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Get Personal, free Shrink Services (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
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New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
My credentials as being a self-proclaimed psychologist/psychiatrist comes from having 45 years of hands on and on the job experience with chronic abuse and trauma. I will never get a P.H.D. in psychiatry because my work and research with and for treatment is an ongoing lifelong ordeal. Besides, whose couch would you rather lie on, that of a psychiatrist with an 8-12 year P.H.D. degree and no personal experience, or that of a lifelong experienced (hands-on) journeyman like myself? I know the ladies prefer me.

Many of you have seen (especially the moderators) here, that I tend to personalize the debating techniques of politics. I guess its just my consideration and concern for the health of all humanity. The latest warning by a moderator to me was that I should stop misspelling the names of those I respond to, or I shouldn’t respond at all. I think you can clearly see why I choose to post down here now, as it is near impossible to deal with important subject matter and with minutia at the same time.

My initial intent for Debate Politics was to personalize and explore the ideologies and skewed rationale of the liberal mindset. Since Michael Savage’s key statement that “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder” rears it’s ugly head on a daily basis here, I felt a personal obligation to offer my ‘free’ services to those most directly afflicted with this pernicious scourge.

Current replies to my postings have showed a yearning for some to vent by releasing pent up rage. This is good; it’s a first step in a much overdue treatment process. I specifically refer to ‘TEACHER’.

There were veterans and women on various PTSD forums warning me not to open up with my most illuminating gut-wrenching descriptions of personal trauma. Their concern was there might be some over sensitive weaker veteran reading the thread, and that he might be somehow coerced into going over the edge, i.e. commit suicide. Balderdash! These were men that were subjected to all the horrors of a year in combat. If they’re that weak, that insecure with their treatment progress, then they didn’t belong on a PTSD forum in the first place.

So with Teacher: Good to see that you touched first base with your feelings. Remember, this isn’t a contest to shout out how much worse you think your traumas were than that of another. You need to take a step backward by re-enrolling precious time in dealing with rage, by becoming a student again. Don’t worry, we’ll put your current self-proclaimed status as ’Teacher’ on hold until you’ve done some constructive studying under my preferred tutelage…free of charge
ptsdkid said:
The latest warning by a moderator to me was that I should stop misspelling the names of those I respond to, or I shouldn’t respond at all. I think you can clearly see why I choose to post down here now, as it is near impossible to deal with important subject matter and with minutia at the same time.

What in the name of goofiness are you talking about?

Just so you know I don't give a rat's *** that you called me Tallyban and I don't care if it was a joke, a spelling error, or just plain silliness. I just want to make it clear that I didn't report you or anything 'cause I didn't give a ****. So feel free to call me whatever you want down here.

And just so you know I vote mostly Republican so I don't think I could possibly have the liberal mental disorder you are referring to. But feel free to offer up any therapeutic advise you think I need. I'm sure it'll be entertaining if nothing else.

On a side note I'm not even sure exactly what I said that offended you or if I did offend you at all. Why don't you tell me if and when I did? I'm kinda curious and I have pretty thick skin so feel free to let loose.

Or perhaps this has not a thing to do with me in which case disregard my whole post. You seem to have a problem with "teacher" so maybe the whole tallyban thing was just incidental. Your post is just so gosh darn all over the place I can't honestly make heads or tails of it.
Last edited:
Dr. TimKid,
I am having trouble in the bedroom. I noticed that last night, when I used my vibrator for the first time with batteries, that I came with in 3 minutes. Whats wrong with me???? I think that these damn liberals are messing with my mind so much, that I am having a sort of pre-matured session. Can you help me?
talloulou said:
What in the name of goofiness are you talking about?

Just so you know I don't give a rat's *** that you called me Tallyban and I don't care if it was a joke, a spelling error, or just plain silliness. I just want to make it clear that I didn't report you or anything 'cause I didn't give a ****. So feel free to call me whatever you want down here.

***Looks like uou misread my post. I am talking about 'Teacher'. Unless you go by that name?
@_girL........ said:
Dr. TimKid,
I am having trouble in the bedroom. I noticed that last night, when I used my vibrator for the first time with batteries, that I came with in 3 minutes. Whats wrong with me???? I think that these damn liberals are messing with my mind so much, that I am having a sort of pre-matured session. Can you help me?

