion is not murder is not an intelligent person

What is the definition of murder?

What is the definition of abortion?

One issue that you struggle with is that you don't seem to know what words mean.

If it were my native language, I'd probably try to work on that.
A medical procedure is not murder. Claiming your made up religion makes it something else is bs.
believe what you want

you have to meet Jesus some day like everyone else

Jesus is God
What is the definition of murder?

What is the definition of abortion?

One issue that you struggle with is that you don't seem to know what words mean.

If it were my native language, I'd probably try to work on that.
saying something doesn't make it so

sorry about that

as i read somewhere on the internet:

The truth doesn't care about your feelings
saying something doesn't make it so

sorry about that

as i read somewhere on the internet:

The truth doesn't care about your feelings

What in the definition of murder?

What is the definition of abortion?
believe what you want

you have to meet Jesus some day like everyone else

Jesus is God

He is, or he isn't. The question of his existence doesn't suddenly make your thread intelligent.

That miracle is a bridge too far.
He is, or he isn't. The question of his existence doesn't suddenly make your thread intelligent.

That miracle is a bridge too far.
so you believe in the history of...say, George Washington

but not the history of Jesus?

many pagan writers who lived at the time of Christ wrote about Jesus.. but we know how progressives always like to re-write history to fit their agenda
so you believe in the history of...say, George Washington

but not the history of Jesus?

many pagan writers who lived at the time of Christ wrote about Jesus.. but we know how progressives always like to re-write history to fit their agenda

Do you really get distracted this easily?

This is your own thread.

You're trying to say that abortion is murder.

I asked you to define either term.

Not interested in your own topic anymore?
You can call it Choice all you want, but what is being chosen is murder

Once you accept that one group of humans is fair game for killing, you have accepted that any other group can be targeted as well. If you were in that targeted group, you would not... shall we say... appreciate it.

I hear Nazi Germany began with abortion.

Ginsburg is very likely in Hell as we speak. You cannot thwart God all your life and then, at death, enter serenely into eternal bliss with a God you have ignored and gone against all your life.

It is NOT about choice. It is about MURDER.

Save the Children

Trump 2020
Please cite where GInsburg "murdered children."

You can't because your op is a lie.
believe what you want

you have to meet Jesus some day like everyone else

Jesus is God
Jesus is a figment of your imagination, just like god.
You can call it Choice all you want, but what is being chosen is murder

Once you accept that one group of humans is fair game for killing, you have accepted that any other group can be targeted as well. If you were in that targeted group, you would not... shall we say... appreciate it.

I hear Nazi Germany began with abortion.

Ginsburg is very likely in Hell as we speak. You cannot thwart God all your life and then, at death, enter serenely into eternal bliss with a God you have ignored and gone against all your life.

It is NOT about choice. It is about MURDER.

Save the Children

Trump 2020

How many of these right wing ideologically insane threads filled with falsehoods and propaganda are we going to see?
You can call it Choice all you want, but what is being chosen is murder

Once you accept that one group of humans is fair game for killing, you have accepted that any other group can be targeted as well. If you were in that targeted group, you would not... shall we say... appreciate it.

I hear Nazi Germany began with abortion.

Ginsburg is very likely in Hell as we speak. You cannot thwart God all your life and then, at death, enter serenely into eternal bliss with a God you have ignored and gone against all your life.

It is NOT about choice. It is about MURDER.

Save the Children

Trump 2020
I guess you're going to just keep making this thread over and over.
I guess you're going to just keep making this thread over and over.

Is that what's happening? I should take the time to pay more attention to the names. I thought I saw a thread almost exactly like this one yesterday.
You can call it Choice all you want, but what is being chosen is murder

Once you accept that one group of humans is fair game for killing, you have accepted that any other group can be targeted as well. If you were in that targeted group, you would not... shall we say... appreciate it.

I hear Nazi Germany began with abortion.

Ginsburg is very likely in Hell as we speak. You cannot thwart God all your life and then, at death, enter serenely into eternal bliss with a God you have ignored and gone against all your life.

It is NOT about choice. It is about MURDER.

Save the Children

Trump 2020

Why would a Jewish person "repent"? You know she wasn't Christian, right?

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