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gender differences (1 Viewer)



what are the differences between men and women? there are of course the obvious anatomical differences, but are there more than that? are women better suited to rearing children, and men better suited to working? What other differences are there, if any?

what is the scientific evidence supporting your claims?

these differences don't have to be absolute, but only general trends, though the stronger the trend the better.
There are tendencies, men are slightly better as spacial skills generally and more aggressive, but I would hesitate to judge someone purely on these tendencies.
Certainly in parenting, the reserahc shows absolutely no outcome difference between "normal" and homosexual parents, f.ex.
steen said:
Certainly in parenting, the reserahc shows absolutely no outcome difference between "normal" and homosexual parents, f.ex.

what does "f.ex" mean?

and what research are you refering to?
There are definitely differences between men and women...although the differences WITHIN a gender are much greater than the differences BETWEEN them.

Women tend to be experience-oriented; men tend to be solution-oriented.
Women tend to be nurturing; men tend to be independent.
Women tend to be sensual; men tend to be sexual.
Women tend to be emotional; men tend to be logical.
Women tend to be detail-oriented; men tend to be fact-oriented.

Those are a few of the differences that I can think of off the top of my head.
Men can pee higher up a wall.
star2589 said:
what does "f.ex" mean?
"For example."

and what research are you refering to?

(Sorry, the links to the sources didn't copy, but they work on the original posting page)

Children raised in fatherless families from infancy: family relationships and the socioemotional development of children of lesbian and single heterosexual mothers.
J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 1997 Oct;38(7):783-91.

...The quality of the couples' relationships and the quality of the mother-child interaction did not differ between lesbian mother families and either of the heterosexual family groups. The quality of the interaction between the social mother and the child in lesbian families was superior to that between the father and the child in both groups of heterosexual families. Childrens' own perception of their parents was similar in all family types; the social mother in lesbian families was regarded by the child to be as much a 'parent' as the father in both types of heterosexual families. With regard to their emotional/behavioural development, boys and girls raised in lesbian mother families were well adjusted and their gender role development did not differ from that of children raised in heterosexual families...

Children raised in fatherless families from infancy: a follow-up of children of lesbian and single heterosexual mothers at early adolescence.
J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2004 Nov;45(8):1407-19.

...CONCLUSIONS: The presence or absence of a father in the home from the outset does appear to have some influence on adolescents' relationships with their mothers. However, being without a resident father from infancy does not seem to have negative consequences for children. In addition, there is no evidence that the sexual orientation of the mother influences parent-child interaction or the socioemotional development of the child.

Children with lesbian parents: A community study.
Developmental Psychology. 2003 Jan Vol 39(1) 20-33

...Thirty-nine lesbian-mother families, 74 two-parent heterosexual families, and 60 families headed by single heterosexual mothers were compared on standardized interview and questionnaire measures administered to mothers, co-mothers/fathers, children, and teachers. Findings are in line with those of earlier investigations showing positive mother-child relationships and well-adjusted children.

The Toronto Lesbian Family Study.
J Homosex. 2000;40(2):65-79.

...All but one child living in two-mother homes identified both mothers as part of their family. Our initial impression is that these are primarily strong families with a variety of parenting skills, stressors and philosophies.

Lesbian motherhood: the impact on child development and family functioning.
J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol. 1997 Mar;18(1):1-16. Review.

....Although many important research questions have yet to be addressed, the results of all reviewed studies were unanimous; none of the investigations could identify an adverse effect of lesbian motherhood on child development.

Psychosocial adjustment among children conceived via donor insemination by lesbian and heterosexual mothers.
Child Dev. 1998 Apr;69(2):443-57.

...Results showed that children were developing in normal fashion, and that their adjustment was unrelated to structural variables such as parental sexual orientation or the number of parents in the household. These results held true for teacher reports as well as for parent reports....

Lesbian mothers, gay fathers, and their children: a review.
J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2005 Jun;26(3):224-40.

...Findings from research suggest that children with lesbian or gay parents are comparable with children with heterosexual parents on key psychosocial developmental outcomes. In many ways, children of lesbian or gay parents have similar experiences of family life compared with children in heterosexual families...

