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'Gay weddings' become law in UK (1 Viewer)


British, Irish and everything in-between.
DP Veteran
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland
Political Leaning
Woohoo! About bloody time too. Not exactly gay marraige, but a decent step towards it! I'm surprised that it will become law in Northern Ireland (the first place in the UK for the law to come into effect LOL) - people are quite conservative here.
So tells us Naughty Nurse, you going to be walking down that aisle anytime soon? ;)

BBC News:
Hundreds of gay couples are preparing to form civil partnerships in the coming weeks as the law changes after decades of campaigning.
At least 1,200 ceremonies are confirmed as being scheduled already, according to figures from councils compiled by the BBC News website.

Registrars are preparing for the first ceremonies, with couples permitted to register from Monday morning.

Campaigners says the law ends inequalities for same-sex couples.

The first ceremonies under the Civil Partnerships Act can take place in Northern Ireland on 19 December, followed by Scotland the next day and England and Wales on 21 December.

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Excellent! Great progress! Now if only that would happen here in the US.
Agreed Great Brittan is on the road to becoming a civilized nation.
I find it funny that Northern Ireland will be the first to legalise gay civil unions in the UK seeing as they only legalised homosexuality in 1982! lol We've come a long way baby!
The UK really deserves more credit for being the true leader of the free world. Duking it out and getting bombed by the German's, setting the strategy for defeating the Iron Curtain, and actually having a parliment that won't hide it's distaste for each other.... ok little too extreem.
Gay marraige is not legal in the UK and it is important for people to realise that. What is legal in the UK is civil unions, it is not marriage.
GarzaUK said:
So tells us Naughty Nurse, you going to be walking down that aisle anytime soon? ;)

I certainly shall be. But if you turn me down, Garza, I guess I shall just have to get Civil Unioned to my current partner! ;)
Naughty Nurse said:
I certainly shall be. But if you turn me down, Garza, I guess I shall just have to get Civil Unioned to my current partner! ;)
Who gets the last name?...

Garza Nurse or Naughty UK?...:2wave:
cnredd said:
Who gets the last name?...

Garza Nurse or Naughty UK?...:2wave:

Oh, I think Naughty UK has a certain ring to it!

And don't worry, redd, you can still be my secret lover!
Naughty Nurse said:
Oh, I think Naughty UK has a certain ring to it!

And don't worry, redd, you can still be my secret lover!
So secret even I don't know about it!...:shock:
cnredd said:
So secret even I don't know about it!...:shock:

Well honey, I told you to stop drinking before you pass out!
Naughty Nurse said:
Well honey, I told you to stop drinking before you pass out!
I was wondering why I woke up with my belt always unbuckled...:shock:
Auftrag said:
Gay marraige is not legal in the UK and it is important for people to realise that. What is legal in the UK is civil unions, it is not marriage.

Its gay weddings in "all but name". Gay couples are entitled to the same right and priviledges as straight couples.

Prince Charles and Camilla had a "civil union" last year, but it was counted as a wedding.

The only difference between UK weddings and UK civil unions is that unions don't need witnesses.
Naughty Nurse said:
I certainly shall be. But if you turn me down, Garza, I guess I shall just have to get Civil Unioned to my current partner! ;)

I'd love to get married to you naughty, but my girlfriend would kill me. We can always have a gay fling lol lol.

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