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General Patton! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
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South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
I am doing a report on General George S. Patton and I have gained a renewed interest in the man. He was a very intriguing and he is probably one of the last great romantic heroes of any war we've ever fought in.

my uncle actually served in Patton's famous Third Army. My Dad doesn't know very much about what he did there. All my uncle told him was that they did a hell of alot of marching but he thinks that some other people might know a bit more so I'll have to ask around.

Ahem. . .well anyways yeah. Patton is awesome. I don't think he would be very efficent in todays wars but I think that he was probably the best and most colorful general we've ever had.
FinnMacCool said:
Ahem. . .well anyways yeah. Patton is awesome. I don't think he would be very efficent in todays wars but I think that he was probably the best and most colorful general we've ever had.

i disagree. maybe not in Iraq, but as far as the war on terror goes i think hed have more success than the military leadership we have now. patton wasnt afraid to identify his enemy and saw things for what they were, spare the political correctness. in my opinion another General Patton is just what we need to help save this country.

good topic for a report though.
FiremanRyan said:
i disagree. maybe not in Iraq, but as far as the war on terror goes i think hed have more success than the military leadership we have now. patton wasnt afraid to identify his enemy and saw things for what they were, spare the political correctness. in my opinion another General Patton is just what we need to help save this country.

good topic for a report though.
Patton would be right on target from a military standpoint in today's war...

The problem would be with the politically correct crowd, which would stifle the war's ultimate objective, which is the same as his....win....
THe reason I don't think Patton would be suited for todays kind of fighting was because he was very aggressive and would not be used to being like almost an occupation force. I mean the insurgents in Iraq don't fight like the Wehrmacht so yeah.

I think maybe if we went in open war with a country that was about as powerful as ours, we might have a need for a Patton like general.

My favorite quote by him "An Army is a team. It lives, sleeps, eats, and fights as a team. This individual heroic stuff is pure horse ****. The bilious bastards who write that kind of stuff for the Saturday Evening Post don't know any more about real fighting under fire than they know about ****ing!"

And btw Teacher, that quote wasn't Pattons. I think it was someone from the 101st Airborne, forget his name.
FinnMacCool said:
THe reason I don't think Patton would be suited for todays kind of fighting was because he was very aggressive and would not be used to being like almost an occupation force. I mean the insurgents in Iraq don't fight like the Wehrmacht so yeah.

I think maybe if we went in open war with a country that was about as powerful as ours, we might have a need for a Patton like general.

My favorite quote by him "An Army is a team. It lives, sleeps, eats, and fights as a team. This individual heroic stuff is pure horse ****. The bilious bastards who write that kind of stuff for the Saturday Evening Post don't know any more about real fighting under fire than they know about ****ing!"

And btw Teacher, that quote wasn't Pattons. I think it was someone from the 101st Airborne, forget his name.

We have a Patton walking the earth in uniform today. His name is General Mattis.

And by the way....Lt. General Harry Kinnard said, "NUTS", concerning the German demand for an American surrender at Bastogne.
FinnMacCool said:
I am doing a report on General George S. Patton and I have gained a renewed interest in the man. He was a very intriguing and he is probably one of the last great romantic heroes of any war we've ever fought in.

my uncle actually served in Patton's famous Third Army. My Dad doesn't know very much about what he did there. All my uncle told him was that they did a hell of alot of marching but he thinks that some other people might know a bit more so I'll have to ask around.

Ahem. . .well anyways yeah. Patton is awesome. I don't think he would be very efficent in todays wars but I think that he was probably the best and most colorful general we've ever had.

no hes not the last you can be sure of that
Out of Iraq comes the next guy for the history books
they will not include how they used DU nukes or how they tortured 11 year
olds while parents were forced to watch
there will be a clean doctored account of iraq
your history only includes 60% politically correct information
they will never teach you for example how
HO chi men
was on America's side during ww2 and fought the japanese and rescued American flyboys
you will come out of school know 60% of the facts
they call it dumbing down the nation
Canuk why don't you go hijack someone elses thread? There is a place to discuss things like that but this is not it.
FinnMacCool said:
Canuk why don't you go hijack someone elses thread? There is a place to discuss things like that but this is not it.

He's like a fly that we can't quite swat, isn't he?
He's like a fly that we can't quite swat, isn't he?

Yes, very much so.

Anyways if any of you have seen the movie Patton you probably remember the very beginning of it when Patton is standing in front of a huge american flag and George Scott does a rendition of his famous speech.

