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George Zimmerman punched in face for bragging about killing Trayvon Martin [W:153] (1 Viewer)


Minister of Love
DP Veteran
Feb 24, 2014
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George Zimmerman punched in face for bragging about killing Trayvon Martin, witnesses allege | WFTV

Zimmerman claimed he was explaining to people sitting at a table that he shot Trayvon Martin in self- defense when a large man approached and asked, “You're bragging about that?” before punching him Zimmerman in the face.

Witnesses said they overheard Zimmerman say to someone, “I love your tattoos. My name is George Zimmerman, you know, that guy who killed Trayvon Martin?” Witness said Zimmerman also showed his identification card.
A well deserved blow to the face, I'd say. :lol:
I need to buy the guy who punched him a beer.
The guy is a massive tool.
I so look forward to the day when George Zimmerman is no longer considered a news story.
From what I've read, there are so many varying accounts, he may not even have been punched in the face.

Nevertheless, trouble follows that sack of human excrement around wherever he goes. Most telling.

I supported his through the trial, taking him at his word, just like the jury.

I was wrong, as this clown has turned out to a complete piece of human garbage.

One of the rare cases where we all see his karma continually catching up with him.
Sounds like the guy that punched him was an overaggressive retard.

Oh and yes, I would brag about killing Martin too. He was a punk that died a well deserved death. If that upsets you then perhaps you need to get over it. :shrug:
Sounds like the guy that punched him was an overaggressive retard.

Oh and yes, I would brag about killing Martin too. He was a punk that died a well deserved death. If that upsets you then perhaps you need to get over it. :shrug:

What a upstanding guy you are, Henrin.
I supported his through the trial, taking him at his word, just like the jury.

I was wrong, as this clown has turned out to a complete piece of human garbage.

One of the rare cases where we all see his karma continually catching up with him.
No you weren't. Martin was a PoS, and punk. Got what he went after............trouble. The fact that Zimmerman is a ****up, doesn't change that one iota.
You've got that in the wrong order.

Nothing that was mentioned in the article spoke towards Zimmerman being the aggressor. Basically Zimmerman said a few words and the other guy lost his temper and punched him. Care to tell me how Zimmerman was at fault for the situation? I'll be waiting...
Well...unless he is in Idaho, eating in a diner off I-90 somewhere between Deer Lodge and Wall City, he should be prepared for just such a response. I'm surprised he didn't shoot the man.

I think you mean in Montana.
The punch was wrong. Just because you disagree or are offended with what someone says doesn't justify a phisically violent reaction. All those who wanna buy the man a drink are supporting violence. If it did Trump and Hillary would have no teeth and permanent shinners.

That said in my younger days I would have probably popped Z in the mouth. Now I hope I'm a little smarter and would handle things different.
No you weren't. Martin was a PoS, and punk. Got what he went after............trouble. The fact that Zimmerman is a ****up, doesn't change that one iota.

There's no evidence he 'went after trouble'.

Perhaps if you were actually familiar with the details of the case, you'd have known that.
No you weren't. Martin was a PoS, and punk. Got what he went after............trouble. The fact that Zimmerman is a ****up, doesn't change that one iota.

American,how do you call a guy a POS and punk when he was walking home minding his own business? I just want to know the basis of your opinion concerning Trayvon's character that justified Z shooting him.
The punch was wrong. Just because you disagree or are offended with what someone says doesn't justify a phisically violent reaction. All those who wanna buy the man a drink are supporting violence. If it did Trump and Hillary would have no teeth and permanent shinners.

You know, I would probably buy drinks for the ones who punched them too! :2razz:
There's no evidence he 'went after trouble'.

Perhaps if you were actually familiar with the details of the case, you'd have known that.

Sure there is. He saw a guy who was watching him and instead of going home and calling the cops because a creepy-ass dude was stalking him, he confronted Zimmerman and took him down to the ground. That's the exact opposite of "no evidence he went after trouble".
Sure there is. He saw a guy who was watching him and instead of going home and calling the cops because a creepy-ass dude was stalking him, he confronted Zimmerman and took him down to the ground. That's the exact opposite of "no evidence he went after trouble".

Nope. There is no solid evidence on who confronted whom, but there was testimony that he was heard on the phone saying, "Why are you following me for?", indicating that he was not the aggressor.
Even though I personally think the guys a tool, I don't condone violence.
American,how do you call a guy a POS and punk when he was walking home minding his own business? I just want to know the basis of your opinion concerning Trayvon's character that justified Z shooting him.

He wasn't minding his own business. He came after Zimmerman. Look, I'm not going to retry this case with you. Your viewpoint lost in court, get over it.

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