***I see you caught that part about the women preferring me over a paid shrink. ATTA GIRL! Sneak in a private e-mail to me, and we'll see what my busy schedule looks like. Sincerely...Dr.Kid
Watch out.

He tells you his services are free, but when he gets you under hypnosis, he gets you to spill your bank account numbers and your personal info. He then cleans you out, and makes a few more bucks selling your info to indentity thieves. Finally, he puts your name on Tom Delay's mailing and telemarketing lists, and your ruin is complete. :)
ptsdkid said:
My credentials as being a self-proclaimed psychologist/psychiatrist comes from having 45 years of hands on and on the job experience with chronic abuse and trauma. I will never get a P.H.D. in psychiatry because my work and research with and for treatment is an ongoing lifelong ordeal. Besides, whose couch would you rather lie on, that of a psychiatrist with an 8-12 year P.H.D. degree and no personal experience, or that of a lifelong experienced (hands-on) journeyman like myself? I know the ladies prefer me.

Many of you have seen (especially the moderators) here, that I tend to personalize the debating techniques of politics. I guess its just my consideration and concern for the health of all humanity. The latest warning by a moderator to me was that I should stop misspelling the names of those I respond to, or I shouldn’t respond at all. I think you can clearly see why I choose to post down here now, as it is near impossible to deal with important subject matter and with minutia at the same time.

My initial intent for Debate Politics was to personalize and explore the ideologies and skewed rationale of the liberal mindset. Since Michael Savage’s key statement that “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder” rears it’s ugly head on a daily basis here, I felt a personal obligation to offer my ‘free’ services to those most directly afflicted with this pernicious scourge.

Current replies to my postings have showed a yearning for some to vent by releasing pent up rage. This is good; it’s a first step in a much overdue treatment process. I specifically refer to ‘TEACHER’.

There were veterans and women on various PTSD forums warning me not to open up with my most illuminating gut-wrenching descriptions of personal trauma. Their concern was there might be some over sensitive weaker veteran reading the thread, and that he might be somehow coerced into going over the edge, i.e. commit suicide. Balderdash! These were men that were subjected to all the horrors of a year in combat. If they’re that weak, that insecure with their treatment progress, then they didn’t belong on a PTSD forum in the first place.

So with Teacher: Good to see that you touched first base with your feelings. Remember, this isn’t a contest to shout out how much worse you think your traumas were than that of another. You need to take a step backward by re-enrolling precious time in dealing with rage, by becoming a student again. Don’t worry, we’ll put your current self-proclaimed status as ’Teacher’ on hold until you’ve done some constructive studying under my preferred tutelage…free of charge

Dr. Kid, I have a serious problem. Women clamore to me like bees to honey. I'm almost TOO good looking. What should I do?
George_Washington said:
Dr. Kid, I have a serious problem. Women clamore to me like bees to honey. I'm almost TOO good looking. What should I do?

***Women are all over you, and that is a problem?
ptsdkid said:
Current replies to my postings have showed a yearning for some to vent by releasing pent up rage. This is good; it’s a first step in a much overdue treatment process. I specifically refer to ‘TEACHER’.

What's up?

There were veterans and women on various PTSD forums warning me not to open up with my most illuminating gut-wrenching descriptions of personal trauma.

Say it out loud bro. You'll find folks here that will listen and maybe even help. But don't use it as an excuse for bad behavior.

So with Teacher: Good to see that you touched first base with your feelings.

I feel better all ready. But why do all the ink blots look like my Mother's breasts?

Remember, this isn’t a contest to shout out how much worse you think your traumas were than that of another.

Just pointing out that if you think you have it so tough, there's always some one with a worse story. I'll tell you about my friend Noel one day. Makes my deal look like I dropped my last cookie in dog poo.

You need to take a step backward by re-enrolling precious time in dealing with rage, by becoming a student again.

A little well directed rage is healthy, as long as the recipiant is worthy. Like, oh, I don't know, a racist, sexist Nazi. Never heard the student insult before. Clever.

Don’t worry, we’ll put your current self-proclaimed status as ’Teacher’ on hold until you’ve done some constructive studying under my preferred tutelage…free of charge

Who's we? You, Robodonn and FreeThinker? You guys make Navy look liberal.