In reality, this opening speech was a lot more vulgar then in the movie. It was a lot funnier also. You can check it out at the link below.
Ahem. . .well anyways yeah. Patton is awesome. I don't think he would be very efficent in todays wars but I think that he was probably the best and most colorful general we've ever had.

I think in todays pc correct military he would proably be arrested for being insensitive, he would proably be acused by liberals of being a hatemounger and he would proably be charged with war crimes.If we had men like patton running the war we would have won Iraq already,Osama Bin Laden would have been found the terrorist would have been squashed like the roaches they are.

"A good plan violently executed right now is far better than a perfect plan executed next week." -- George S. Patton

"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived." -- George S. Patton

"No b*stard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb b*stard die for his country". -- George S. Patton

"To conquer, we must destroy our enemies. We must not only die gallantly; we must kill devastatingly. The faster and more effectively you kill, the longer you will live to enjoy the priceless fame of conquerors." -- George S. Patton

"We'll win this war, but we'll win it only by fighting and by showing the Germans that we've got more guts than they have; or ever will have. We're not going to just shoot the sons-of-b*tches, we're going to rip out their living Godd*mned guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks. We're going to murder those lousy Hun c*cksuckers by the bushel-*****ing-basket. War is a bloody, killing business. You've got to spill their blood, or they will spill yours. Rip them up the belly. Shoot them in the guts. When shells are hitting all around you and you wipe the dirt off your face and realize that instead of dirt it's the blood and guts of what once was your best friend beside you, you'll know what to do!" -- George S. Patton

Here is my favorite one.

"The Nazis are the enemy. Wade into them. Spill their blood. Shoot them in the belly. When you put your hand into a bunch of goo that a moment before was your best friend's face, you'll know what to do" -- George S. Patton

The liberals would have a field day if a general spoke like this man.
Unsurpisingly, James you didn't hesitate to attack liberals using Patton from the very start of your post to the very end of your post. It wouldn't hurt to show a bit more self control.
FinnMacCool said:
Unsurpisingly, James you didn't hesitate to attack liberals using Patton from the very start of your post to the very end of your post. It wouldn't hurt to show a bit more self control.

Well, he does have a point. Marine Lt. General Mattis, a man I admire and who is a hell of a speaker and has the abilities to fire up the troops through his speeches, was in a little hot water earlier this year, because of something he said at a civilian news conference. He said something that was not "politically correct" and everyone acted like he said something wrong.
Originally Posted by FinnMacCool
Unsurpisingly, James you didn't hesitate to attack liberals using Patton from the very start of your post to the very end of your post. It wouldn't hurt to show a bit more self control.

Can you honestly tell me that liberals would not attack a man like General Patton?IF somehow a general was brave to ignor to the politically correct pukes and gave a speech in a Patton like manner,can you even say that the liberels would not have field day with that general?
I believe that General Patton, while a great soldier probably the best this country has ever had, had very little understanding of the politics of the country. Patton was very outspoken but sometimes he didn't know when to keep his mouth shut. It happens. Politicians ( I prefer that you would say politicians because saying that all liberals would do this and that I perceive sometimes as an insult) and Generals are completely different animals who both have a completely different understanding of certain things. Both are needed ( though admittedly I would trust a soldier more then I would trust a politician) and they balance each other out in a yin yang sorta fashion if you can understand that.

Ok so would I attack General Patton if he were around today and made a stupid statement at a press confrence? I don't think I would be happy about it but i certainly wouldn't make a fuss over it. Like I said, Generals aren't neccesarily politicians. They are meant to fight battles not to appease to the masses, so to speak.

Also, regardless of whether the Iraq war is justified or not, the soldier, regardless of political belief or anything else, has a job to do. Even if they do not neccesarily agree with it they do it. I understnad this, and I think many other people understand this as well. Unlike what you try and make other people believe, James, liberals aren't all idiots. Jesse Jackson yeah, Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton yeah but they do not define my beliefs. And certainly not Hillary Clinton. I hate her.
During "rivalry" wars between the Army and the Marines, we usually cover three points.....

The Marine will remark on our history and our legends and world opinion as to who we are and why we are considered to be the best. The soldier will reply that they had the best General...General Patton. The Marine knowing that this is arguably true, because it is common to say that Patton was the best General who wasn't a Marine, will reply...yeah, but you also had Custer! chuckle chuckle
FinnMacCool said:
THe reason I don't think Patton would be suited for todays kind of fighting was because he was very aggressive and would not be used to being like almost an occupation force. I mean the insurgents in Iraq don't fight like the Wehrmacht so yeah.

I think maybe if we went in open war with a country that was about as powerful as ours, we might have a need for a Patton like general.

