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George Galloway (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
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George Galloway,what do u lads think about him and Noram Coleman.

who is right,like to hear your thoughts.

mikeey said:
George Galloway,what do u lads think about him and Noram Coleman.

who is right,like to hear your thoughts.


Norm Colemans arguments lose credibility when you found out that galoway was demonstateing outside the iraqi embassay at the same time that the u.s government including norm coleman was suporrting saddams regiume. It seams unlikely that such a long-time critic of saddam would have anything to do with him. That said Galloways gone down in my estimations as he recently missed a vote on an important pice of anti-terroism legislation which he opossed for a paid speaking engagement in ireland. The government ended up winning by one vote:doh
Dave my good friend u r right,but our pm O what do u think about that ****ing bacteria, that we have got,i am sure that u think the way as me, about as well, mind and wash your hands haha.

kind regards to U

mikeey said:
Dave my good friend u r right,but our pm O what do u think about that ****ing bacteria, that we have got,i am sure that u think the way as me, about as well, mind and wash your hands haha.

kind regards to U

DAVE i am having a few beers to nite so please excuse me as my spelling
is not so good.

god bless u m8 and the rest of u fellas.

god bless American People

regards mikeey.

ps my post r not so bad just now,over 100.
Eh, Norm Coleman is just a standard politician without many real beliefs.

George Galloway is much, much worse. He met with Cindy Sheehan to comfort her, even though less than a week before, he had been in Iraq praising the insurgents and stirring up anti-American and anti-British sentiment. He told Syrians on national television that they were "lucky to have Bashar Assad" as their president. On al-Jazeera, Galloway told all Arabs that "two of your daughters - Jerusalem and Baghdad - are being violated by strangers." He's an ideologue, a horrible human being, and is an absolute disgrace to the British government. He's been accused of getting kickbacks from Saddam Hussein in the oil-for-food scandal (which would not surprise me one bit), and if it's true, it indicates that a prominent politician of one of the most powerful democracies in the world was bought by a foreign dictator.
Kandahar said:
Eh, Norm Coleman is just a standard politician without many real beliefs.

George Galloway is much, much worse. He met with Cindy Sheehan to comfort her, even though less than a week before, he had been in Iraq praising the insurgents and stirring up anti-American and anti-British sentiment. He told Syrians on national television that they were "lucky to have Bashar Assad" as their president. On al-Jazeera, Galloway told all Arabs that "two of your daughters - Jerusalem and Baghdad - are being violated by strangers." He's an ideologue, a horrible human being, and is an absolute disgrace to the British government. He's been accused of getting kickbacks from Saddam Hussein in the oil-for-food scandal (which would not surprise me one bit), and if it's true, it indicates that a prominent politician of one of the most powerful democracies in the world was bought by a foreign dictator.

two questions

1. whats wrong with ideologues?
2. what was so offensive about saying "two of your daughters - Jerusalem and Baghdad - are being violated by strangers." Its true isnt it?
3 Isnt it fairly unlikely that sadam husien would give money to one of his fircest critics?
Red_Dave said:
two questions

1. whats wrong with ideologues?
2. what was so offensive about saying "two of your daughters - Jerusalem and Baghdad - are being violated by strangers." Its true isnt it?
3 Isnt it fairly unlikely that sadam husien would give money to one of his fircest critics?

That's three questions, but OK.

1. Ideologues refuse to consider any viewpoint that doesn't fall within their rigid set of beliefs. They attempt to interpret reality in a way to match their views, rather than changing their views to match reality.

2. Here's the full quote. Think about this in context of Arab society, and what images these words are likely to convoke: "Two of your beautiful daughters are in the hands of foreigners: Jerusalem and Baghdad. The foreigners are doing to your daughters as they will. The daughters are crying for help and the Arab world is silent. Some of them are collaborating with the rape of these two beautiful Arab daughters." If that's not a direct appeal to terrorists, I don't know what is.

3. If George Galloway was ever a "fierce critic" of Saddam Hussein (which I'm not so sure of), he gave it up as soon as the United States and United Kingdom also became fierce critics of Saddam Hussein. Here are some Galloway quotes about Saddam Hussein:

"Sir, I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability" - George Galloway to Saddam Hussein in Baghdad, January 1994

"The state of Kuwait is clearly a part of the greater Iraqi whole, stolen from the motherland by perfidious Albion." - George Galloway, during the first Gulf War

"In my experience none of the Ba'ath leaders have displayed any hostility to Jews." - From George Galloway's autobiography

"It was a civil war that involved massive violence on both sides" - George Galloway, on Saddam Hussein's gassing the Kurds
Hear hear.

Just as much as i dislike the neo-conservatives that advocated the war in Iraq, I dislike slime balls like George Galloway. The man is siding himself with dictators, to some how make himself some sort of hero in the Arab world.

People that are truely want to fight the war on terror, have no time for neo-conservatives, or the Islamo-apologists, that blame every single problem on the west, and the evils of capitalism. Yet they cannot see that they are playing the devil's advocate.

George Galloway will get his come upence. Hopefully the Senate hearings being held by you guys will show the world, the patholgical two face liar that he is!

He can deny the allegations, but the money/oil trail will lynch him.
Australianlibertarian said:
Hear hear.

Just as much as i dislike the neo-conservatives that advocated the war in Iraq, I dislike slime balls like George Galloway. The man is siding himself with dictators, to some how make himself some sort of hero in the Arab world.

People that are truely want to fight the war on terror, have no time for neo-conservatives, or the Islamo-apologists, that blame every single problem on the west, and the evils of capitalism. Yet they cannot see that they are playing the devil's advocate.

George Galloway will get his come upence. Hopefully the Senate hearings being held by you guys will show the world, the patholgical two face liar that he is!

He can deny the allegations, but the money/oil trail will lynch him.

Well if its so obvious he leid to them why dont they do him for perjury?
Red_Dave said:
Well if its so obvious he leid to them why dont they do him for perjury?

They are most definitely looking into that possibility.

Why are you defending this horrible person?
There ain't a lot a people in British politics (albeit surprisingly) that really make my blood boil, but Gorgeous bloody George is one of them.

His protest against Iraq, I can handle, despite the Saddam Hussien arse-kissing quote Kandahar mentioned, but what really irriatates me is his election...

...he ran on the anti-iraq war ticket, specifically targetting a muslim heavy seat...OK...its a bit low, but thats politics, baby, I'd bet all the other parties would pull the same trick if possible.. People voting for him...'Galloway stand up for the little guy'....'Galloway stands up for the Muslim community'....nope, Galloway stands up only for himself. He has the worst voting record of any MP currently in the House of Commons...yeah George, great job standing up for your community there....and he spends most of his time living in a villa in Portugal. MP's get moaned at for not living in their own constituency, but not even living in their own country.

As you can probably guess from the rant I am no fan of Galloway. A typical Champagne Socialist and a man who should not be a member of the UK Parliament.

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