I'd love a session with you. Can I just go ahead and tell you about my childhood? I was surrounded by people who loved and looked after me. I was never abused. I had a dog and a cat. All my baby sitters were hot. I always had the best treefort. The worst thing was my Mom always dressed me nice and made me eat vegetables. It was Hell.
cherokee said:
I have a serious problem.
See I have a SS S&W .40 (large Frame) that I got some years ago but recently I bought a Tarsus .45 for concealed carry (see link)

Now my .40 thinks I don’t love her anymore. How can I stop the jealousy from destroying our happy little home?

Tell the 40 it was just a fling. Keep them separated and lie. Don't come home smelling of cordite. Or tell the 40 you love her too much to risk her in public.
George_Washington said:
Dr. Kid, I have a serious problem. Women clamore to me like bees to honey. I'm almost TOO good looking. What should I do?

Was that clamore to you or was that they want to attach claymore mines to you?...............;) Just asking....
teacher said:
Tell the 40 it was just a fling. Keep them separated and lie. Don't come home smelling of cordite. Or tell the 40 you love her too much to risk her in public.

Its no use. Now the colt .45 (1971) wants to know why he's always stuck inside the display box or why the 1943 Russain Mosin Nagant M91/30 never gets to leave the house. Next it will be the MK5 Jungle Carb.
ptsdkid said:
***I see you caught that part about the women preferring me over a paid shrink. ATTA GIRL! Sneak in a private e-mail to me, and we'll see what my busy schedule looks like. Sincerely...Dr.Kid

um..... Well, you said your services were free, so okay!!! If that is the price I have to pay for free services (the waiting) I will do it. But I do have to say, it kinda reminds me of the Health Care system in Canada, if I have to wait at all!!! So, Im going to put a time frame of when you can help me, after all, ATTA Girl needs to please herself often, so I can't wait for long.
cherokee said:
Its no use. Now the colt .45 (1971) wants to know why he's always stuck inside the display box or why the 1943 Russain Mosin Nagant M91/30 never gets to leave the house. Next it will be the MK5 Jungle Carb.

You're screwed. Get a good lawyer and kiss half you're shi*t goodbye.
George_Washington said:
Dr. Kid, I have a serious problem. Women clamore to me like bees to honey. I'm almost TOO good looking. What should I do?

Go with it. Take full advantage of this situation. If you can make monetary gains so much the better. Brag afterwards and don't spare the details. Where's Dr. Kid?
@_girL........ said:
Dr. TimKid,
I am having trouble in the bedroom. I noticed that last night, when I used my vibrator for the first time with batteries, that I came with in 3 minutes. Whats wrong with me???? I think that these damn liberals are messing with my mind so much, that I am having a sort of pre-matured session. Can you help me?

Buy a battery charger and rechargeable batteries.

Tell me how many and what type of batteries your little friend takes and I'll tell you what to buy at Radio Shack.

This is easy.
teacher said:
Buy a battery charger and rechargeable batteries.

Tell me how many and what type of batteries your little friend takes and I'll tell you what to buy at Radio Shack.

This is easy.

And I'll send my video camera so she can...errr...document the project.
Dr. Kid, I also have another problem that I was hoping that perhaps you or teacher could help me with (See teacher, I spelled your name with a lower case t, so give me some credit dood ;)). I have been having an affair with a female ghost that haunted my room for several months. I am in love but I am not sure how society will view love between a man and a ghost, the living and the dead. There's a lot of prejudice towards the dead in this country. I am thinking about moving to France where the dead enjoy marriage and other equal rights. Anyway, what should I do? Is it wrong for me to make love to a ghost?
George_Washington said:
Dr. Kid, I also have another problem that I was hoping that perhaps you or teacher could help me with (See teacher, I spelled your name with a lower case t, so give me some credit dood ;)). I have been having an affair with a female ghost that haunted my room for several months. I am in love but I am not sure how society will view love between a man and a ghost, the living and the dead. There's a lot of prejudice towards the dead in this country. I am thinking about moving to France where the dead enjoy marriage and other equal rights. Anyway, what should I do? Is it wrong for me to make love to a ghost?

That depends on what she looks like.

You might want to steer clear of France for a while...


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