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Furry Panic Is the Latest Dumb GOP Attack on Public Schools (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 6, 2020
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Right-wing parents are attacking school boards over “furries” in the classroom—a proxy for the larger culture wars over race and gender.

I remember back during the 80's when people blamed heavy metal music and Dungeons and Dragons for social ills, but looks like they are doing it with furry now.
Good development. Furries need to rot off
Right-wing parents are attacking school boards over “furries” in the classroom—a proxy for the larger culture wars over race and gender.

I remember back during the 80's when people blamed heavy metal music and Dungeons and Dragons for social ills, but looks like they are doing it with furry now.

Righties will never cease going after harmless self-expression by youngsters. If it's not costumes, it's hair, fingernails, and of course, music.
More weirdos our classrooms don't need.
More weirdos our classrooms don't need.

You obviously didn't read the article.

In Pennsylvania, Maine, Michigan, and Iowa in recent months, school board meetings have been disrupted by allegations that educators are giving special treatment to furry students. While false, the widespread hoaxes play into a broader right-wing effort to discredit and demand further control over public education.

It’s culture war, it’s control, and it’s not about protecting kids,” Patch O’Furr, proprietor of the furry news site Dogpatch Press, told The Daily Beast. “If you actually look at who’s doing this, at some of the political groups getting involved, they’re all far right.”

The highlighted text summarizes righties' motives with the furry panic.
Furry fury!?

The time has come!
Right-wing parents are attacking school boards over “furries” in the classroom—a proxy for the larger culture wars over race and gender.

I remember back during the 80's when people blamed heavy metal music and Dungeons and Dragons for social ills, but looks like they are doing it with furry now.

If you identify as an animal do you lose your human rights?
Next thing you know, these furries will want to marry humans!

I'm furrious!
More weirdos our classrooms don't need.
You guys going to shape America just how you want it huh? That will take an extreme amount of government control.

Soon the right will have us set up like Stepford Wives on steroids. At least it's all coming out of the closet, so we are well aware of the Twilight existence of conservatives.
Next thing you know, these furries will want to marry humans!

I'm furrious!
Well, I for one see them scouring the parking lots during festivals looking for victims. It's terrifying but cute at the same time. I'm horrified.
You guys going to shape America just how you want it huh? That will take an extreme amount of government control.
Nope. Get your freak on at home where nobody cares.

Soon the right will have us set up like Stepford Wives on steroids.
Enjoy all your weirdo fetishes at home, where nobody cares what you do.

At least it's all coming out of the closet, so we are well aware of the Twilight existence of conservatives.
Nodody cares what you do at home or what you feel like about it.
Nope. Get your freak on at home where nobody cares.

Enjoy all your weirdo fetishes at home, where nobody cares what you do.

Nodody cares what you do at home or what you feel like about it.
I wasn't aware Furries were humping innocent children at school. Do tell, with links.
When I look at the culture wars going on in schools, I initially viewed it as a fight to bring prayer back into the classroom. But it's going beyond that now. It's clearly becoming an ideological battlefield. However, it's not students who are going to their parents and involving them in their conflicts this time, which was how it used to be with school prayer and pledges of allegiance and so forth. Instead it's activists - parents and sometimes not parents - who are now seeking out political and cultural conflicts in the school, which in my mind is a dangerous escalation that threatens the institution of public schooling.

A part of me believes that this is exactly what the right wants to do: either take over public schools or just destroy them all so that the plebes can't get their kids educated and can't keep up with the in-group that has their own public schools for themselves or expensive private ones if that's what they prefer.
Far right wingers might be the easiest people to con that we've ever seen in this country…

"Midland Public Schools do not provide litter boxes—unisex or otherwise. The district’s superintendent debunked the rumor in a scathing email. (“It is unconscionable that this afternoon I am sending this communication,” his email to parents began.)

Nevertheless, the allegations soon spread to Texas, where a GOP candidate (and activist with the right-wing parents group Moms For Liberty) added her own baseless claims about special privileges for furry students. “Cafeteria tables are being lowered in certain @RoundRockISD middle and high schools to allow ‘furries’ to more easily eat without utensils or their hands (ie, like a dog eats from a bowl),” she tweeted."

Do I need to bother asking if there's actually any actual evidence that Furries are a problem in US schools or is this just the usual made-up bollocks where conservatives invent a problem and then decide to get angry about it?
Republicans are afraid of everything. Even furries. LOL
If it's up to the gop, they'll take all the joy out of childhood if they can and let's not forget the outrage over the super important issue of trans folks in sports. That's some really important stuff.
Yup. They will absolutely carpet bomb you with bullshit until you tune out.

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