Adults raised as children in lesbian families.
Am J Orthopsychiatry. 1995 Apr;65(2):203-15

A longitudinal study of 25 young adults from lesbian families and 21 raised by heterosexual single mothers revealed that those raised by lesbian mothers functioned well in adulthood in terms of psychological well-being and of family identity and relationships. The commonly held assumption that lesbian mothers will have lesbian daughters and gay sons was not supported by the findings.

Children in lesbian and single-parent households: psychosexual and psychiatric appraisal.
J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 1983 Oct;24(4):551-72.

...The two groups did not differ in terms of their gender identity, sex role behaviour or sexual orientation. Also, they did not differ on most measures of emotions, behaviour and relationships--although there was some indication of more frequent psychiatric problems in the single-parent group. It was concluded that rearing in a lesbian household per se did not lead to atypical psychosexual development or constitute a psychiatric risk factor
Damn Steen, that actually took quite some time to read. Good job though:D
Off topic...

I just want to see why a topic like "Gender Differences" could immediately (third post) bring up Homosexuality :2razz:

The major differences are (as I see them)

Women tend to be emotional, Men physical.
Women tend to be creative, Men rational.
Women tend to worry, Men to think about it later.

Really, I think they complement each other nicely and, when they work together, can be a good team.
I sometimes think that the only differences between men and women are those of a physical nature. The rest are down to self-fulfilling prophecy. Women are told they cannot read maps, and so believe they can't, men are told they can't multitask, and so believe they can't. Perhaps we are so obsessed with the apparent differences between genders that we perpetuate those very ‘differences’ by insisting that they are true...just a thought. :doh
I sometimes think that the only differences between men and women are those of a physical nature. The rest are down to self-fulfilling prophecy. Women are told they cannot read maps, and so believe they can't, men are told they can't multitask, and so believe they can't. Perhaps we are so obsessed with the apparent differences between genders that we perpetuate those very ‘differences’ by insisting that they are true...just a thought.

Having been in a large family and being the oldest I have seen a lot of people grow up in my immediate family and in my whole family (cousins, ect.). Girls are definitely smarter at the beginning. They learn to talk sooner, and take to school much easier. Boys just don't have that until later. But girls also are much more... temperamental. You may think that "oh boys fight all the time," ect. but boys when they get mad don't stay mad for more than minutes really. Girls can get mad at someone and hate that person for hours, or even days. This is just in my family, and when people grow up they may put on this gender facade as you say. But in their younger years of emotional and mental development they are definitely different.

It is also telling that studies from many different cultures also show these trends so that unless the facade is biological, the actual behavior has to be.

But again, I don't think that trends are a basis to judge individuals, ever.
Re: Off topic...

catholicauthor said:
I just want to see why a topic like "Gender Differences" could immediately (third post) bring up Homosexuality :2razz:

The major differences are (as I see them)

Women tend to be emotional, Men physical.
Women tend to be creative, Men rational.
Women tend to worry, Men to think about it later.

Really, I think they complement each other nicely and, when they work together, can be a good team.

How are women more creative men had to invent tampons for them
Seriously i imagine the nuturing difference in respect to how boys and girls are treated differently kinda undermines most attempts to reflect inate mental differences between men and women. Though i think there proberly is some.
Re: Off topic...

mikhail said:
How are women more creative men had to invent tampons for them
Actually, Egyptians and Greeks of ancient times used them. A man invented it with the 'modern' applicator. Later, as commercials claimed, a 'woman gynecologist invented OB's', an applicatorless tampon, for Johnson and Johson.
The History of Tampons
The ancient Egyptians invented the first disposable tampons made from softened papyrus. The ancient Greeks invented tampons made from lint wrapped around a small piece of wood, recorded in writing by Hippocrates in the fifth century B.C. Other materials used for the first tampons have included: wool, paper, vegetable fibers, sponges, grass, and later cotton.
In 1929, the modern tampon (with applicator) was first invented and patented by Doctor Earle Haas who wanted to invent a tampon that could be effectively mass produced. Earle Haas filed for his first tampon patent on November 19, 1931. His patent description was for a "catamenial device," derived from the Greek word for monthly. He later trademarked Tampax as the brandname for his tampon product.

