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Frontline on PBS (1 Viewer)

Wry Catcher

DP Veteran
May 24, 2019
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San Francisco Bay Area
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United States of Conspiracy | Watch S2020 E2 | FRONTLINE | PBS | Official SiteAlex Jones and Donald Trump: How the Candidate Echoed the Conspiracy Theorist on the Campaign Trail | United States of Conspiracy | FRONTLINE | PBS | Official Site

I have watched Frontline regularly, it is always substantive and thought provoking. I hope that those who read this link, before making a judgement watch them with an open mind.
With Marjorie Taylor Greene likely to win a US House seat in suburban Atlanta, the crazy has officially taken root in the GOP. Of course, do not expect the stupid to watch or read Frontline. They will, however, whine and moan about it. So, good luck.
I hope Q eats away at all the establishment Republicans.

If you don't think all Democrats are part of a secret judeo-papist cabal to traffic kids out of pizza joints, and take down slave owner statues, you have no place in the GOP.

Drain the Swamp!


Thought had by person at the White House: If you can remember, man, woman, car, camera, TV, you are fit to lead a country and no one has anything to worry about
Uh, it's Frontline. Almost guaranteed to be good.

God, Trump and Alex Jones! It makes so much sense now!
I hope Q eats away at all the establishment Republicans.

If you don't think all Democrats are part of a secret judeo-papist cabal to traffic kids out of pizza joints, and take down slave owner statues, you have no place in the GOP.

Drain the Swamp!


Thought had by person at the White House: If you can remember, man, woman, car, camera, TV, you are fit to lead a country and no one has anything to worry about

There will always be some who ignore being surrounded by crazies as long as guns, tax breaks and chasing away Mexicans remains on the table. Sad to say.

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