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George Will leaves the Republican Party (1 Viewer)

Dittohead not!

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Dec 3, 2009
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Washington (CNN)Conservative commentator and columnist George Will says he is leaving the Republican Party because of Donald Trump -- and he's advocating that others do the same.

In a speech at a Federalist Society luncheon Friday, he told the audience, "This is not my party," according to PJ Media, a conservative news website.

source: CNN
While Trump is, indeed, a disaster, I haven't liked that snooty SOB since he called MMA "boxing for degenerates".
I don't see a plus for the next party he joins.
Now that William F. Buckley is dead George Will is the nation's foremost conservative intellectual (indeed, he might have been foremost while Buckley was still alive). The Republican Party needs people like him afvuckofalot more than it needs idiots like Trump.
I do agree that trump is a complete disaster but I don't think you should leave a political party just because of the candidate, like for example I don't really like Hillary so I just leave the democrats just because of her. You don't leave a party that represents your values and passions.
If this were old timey Japan Mr Will would have taken a sword.

That is the honorable thing to do after colossal failure.

Commission of, moral and on the job.

In Mr Wills Case.
It is interesting to me that I thought Buckley was A Ok but Will, while in many ways he is following the same path, seems repulsive to me. Something about how in the camera Buckley seemed to be aware that he was part of a game with the rest of us, there was at times vulnerability and a sense of fun. Will just seems like an annoying prick who is sure that he is smarter than me thus thinks that the act of me listening to him makes me worthy of his consideration.

It's all about him.
It's working! The RINOs are leaving!!! Thank you Donald Trump!!!

Good riddance. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, George. :2wave:
I do agree that trump is a complete disaster but I don't think you should leave a political party just because of the candidate, like for example I don't really like Hillary so I just leave the democrats just because of her. You don't leave a party that represents your values and passions.

I didn't like Sen. McCain as a candidate for President. I didn't like Gov. Romney as a candidate for president. They were both liberals. Now, Mr. Trump is a liberal but sadly that might be his best quality. He's a liar, a huckster, deadbeat, and a liberal.

I don't vote on what a candidate says because even the best are far less than honest. I look at what the candidate has done whether it's the McCain/Feingold Bill or Romneycare and make my decisions. When you look at Mr. Trump record you see nothing praiseworthy. Whether it's his miraculous draft classification or his rapid removal from a position of authority in the "military" to his clawing his way up from the bottom to his string of manipulated bankruptcies to Trump University and Vera Coking and his love for Hillary Clinton.

As for what he says, he changes so often and so quickly he really is a fool or he's lying or, of course, both. Is he going to protect the Second Amendment or is he going to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill, which to a liberal is any conservative, and "enemies of the state" which is a description used only by leftists.

I'm not a Republican and never was but I'm not sure other than a public announcement, much like Mr. Trump did to claim he was a devout Christian, how you "join" a party.

Donald Trump does have an edge for Tweeting. He really can say everything he knows on any subject in 140 characters. Then he has to start either whining or shouting.
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If this were old timey Japan Mr Will would have taken a sword.

That is the honorable thing to do after colossal failure.

Commission of, moral and on the job.

In Mr Wills Case.

I'm shocked you don't think Mr. Trump should have taken to the sword after his first, second, third, or fourth bankruptcy. Or after the Trump University scam. When it comes to failures and frauds Mr. Trump has had more than his share and is proud of them. On bankruptcies he brags on how much money he made stiffing the little people. On Trump University he whines about a Mexican judge who, of course, is no more Mexican than Donald Trump is Swedish.
Why would anybody care that some hack pouts and quits a nothing job writing PR fluff for a political party? Why would Trump care if people who didn't support him anyway leave?
Why would anybody care that some hack pouts and quits a nothing job writing PR fluff for a political party? Why would Trump care if people who didn't support him anyway leave?

A. Dishonest Donald cared enough to write a stupid tweet.
B. Delicate Donald is not a RINO. He's a lying liberal Democrat. If he is elected it will be fun to watch the wall not be erected and the illegals not being deported and guns being taken from the mentally ill and enemies of the state. And, Disgusting Donald has said he can do what he wants and ignore the courts and the congress. He's a King Obama II.
A. Dishonest Donald cared enough to write a stupid tweet.
B. Delicate Donald is not a RINO. He's a lying liberal Democrat. If he is elected it will be fun to watch the wall not be erected and the illegals not being deported and guns being taken from the mentally ill and enemies of the state. And, Disgusting Donald has said he can do what he wants and ignore the courts and the congress. He's a King Obama II.

