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Ginni Thomas, Justice Clarence Thomas' wife, exchanged texts with Mark Meadows about efforts to overturn the 2020 election (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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Political Leaning

Wow. I didn't think it had gone that far.

When BILLIONS (Yes...BILLIONS) are being spent, the people spending that money expect RESULTS.
No different than in business, or the mob, especially the mob.
If nothing comes of all that money, certain people become very angry and then they start making drastic decisions.
And sometimes their anger clouds their judgment, like when a leading attorney and the wife of a Supreme Court Justice assume
they can get away with committing treason.
When BILLIONS (Yes...BILLIONS) are being spent, the people spending that money expect RESULTS.
No different than in business, or the mob, especially the mob.
If nothing comes of all that money, certain people become very angry and then they start making drastic decisions.
And sometimes their anger clouds their judgment, like when a leading attorney and the wife of a Supreme Court Justice assume
they can get away with committing treason.

To be fair, they are getting away with it. And I wouldn't omit Thomas (the husband) either.
Can the OP request a thread merge? This is a hot topic, for obvious reasons, and I'd prefer not to have to toggle between threads. Thanks.

Wow. I didn't think it had gone that far.
How far has it gone?

Have you seen the messages? Your link doesn't show them.

Anyway, what is relevant is that this information was "confirmed by five people who have seen the committee's documents".

This is just another narrative leak from the House dog and pony show.
How far has it gone?

Have you seen the messages? Your link doesn't show them.

Anyway, what is relevant is that this information was "confirmed by five people who have seen the committee's documents".

This is just another narrative leak from the House dog and pony show.
Just repeat over and over again, Trump Is My Hero. Because that's all we get out of any of your Trump posts. It's not even worth Dismissing.
Thomas can’t in good conscience rule on any case related to the 2020 election. Of course, he already has, since he was the lone vote approving trump’s appeal to keep his records secret.
How far has it gone?

Have you seen the messages? Your link doesn't show them.

Anyway, what is relevant is that this information was "confirmed by five people who have seen the committee's documents".

This is just another narrative leak from the House dog and pony show.
Treason and anyone who supports these people should be charged with it as well and removed from this country
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Thomas can’t in good conscience rule on any case related to the 2020 election. Of course, he already has, since he was the lone vote approving trump’s appeal to keep his records secret.
Why? Joe Biden never once discussed with Hunter Biden about his business dealings. Surely a private citizen can communicate with whomever they wish.
Already a long thread about this.....
Thomas can’t in good conscience rule on any case related to the 2020 election. Of course, he already has, since he was the lone vote approving trump’s appeal to keep his records secret.
Well we know he doesn't care because none of them do
Can the OP request a thread merge? This is a hot topic, for obvious reasons, and I'd prefer not to have to toggle between threads. Thanks.
I just a message to the OP with a link to the other thread and asked if he could request a thread merge.
No worries! It happens to me all the time!
I sent a message to the OP with a link to the other thread to ask for a thread merge and deleted my posts here and will repost in the other thread Thanks
I sent a message to the OP with a link to the other thread to ask for a thread merge and deleted my posts here and will repost in the other thread Thanks
The funny thing is that the cultists aren't responding to either thread!

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