Gertrude Tendrich founded the Tampax company for the mass production of tampons after buying the patent and trademark rights from Earle Haas.

I have fraternal twins, a boy and a girl.
I didn't make any attempt to treat them according to stereotypical gender specifics, but certain things emerged on their own:
The daughter loved her dolls, getting dressed in pretty clothes and doing her hair up.
The son loved tearing the dolls apart, playing with toy cars and trucks and Nintendo from the time he was 16 months old.
The daughter loved 'cute' boy bands. The son couldn't have cared less about music unless it was on his gameboy.
They both get A's, but she complains the math is too hard. He's a math whiz who has been on math teams and got awards for his math skills.
She liked Nancy Drew and thought Harry Potter was 'dumb'. He liked Harry Potter.
As small kids, I could NOT get him interested in playing with the doll house nor could I interest her in playing with the toy trucks in the sandbox.
As teenagers, their behaviors are more individual personality-based then gender based, although he is into war games and such while she likes being with her friends in social situations.
Growing up the oldest of three girls and one boy(the youngest), my father didn't show much gender-biased behaviors. I learned to throw a perfect football, got tackled by cousins plenty of times, was taught how to work on a car. I'm not totally feminine but I can be when required, although I will never do that 'little delicate me' act.
The spouse is stereotypical middle-aged male, except we don't have a gun in the house-his brother does. They were raised in a very 'Leave It to Beaver' household, where gender was pronounced. Makes for some irritating times now.:roll: His daughter is a princess in his eyes, his son not macho enough and subject to constant correction.
Captain America said:
Men can pee higher up a wall.

Only if they're allowed to use their hands... :lol:
MrFungus420 said:
Only if they're allowed to use their hands... :lol:

Well....some DO point upward....
Women want one man to satisfy their every want and need.

Whereas men want all women to satisfy their one want and need.
This is a good synopsis on critical analysis of studies addressing the specific issue of science and mathmatics differences in female and male brains.


The upshot, no difference in mathmatical and scientific abilities early on but after grade school the socialization and expectations may drive men and women in different directions.

I believe men and women's brains are different but it does not mean that men are not capable of excelling in languages, multitasking etc and women capable of excellng in mathmatics and sciences, problem solvinging etc. in similar capacities if society allows for it

Ie: just because women's brains may be more linguistically talented doesn't mean a man can't learn and master 13 languages and vice versa with women and science and mathmatics.

I truly believe it has to do with expectations. I grew up in the Asian school system where we were expected to master mathmatics and science as capabably as anyone. I mastered calculus I, II and multivariable calculus and differential equations by senior year in high school (and went on to graduate chemistry work.) My twin (now a software engineer) and I had never even heard of any expectations between women and men in terms of the sciences. My mother bought us legos, buiding blocks, train sets, airplanes just as she did for my brother ( who went on to be a physicist).
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Billo_Really said:
Women want one man to satisfy their every want and need.

Whereas men want all women to satisfy their one want and need.

hilarious, and so true:mrgreen:
Billo_Really said:
Women want one man to satisfy their every want and need.

Whereas men want all women to satisfy their one want and need.

Men marry women and hope they will never change.
Women marry men in the fervent hopes they do.
bandaidwoman said:
I truly believe it has to do with expectations.
My statistics teacher explained it thus: "Face it. Nobody want to date the girl who aced the calculus test."
Billo_Really said:
Women want one man to satisfy their every want and need.

Whereas men want all women to satisfy their one want and need.

Ha, when it comes to basically everything, women wear the pants. In sex, they have the hole, they are in charge and they know it. And everything else, because of the enticement of sex, women practically have men where they want them.
steen said:
My statistics teacher explained it thus: "Face it. Nobody want to date the girl who aced the calculus test."

My sister and I never did get any dates in highschool :confused: ....... but in college we had the plum pick from a sea of men since we were one of the few females in our American college science and mathmatics classes. :mrgreen:
star2589 said:
what are the differences between men and women? there are of course the obvious anatomical differences, but are there more than that? are women better suited to rearing children, and men better suited to working? What other differences are there, if any?

what is the scientific evidence supporting your claims?

these differences don't have to be absolute, but only general trends, though the stronger the trend the better.

Obviously, Hormones...................

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