So? He brought record turnouts for Republican primaries, and he won most of the delegates. They wouldn't have lost to Trump if they hadn't been lying to their own Party rank and file for decades. Tough; you're left with the ridiculous narrative that he's ' dishonest as a politician' ... lol like that's some sort of oddity in politics and makes Hillary's Vagina or Sell Out Paul Ryan 'better'.

the faux 'conservatives' and 'right wingers' are being given the finger by their own voters; they routinely sold out the country and its people right along with the New Democrat sociopaths and mentally ill vermin, and they deserve it. The GOP can crash and burn in hell as far as they're concerned. Go ahead and hand it to Hillary's Vagina and let her appoint three or so SC Justices while the faux 'right' runs home and hides under their beds crying until they get their way. It's their own fault, so screw em.
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I do agree that trump is a complete disaster but I don't think you should leave a political party just because of the candidate, like for example I don't really like Hillary so I just leave the democrats just because of her. You don't leave a party that represents your values and passions.

He's not Leaving the GOP, the GOP left him. I feel the same way. The rise of Trump and the number of both GOP officials and idiot voters that put that man where he is....
I cannot relate to these people, nor will I sully myself associating with them.
So? He brought record turnouts for Republican primaries, and he won most of the delegates. They wouldn't have lost to Trump if they hadn't been lying to their own Party rank and file for decades. Tough; you're left with the ridiculous narrative that he's ' dishonest as a politician' ... lol like that's some sort of oddity in politics and makes Hillary's Vagina or Sell Out Paul Ryan 'better'.

the faux 'conservatives' and 'right wingers' are being given the finger by their own voters; they routinely sold out the country and its people right along with the New Democrat sociopaths and mentally ill vermin, and they deserve it. The GOP can crash and burn in hell as far as they're concerned. Go ahead and hand it to Hillary's Vagina and let her appoint three or so SC Justices while the faux 'right' runs home and hides under their beds crying until they get their way. It's their own fault, so screw em.

Oh, no, not dishonest as a politician. Dishonest as a person and proud of it. He lies in his business and personal life and like most liberals he's proud of it. No conservatives are hiding under the bed and certainly not from Trumpkins. I want to be out and about if Trump is elected. If Trump is elected I'll cry for America and laugh loud at the Trumpkins denying they voted for the huckster.

Me? I will never vote for another liberal and certainly not a liberal Democrat like Trump. You can. Oh, and for the liberals who say not voting for Delicate Donald is the same as voting for Sen. Clinton. That's as stupid as most statements Donald Trump makes. If Sen. Clinton get elected I will also cry for America and blame the nitwits who nominated a liar, a huckster, a deadbeat, and a liberal Democrat to run as a Republican.
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A prominent conservative pundit leaves the Republican Party, and Trump's Chumps don't see any problem with that. Add to that the other prominent politicians and pundits who have left the party, and they still don't see that their candidate is toxic to the party.
A prominent conservative pundit leaves the Republican Party, and Trump's Chumps don't see any problem with that. Add to that the other prominent politicians and pundits who have left the party, and they still don't see that their candidate is toxic to the party.

Oh...as an outsider, I see this situation as a problem, but not for "the party". Rather for the party elites and their mouthpieces.
Oh...as an outsider, I see this situation as a problem, but not for "the party". Rather for the party elites and their mouthpieces.

You don't see Trump as a problem for the Republican Party? Really?
You don't see Trump as a problem for the Republican Party? Really?

No. Only for those at the very top of the party. Those who have shown that they will do anything to control the party...even to the point of working against their own party members. Those who have shown that they don't mind throwing the platform of the party to the wayside when it comes to feathering their own nest and the nests of the corporatist who support them.
No. Only for those at the very top of the party. Those who have shown that they will do anything to control the party...even to the point of working against their own party members. Those who have shown that they don't mind throwing the platform of the party to the wayside when it comes to feathering their own nest and the nests of the corporatist who support them.

and the alternative is to get behind a candidate who is a laughingstock with no realistic chance of winning the election. Trump is toxic either way.
George will is shown to be WRONG by the stock markets on the UK VOTE.. and TRUMP right on the harm to a nation of certain immigration

friday stock market had UK losing 3.15%... france 6.2%.. germany 6.8%

today monday has it Uk losing 2.5%.... france 3.4% and germany 3.5%

what we see is the money is betting on that the immigration issue harms and UK stopping the immigration issue is harmed less and germany bringing the immigration issue the most harmed the most

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