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Gary Johnson: On the Issues: Would you vote for him? (1 Viewer)


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Sep 14, 2011
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Gary Johnson on the Issues

Just wondering how many people would actually support him over the establishment candidates? Personally? I HATE Trump. As a republican, I just cannot bring myself to vote for him. He is a Democrat to me. And an authoritarian. Not something I want again in the presidency.

So I have posted this up with his record. Take a peak. Do you see yourself agreeing with him on his stances? Or do you have too much of a problem with his social or fiscal views? Or does he have to reach a certain amount in polls for you to consider him?

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I'm voting for him.
Gary Johnson on the Issues

Just wondering how many people would actually support him over the establishment candidates? Personally? I HATE Trump. As a republican, I just cannot bring myself to vote for him. He is a Democrat to me. And an authoritarian. Not something I want again in the presidency.

So I have posted this up with his record. Take a peak. Do you see yourself agreeing with him on his stances? Or do you have too much of a problem with his social or fiscal views? Or does he have to reach a certain amount in polls for you to consider him?

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I'm voting for him, but mostly because I can't stand Trump or Clinton. I agree with some, but not all, of his stances, but for most of the things where I disagree, such as national security, he wouldn't be able to change much anyway.
No, I would not.
Still evaluating the candidates.

Hillary and Trump don't impress me.

If I had my way we would have a none of the above and start over. None of the candidates on the ballot would be allowed to run again.

imo, we can do better than the candidates we currently have.
imo, we can do better than the candidates we currently have.

The two main parties don't have much to offer in terms of quality and never really have.
I'm considering it. I am most likely going to vote third party and I haven't decided between Libertarian and Green yet. I probably side with Greens over Libertarians on most, but not all, issues. If I vote Libertarian it will be to add to their growing percentage of support. We need to get another party on the radar. But then that would be strategic voting and perhaps I should just vote for the person I would truly prefer be President, which would probably be Dr. Stein. I don't know, yet. At least with Johnson and Stein my indecision is caused by each candidate standing for different policies that I believe in. It isn't because I feel like I have to choose the lesser of two evils.
The two main parties don't have much to offer in terms of quality and never really have.

It does seem as the years go by the choices become poorer. This includes all parties who put out a candidate. It is not limited to Republican or Democrat.
It does seem as the years go by the choices become poorer. This includes all parties who put out a candidate. It is not limited to Republican or Democrat.

I imagine that has a good bit to do with the quality of people overall decreasing.
I would vote for him if he had any chance of winning, but I'm voting Trump because I would do anything to keep Hillary out of the Whitehouse.

If Sanders had won the Nomination I would probably have voted for him to keep Trump out of the Whitehouse.
It does seem as the years go by the choices become poorer. This includes all parties who put out a candidate. It is not limited to Republican or Democrat.

I don't know. I don't think people pay much attention to the third parties, so when they do put up a good candidate, no one really knows. Gary Johnson is the best candidate of all those who are currently running.

I think we see a lot of stagnation with the Republocrat party because they have stagnated the political competition. With only the "two", they just teeter-totter the power. Eventually one side will be in power over the other, and the one that is out of power just needs to wait til they get back into power. There's no competition, nothing to make them adherent to the People.

The third parties are different, they are left out and they have to try to compete to get the slightest bit of attention. Including them will force the Republocrat party to also become more competitive as it's not just a "two" party structure at that point. Ergo, voting third party is the best chance we have for the People to reassert some amount of control in the system.
I would vote for him if he had any chance of winning, but I'm voting Trump because I would do anything to keep Hillary out of the

And that, folks, is how we end up with worse and worse candidates each and every election cycle.
Good lord man, you mean they don't outright DISGUST you????

I could agree on the use of DISGUST to describe them , if you include the people who support them.:mrgreen:
I imagine that has a good bit to do with the quality of people overall decreasing.

to generic. the quality of SOME people is decreasing would be a better way to explain what is happening.
Still evaluating the candidates.

Hillary and Trump don't impress me.

If I had my way we would have a none of the above and start over. None of the candidates on the ballot would be allowed to run again.

imo, we can do better than the candidates we currently have.

We need that as an option on the ballots lol.

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I don't know. I don't think people pay much attention to the third parties, so when they do put up a good candidate, no one really knows. Gary Johnson is the best candidate of all those who are currently running.

I think we see a lot of stagnation with the Republocrat party because they have stagnated the political competition. With only the "two", they just teeter-totter the power. Eventually one side will be in power over the other, and the one that is out of power just needs to wait til they get back into power. There's no competition, nothing to make them adherent to the People.

The third parties are different, they are left out and they have to try to compete to get the slightest bit of attention. Including them will force the Republocrat party to also become more competitive as it's not just a "two" party structure at that point. Ergo, voting third party is the best chance we have for the People to reassert some amount of control in the system.

Johnson did well for New Mexico when he was governor.

Interesting you commented on the Republican side of things but nothing regarding the Democratic party.:mrgreen:

It would be interesting to see how Congress worked with a third party candidate.
Johnson did well for New Mexico when he was governor.

Interesting you commented on the Republican side of things but nothing regarding the Democratic party.:mrgreen:

It would be interesting to see how Congress worked with a third party candidate.

They are the same party to him

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Any reason? Or just general agreement?

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He was governor of New Mexico, so he has experience as a political executive (something neither Trump nor Hillary have). He also did very well for that state. Additionally, his political platform most closely resembles mine of all the other candidates. He is established, he has a solid platform, he's not some corporate elite, he believes in the Constitution and the limitation of government power. IMO, he is the best and most qualified candidate of them all.
to generic. the quality of SOME people is decreasing would be a better way to explain what is happening.

I would say overall the quality of people in the country is crap, which is likely a large factor in the candidates the country has.
Gary Johnson on the Issues

Just wondering how many people would actually support him over the establishment candidates? Personally? I HATE Trump. As a republican, I just cannot bring myself to vote for him. He is a Democrat to me. And an authoritarian. Not something I want again in the presidency.

So I have posted this up with his record. Take a peak. Do you see yourself agreeing with him on his stances? Or do you have too much of a problem with his social or fiscal views? Or does he have to reach a certain amount in polls for you to consider him?

Sent from my grapefruit using smoke signals.

No I'm a Republican. Why would I vote Libertarian?

Also Trump and Clinton are both horrible choices. Johnson is no better.
I would vote for him if he had any chance of winning, but I'm voting Trump because I would do anything to keep Hillary out of the Whitehouse.

If Sanders had won the Nomination I would probably have voted for him to keep Trump out of the Whitehouse.

You don't think he has a chance of beating both?

I think he needs to pull the same stint as trump. Name recognition. And he already sounds like your neighbor...you know that nice guy a few doors down who is real smart and polite and keeps his lawn nice and tidy? Gave you a jump start that one time at the store? Lol.

Sent from my grapefruit using smoke signals.
Gary Johnson on the Issues

Just wondering how many people would actually support him over the establishment candidates? Personally? I HATE Trump. As a republican, I just cannot bring myself to vote for him. He is a Democrat to me. And an authoritarian. Not something I want again in the presidency.

So I have posted this up with his record. Take a peak. Do you see yourself agreeing with him on his stances? Or do you have too much of a problem with his social or fiscal views? Or does he have to reach a certain amount in polls for you to consider him?

Sent from my grapefruit using smoke signals.

If to you Gary Johnson is an authoritarian, every other American politician alive must be essentially Hitler to you.

And yes, I probably will vote for him.

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