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Germany ready to support EU ban on Russian oil (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 8, 2020
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Political Leaning
While a ban on Russian gas still is a no go, Germany has now moved to support a ban on Russian oil. Replacing oil is of course easier than replacing gas, same infrastructure no matter where the oil comes from (over 70% of Russian oil comes with tanker rather than pipeline, meaning the same way oil from any other destination would come).

Germany ready to support EU ban on Russian oil

Landlocked countries like Hungary and Slovakia are in a harder position (and Orban would probably veto the whole thing if Hungary can't be an exception).

EU may offer Hungary, Slovakia exemptions from Russian oil embargo

Germany warns prices may spike as Russia sanctions tighten

This is a duh. Energy prices will keep going up, and it will become more and more of an issue for those who barely can afford it right now. And obviously this is not just true for Germany, in some other countries it will most likely be worse.

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