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Game controlers (1 Viewer)


proud ammosexual
DP Veteran
Nov 13, 2011
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Political Leaning
What do yall use for game controllers, specifically for pc but also for xbox and playstation.

I ask this because I just ordered an xbox official controller, after I lost numerous controllers in the last month playing elden ring. No none of them were thrown or slammed until they decided to not respond or press random buttons. I do get pissed when a 20-50 dollar controller only lasts anywhere from 2 days to a few months.

I remember the ps3 and xbox 360 controllers lasting through extended abuse, hell the xbox 360 and original xbox controllers were so tuff you could use them as a hammer to drive nails in the morning and still play games with them that evening. The xbox one controllers and newer however seem to be the flimsiest garbage, and they are still better than the aftermarket, aftermarket xbox controllers used on an xbox or pc you are often lucky to get 2 weeks before they fail even using kids gloves.

Considering the fact walmart now puts all game controllers under lock and key, it may be safe to assume all the game controllers are such absolute chinese junk that many can not afford to game anymore, and will often soend more on controllers over a 5 year period than the spent on the games and consoles themselves!!
What do yall use for game controllers, specifically for pc but also for xbox and playstation.

I ask this because I just ordered an xbox official controller, after I lost numerous controllers in the last month playing elden ring. No none of them were thrown or slammed until they decided to not respond or press random buttons. I do get pissed when a 20-50 dollar controller only lasts anywhere from 2 days to a few months.

I remember the ps3 and xbox 360 controllers lasting through extended abuse, hell the xbox 360 and original xbox controllers were so tuff you could use them as a hammer to drive nails in the morning and still play games with them that evening. The xbox one controllers and newer however seem to be the flimsiest garbage, and they are still better than the aftermarket, aftermarket xbox controllers used on an xbox or pc you are often lucky to get 2 weeks before they fail even using kids gloves.

Considering the fact walmart now puts all game controllers under lock and key, it may be safe to assume all the game controllers are such absolute chinese junk that many can not afford to game anymore, and will often soend more on controllers over a 5 year period than the spent on the games and consoles themselves!!
Mouse/keyboard mostly. On the rare occasion I do use a controller it's whatever steam sold me a few years ago.
Mouse/keyboard mostly. On the rare occasion I do use a controller it's whatever steam sold me a few years ago.
Hell yeah. I love my steam controller.
Hell yeah. I love my steam controller.
How reliable is the steam controller? I know the layout is goofy as hell compared to the xbox standard or even the playstation standard which itself was an evolution of the super nintendo standard. But my big gripe is in recent years nothing lasts, many controllers are lucky to last a week even with minimal use.

If the steam controller is rugged as hell I may have to try it, otherwise I already ordered an official xbix controller because they atleast last 4-6 months minimum vs the aftermarket for 20-30 bucks less that lasts a wekk or two.
How reliable is the steam controller? I know the layout is goofy as hell compared to the xbox standard or even the playstation standard which itself was an evolution of the super nintendo standard. But my big gripe is in recent years nothing lasts, many controllers are lucky to last a week even with minimal use.
I've used the Steam controller for about 2 years with no issue. Very recently some of the buttons started sound...a little too clicky compared to before. But as of now everything still works great. IMO the Steam controller is really good at some things and really bad at others due to it's funky touch pads. It excels at control customization and playing games meant for a mouse and keyboard on a controller.
For my PC and raspberry PI 3 I use 8Bitdo SF30 Pro(imagine a SNES game controller but with the addition of two joysticks and L2 and R2 buttons.) Logitech f710 wireless game pad, generic USB n64 controller, wired Generic Xbox one controller and generic USB NES controllers. I mostly use the game controllers for retro, race car driving, platform,and adventure games. I use keyboard and mouse for 1st/3rd person shooters.

For my cellphone I use either the bluetooth Ipega 9083s or the USB-C Gamesir X2 controller. Since I now have a cellphone with OTG support I mostly use the Game Sir Controller. Many telescopic cellphone controllers seem to be for cellphones with really small screens like 6.4 or 6.2 inches or smaller.
I was fixed on x-box controller. Until lately it lost a lot stability.
Bought out of the blue a razor Wolverine II for pc. Easy installation, recognized immediately by all game.. I'm a dedicated steam-user.
Btw, I also use bluestacks (5), perfect recognistion.

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