Sorry for the late response.
What I meant to say was murder is seen as wrong and immoral across all societes, homosexuality is not. Conservative Christians and conservative Islam both view homosexuality as a crime or sickness. To declare that most major religions view homosexuality as wrong is a false statement. Buddisam, forms of Judisam and the Anglician Church see no difference in a persons sexual prefrence.
Yes certain cultures see murder of fellow humans as a none issue. These cultures usually are also responsible for execution of homosexuals also. An example would be medieval Christianity, and conservative Islamics such as the Taliban.
More or less, yes but religion has been a large factor in banning murder in all its forms. Conservative Christian is basically mainstream Christian, and Conservative Islam includes basically all of Islam other then the small neo sects. Orthodox Judaism finds it wrong, and the Anglican church is but one of the many protestant denominations never mind the large the Catholic church. You give one religion (Buddhism) and small liberal sects of other world religions, I So my broad generalization I would say is truth not false.
Homosexuality will never be "banned" or made "illegal". The only way it will be banned is if an authority makes it so , bypassing the people. Which would be illegal.
Majority of Americans do not see any problem with people being homosexual. Though the majority, as of now, does not want them to be able to be married by the church.
The authority meaning government which is a republic voting primarily on the peoples will contrary to what you state. Then again there’s a lot of careful word choosing that we have to do, there’s civil unions, there marriage, there’s homosexuality (the sexual orientation) there homosexuality (the action of) there homosexuality (in church ordained marriages). Look at these polls and as you see that as of June 2005 people were general a bit more negative towards gay rights in many of these fields then positive.
Many religious people do things that contradict their religions teachings. Christians did burn and hang so called "witches" in the 1600-1800. All religions/cultures have violence in their history, Christianity is not only in this. Debating this issue in this topic is really pointless as it adds nothing to the debate on homosexuality.
Not all Christians are perfect as the Roman Catholic prayer goes “we pray for the forgiveness of sinners world wide, sinners in the universal church, within my own home, and own family, including myself, Amen” however in America it was the puritans that had the witch trial, a small sect of neo-Protestantism. Also there isn’t any theological justification of burning witches from a evangelical/fundamentalist point of view.
I really don't see what is hard to understand about my post on this.
Yes, Christianity created the institution of marriage as we know it, and therefore would be against non-marriages being suddenly accepted because homosexual isn’t an acceptable orientation for marriage. America was founded by Christians, and you had to be Christian to help draft the constitution of the US. A marriage done by any other religion is recognized by the government. But Christians consider the marriage in the name of Christ to be ‘greater’ then a marriage in the name of Allah or whoever. Also we ban murder, and that was banned when the first Christians came here, based on the Bible. So now are you saying that we are establishing Christianity as a religion because we have many principles that are in common with the Christian faith? ALSO I am sorry that there are so many laws passed that favor Christianity and not what you believe, and I am sorry that those laws were passed by the majority because the majority are Christians. Right now about 80% of American are Christian, back in the day the number was extremely high.
So not allowing homosexuals to become marriage is a financial issue and not religious? Celibacy is also dangerous to the family. I still fail to see your point in comparing homosexuals to murderers.
It is both; it is a financial issue, as well as a social one, family one, religious one et cetera. Explain to me how abstinence is dangerous to the family please? In the point of wrongness, they are similar, not in the actions of what they do.
Porn is pure lust. This is known and accepted. Homosexuality is not lust. You can find a "false sense of love" in relationships throughout all sexual orientations.
Yes you can, but don’t you see that when people can’t find love in heterosexual environments they often become bi or homo, and then back to hetero, and people switch of the course of a lifetime.
Only the state of Massachusetts recognizes same-sex marriages. California, Connecticut, D.C, Hawaii, Maine, New Jersey and Vermont grant same-sex unions a similar legal status to those in a civil marriage by domestic partnership, civil union or reciprocal beneficiary laws.
Same sex-unions aren’t the same as actually marriage, realistically it might be, however in an idealistic situation were still putting hetero above homo, and 19 states have banned gay marriage flat out.