Squawker said:
We should attack any country that poses a threat to us or our allies, any country that aids or condones terrorists and any country that defies UN resolutions. An empty promise of retaliation means nothing. The UN could help all the countries you named too. Ask them why they don’t do it. Wait, I think we know – they are making too much money dealing with third world thugs. You just want to trash America and this is getting old. The US can do nothing right according to you. I always wonder why people want to come here when we are supposed to be so evil.
Why is attacking the only option discussed? We have our own terrororist organizations here (gangs, white supremists, neo-Natzi's, religious zealots killing doctors, etc., etc.), yet we don't wage war on them. In fact, we tend to look the other way unless we are personally affected by it. Pearl Harbor brought us into WW II, this so-called war on terror was brought to us by 9/11. Where were we, the Super Power, before that?
I agree with the opinion that we are terrorists ourselves, but we tend to wrap our actions in the flag and the poetry of freedom and democracy, so that makes it different somehow. Basic fact is, we, the United States of America, don't always wear the white hat, we are not always right, and we could actually learn from other nations. But no, we are cocky. Our own government was happy controlling and manipulating our enemies to promote our own political and economic agenda (follow the money) until we got hit here at home. How dare they! We Americans forget how young and foolish we are... our nation is still very young -- a teenager compared to the rest of the world, and like teenagers, we know best -- right?
Enough trashing of America? I think it's long overdue. Enough hiding behind God, the flag, and ignorance, refusing to acknowledge the injustices done under red, white and blue. This is not trashing America. This is having the humility to take an honest look at what is wrong with our country, because ONLY through that can we make it better! The founders of our country looked at what was wrong in the old world ruled by tyranny before deciding to take action, and what action to take, in order to make a new world ruled by democracy... of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE, for the PEOPLE.
Just an observation -- when conservatives call liberal talk shows, they do actually get on the air to speak their piece, however, conservative friends, starting every debate with "You people..." and yelling at the host does nothing to bridge the divide already there. I just don't recall democracy applying to only
our people, by only
you people, and for only
my people. Sorry, I digress.
I can still love my country in spite of its faults, and I do! I will defend it when it needs it, but I will not be so arrogant to defend it when it's wrong. That is my right -- to exercise the freedom of speech those before us gave us. I want the U.S. to succeed, and I want to be proud of what we have accomplished, but I want it done HONESTLY and HONORABLY!
We did something because we felt we had to, not because we had to. Your perception is your reality. Some day perhaps the world will move beyond force, but unfortunately the change has to come from humans, and as a species we are too engrossed with ourselves to put anything like peace before our egos. If we truly want to be a global leader, we should lead intelligently and by being strong enough to look at other solutions. How can you possibly hope to promote peace through war?