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From Reagan to Trump: Here's how stocks performed under each president (1 Viewer)


USMC 1988-1996
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DP Veteran
Sep 18, 2011
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New Mexico
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Setting the record straight since Trump and his flock USED to like to tout the stock market performance as being trump's doing. Although they kind of shut up about that this past year.

From Reagan to Trump: Here's how stocks performed under each president


S&P 500 performance in the first two years in office

Ronald Reagan +11%

George H.W. Bush +16%

Bill Clinton +7%

George W. Bush -33%

Barack Obama +59%

Donald Trump +18%
Setting the record straight since Trump and his flock USED to like to tout the stock market performance as being trump's doing. Although they kind of shut up about that this past year.

From Reagan to Trump: Here's how stocks performed under each president

View attachment 67249420

S&P 500 performance in the first two years in office

Ronald Reagan +11%

George H.W. Bush +16%

Bill Clinton +7%

George W. Bush -33%

Barack Obama +59%

Donald Trump +18%

Well, 18% is second best, but what's noteworthy is that (1) other POTUSes neither made promises about nor "stood on" how well the market did, and (2) being second best isn't at all what Trump promised about anything he'd do or achieve or have happen on his watch.
Why am I not surprised that the one president that performs worse is Dubya...
Setting the record straight since Trump and his flock USED to like to tout the stock market performance as being trump's doing. Although they kind of shut up about that this past year.

From Reagan to Trump: Here's how stocks performed under each president

View attachment 67249420

S&P 500 performance in the first two years in office

Ronald Reagan +11%

George H.W. Bush +16%

Bill Clinton +7%

George W. Bush -33%

Barack Obama +59%

Donald Trump +18%

Opening up the loan desk at the Fed tends to do that....

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