My favorite quote by him "An Army is a team. It lives, sleeps, eats, and fights as a team. This individual heroic stuff is pure horse ****. The bilious bastards who write that kind of stuff for the Saturday Evening Post don't know any more about real fighting under fire than they know about ****ing!"

And btw Teacher, that quote wasn't Pattons. I think it was someone from the 101st Airborne, forget his name.

I was a great admirer of George S. Patton too. Have you read Ladislas Ferago's biography? Or "Lucky Forward" which was a history of 3rd US Army. Patton also wrote "War as I Knew It" I think or someone published his memoires. Patton's definition of a gentleman was colorful too, "A gentleman is any man who can cuss for 4 minutes without repeating himself."

Actually Patton had many tactics that would be controvercial. He was controvercial in his own time. But strong characters are always controvercial. One thing he ordered his troops to do in Germany to remind people of what the war cost them: his tanks fired into empty buildings to leave a mark that the American army had been through. He also had a tactic that might have use now: if a sniper shot at his troops they pulled back, rolled the tanks in and leveled the building it came from. Harsh but effective.

One whose expertise we miss in this war is Marine Colonel "Chesty" Puller. He fought in the Pacific and those tactics might be useful in Iraq right now. One thing about Patton, he would have stood toe to toe with Saddy til one of them was done the first time around and we may never have needed this war now. There would not have been a desert meeting of armistice until Hussein was captured or dead.
GySgt said:
During "rivalry" wars between the Army and the Marines, we usually cover three points.....

The Marine will remark on our history and our legends and world opinion as to who we are and why we are considered to be the best. The soldier will reply that they had the best General...General Patton. The Marine knowing that this is arguably true, because it is common to say that Patton was the best General who wasn't a Marine, will reply...yeah, but you also had Custer! chuckle chuckle

Hoo-rah to that semper fi! If you catch the post above this you'll note the mention of Chesty Puller. Ever hear of him and the frozen Chosin, Marine? The approach in North Africa and Europe were classic for Patton, but I think Puller could have done better in Sicily. Not that it matters now.
During "rivalry" wars between the Army and the Marines, we usually cover three points.....

The Marine will remark on our history and our legends and world opinion as to who we are and why we are considered to be the best. The soldier will reply that they had the best General...General Patton. The Marine knowing that this is arguably true, because it is common to say that Patton was the best General who wasn't a Marine, will reply...yeah, but you also had Custer! chuckle chuckle

Custer wasn't a bad general imo. He was just a racist pig who was exceedingly arrogant to the point that he would lead 400 men to their death.
Chevalier said:
Hoo-rah to that semper fi! If you catch the post above this you'll note the mention of Chesty Puller. Ever hear of him and the frozen Chosin, Marine? The approach in North Africa and Europe were classic for Patton, but I think Puller could have done better in Sicily. Not that it matters now.

Chesty?!?! Who the hell is Chesty?!?! OF COURSE I know who General Lewis Burwell Puller, endearingly nicknamed "Chesty" by his Marines, is. He is the pride of the Corps.
FinnMacCool said:
Custer wasn't a bad general imo. He was just a racist pig who was exceedingly arrogant to the point that he would lead 400 men to their death.

Mmm hmm. Exactly.
GySgt said:
Chesty?!?! Who the hell is Chesty?!?! OF COURSE I know who General Lewis Burwell Puller, endearingly nicknamed "Chesty" by his Marines, is. He is the pride of the Corps.

I thought you might know the name. I think Chosin was where he made Brigadeer wasn't it? Before going back to his permanent rank of Colonel after Korea? But he didn't live long after that, seems like he died just into the 60s, right? Now there was a general officer. As the army left equipment and ran, the Marines fought their way all the way out, even dropping two improvised bridges so the marines could break out. He could fight!
Chevalier said:
I thought you might know the name. I think Chosin was where he made Brigadeer wasn't it? Before going back to his permanent rank of Colonel after Korea? But he didn't live long after that, seems like he died just into the 60s, right? Now there was a general officer. As the army left equipment and ran, the Marines fought their way all the way out, even dropping two improvised bridges so the marines could break out. He could fight!

Very true. Another fact involved with them "fighting in another direction", is that they picked up Army gear on the way back and the Army demanded it returned!
GySgt said:
Very true. Another fact involved with them "fighting in another direction", is that they picked up Army gear on the way back and the Army demanded it returned!

It would be interesting for an historian to put some of these characters side by side and compare records. Chesty is still the most decorated marine in history and Patton had every medal from the US to the Soviet Union festooned on his chest. They are a pair to remember.

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