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Germany boosts own vaccine makers in race for COVID-19 jab (1 Viewer)


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Germany boosts own vaccine makers in race for COVID-19 jab

BERLIN (AP) — Germany says it is providing up to 750 million euros ($892 million) to support three domestic pharmaceutical companies that are developing vaccines against the new coronavirus.

Science Minister Anja Karliczek said Tuesday that the government has already agreed to provide BioNTech and CureVac with 375 million euros and 230-million euros respectively to develop their mRNA-based vaccines.

Talks with a third company, IDT Biologika, are expected to conclude soon, she said. The company is developing a vector-based vaccine that delivers a coronavirus protein into cells to stimulate the body’s immune response.
It's hard to keep track of all the vaccine developers.
Germany boosts own vaccine makers in race for COVID-19 jab

BERLIN (AP) — Germany says it is providing up to 750 million euros ($892 million) to support three domestic pharmaceutical companies that are developing vaccines against the new coronavirus.

Science Minister Anja Karliczek said Tuesday that the government has already agreed to provide BioNTech and CureVac with 375 million euros and 230-million euros respectively to develop their mRNA-based vaccines.

Talks with a third company, IDT Biologika, are expected to conclude soon, she said. The company is developing a vector-based vaccine that delivers a coronavirus protein into cells to stimulate the body’s immune response.
It's hard to keep track of all the vaccine developers.

All good. The more the better.

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