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Funeral or Political Shootout (1 Viewer)

Was the funeral of Coretta Scott King a funeral or a Bush bashing pep rally

  • Funeral

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Bush Bashing Pep Rally

    Votes: 12 85.7%

  • Total voters


Active member
Sep 8, 2005
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What was suppose to be a funeral turned into a Bush bashing political shootout. I personally am disgusted a the actions of these so called mourners that attended the funeral of Coretta Scott King.

Those like Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton Jimmy Carter and many others paid more attention to Bush then to Mrs. King. As I sat and watched what I was able to catch on Television I was in total disgust of what has become of many Black Americans today.

I was happy to see that Bill Clinton realized there was a woman there and they should not forget this.

Was this a funeral or was it just a Bush bashing party
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I have never been a fan of Bill Clinton, but at least his speech showed some class. He was one of the few Dems that remembered it was a funeral.
Carter was a lousy President and has shown he is a lousy ex President. With no class and no dignity.
JOHNYJ said:
Carter was a lousy President and has shown he is a lousy ex President. With no class and no dignity.
This is a quote from Carter at the King funneral:

Former president, Hamas supporter and current national disgrace Jimmy Carter also felt that a funeral was the appropriate venue for politics.

"It was difficult for them then personally with the civil liberties of both husband and wife violated as they became the target of secret government wiretaps," Carter said alluding to the current controversy surrounding the legal surveillance of terror suspects during International cell phone calls.
The wiretapping he spoke of on MLK was done and authorized by the Democrats, Bobby Kennedy was the one who approved the wire tap. Why do they feel they need to use her funeral to make attacks on the current administration?

If you are a major player in the Democrat party, DON`T DIE. You will probably be used as a political pawn for your party while you lay in a box.
One can only womder -- if Ted kennedy were to die while Bush is President, and he were to mention his ...um... problems... with water, what do you suppose the liberals would say?
ThePhoenix said:
What was suppose to be a funeral turned into a Bush bashing political shootout. I personally am disgusted a the actions of these so called mourners that attended the funeral of Coretta Scott King.

Those like Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton Jimmy Carter and many others paid more attention to Bush then to Mrs. King. As I sat and watched what I was able to catch on Television I was in total disgust of what has become of many Black Americans today.

I was happy to see that Bill Clinton realized there was a woman there and they should not forget this.

Was this a funeral or was it just a Bush bashing party

I find it disgusting that a funeral used to honor a wife of a great civil rights leader was turned into a political shoot out.
LOL, nice thread title, why didn't I think of that?:rofl
Two Replies:

First, what you Republicans fail to understand in your argument is that Coretta King's life was political. This was a tribute to her life, her beliefs, her politics. So for you to argue that this was "Bush-bashing" misses the entire point. I don't seem to recall Bush being mentioned by name. Coretta Scott King was an outspoken opponent of the war and many of the policies of the Bush Administration. It would have been a disgrace not to recognize the political stands that Coretta Scott so courageously took.

Second, you don't think Bush going to the funeral was political? Pleeeassse! This was just a photo-op for Bush. Bush/Cheney stood against almost everything that Coretta Scott King fought for. Bush's VP/Cheney was one of the few senators to vote against a federal holiday for MLK.

If the family and supporters of Coretta Scott King were turned off by the so called "politics" why was there a half-minute standing ovation?

Personally, I find it disgraceful that the Republicans are trying to spinthis tribute to a great woman to their political gain.
disneydude said:
Two Replies:

First, what you Republicans fail to understand in your argument is that Coretta King's life was political. This was a tribute to her life, her beliefs, her politics. So for you to argue that this was "Bush-bashing" misses the entire point. I don't seem to recall Bush being mentioned by name. Coretta Scott King was an outspoken opponent of the war and many of the policies of the Bush Administration. It would have been a disgrace not to recognize the political stands that Coretta Scott so courageously took.

Second, you don't think Bush going to the funeral was political? Pleeeassse! This was just a photo-op for Bush. Bush/Cheney stood against almost everything that Coretta Scott King fought for. Bush's VP/Cheney was one of the few senators to vote against a federal holiday for MLK.

If the family and supporters of Coretta Scott King were turned off by the so called "politics" why was there a half-minute standing ovation?

Personally, I find it disgraceful that the Republicans are trying to spinthis tribute to a great woman to their political gain.

They musta done a good job.. I don't get off for MLK day...LOL
disneydude said:
Two Replies:

First, what you Republicans fail to understand in your argument is that Coretta King's life was political. This was a tribute to her life, her beliefs, her politics. So for you to argue that this was "Bush-bashing" misses the entire point. I don't seem to recall Bush being mentioned by name. Coretta Scott King was an outspoken opponent of the war and many of the policies of the Bush Administration. It would have been a disgrace not to recognize the political stands that Coretta Scott so courageously took.

Second, you don't think Bush going to the funeral was political? Pleeeassse! This was just a photo-op for Bush. Bush/Cheney stood against almost everything that Coretta Scott King fought for. Bush's VP/Cheney was one of the few senators to vote against a federal holiday for MLK.

If the family and supporters of Coretta Scott King were turned off by the so called "politics" why was there a half-minute standing ovation?

Personally, I find it disgraceful that the Republicans are trying to spinthis tribute to a great woman to their political gain.

This was a church, isnt using it for " partisan " political reasons a violation of its tax exempt status ?
PresidentBush was there as President of the United States,not as a Republican. Insulting him was an insult to all of us.
disneydude said:
Two Replies:

First, what you Republicans fail to understand in your argument is that Coretta King's life was political. This was a tribute to her life, her beliefs, her politics. So for you to argue that this was "Bush-bashing" misses the entire point. I don't seem to recall Bush being mentioned by name. Coretta Scott King was an outspoken opponent of the war and many of the policies of the Bush Administration. It would have been a disgrace not to recognize the political stands that Coretta Scott so courageously took.

Second, you don't think Bush going to the funeral was political? Pleeeassse! This was just a photo-op for Bush. Bush/Cheney stood against almost everything that Coretta Scott King fought for. Bush's VP/Cheney was one of the few senators to vote against a federal holiday for MLK.

If the family and supporters of Coretta Scott King were turned off by the so called "politics" why was there a half-minute standing ovation?

Personally, I find it disgraceful that the Republicans are trying to spinthis tribute to a great woman to their
political gain.
The MLK holiday was imposed by the federal govt. It wasn't created bcause of any nationwide groundswell for it.Some states had to be coerced into creating it.
Even today many Americans consider it a black holiday only.
JOHNYJ said:
The MLK holiday was imposed by the federal govt. It wasn't created bcause of any nationwide groundswell for it.Some states had to be coerced into creating it.
Even today many Americans consider it a black holiday only.

I think MLK was a great American and played a huge part in improving race relations in this country.....That said I was against having a national holiday for him.............
This was clearly a Bush Bash Rally. Though, I thought it was funny that a white conservative took more notice of a black woman than the black democrats did. (And conservatives are supposedly racist, HA!).

Funerals are for paying respects to the dead and not to bashing a political figure.
"time and a place for everything"

all they had to do was pay homage to a woman
Bush showed how much class he has.
Clinton, surprisingly, was prudent

the rest were oppurtunistic scum
Carter proving once again what a LOOOOOOOOOOOOSER he is
there are 364 days this year where everything said would have been appropriate. This was not the occasion
Navy Pride said:
I think MLK was a great American and played a huge part in improving race relations in this country.....That said I was against having a national holiday for him.............

You racist honkey, cracker a$$, red neck! LOL

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