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From HWB to DJT, so sad. (1 Viewer)


Gadfly Extraordinaire
DP Veteran
Mar 3, 2018
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San Diego
Political Leaning
What has become of the GOP?

What say you?
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A few big reasons are responsible, but it was Fox News successfully crafting itself into a ubiquitous mouthpiece for the GOP that really did it. After that they brought conspiracy theory culture into the mainstream and the rest is history.
A few big reasons are responsible, but it was Fox News successfully crafting itself into a ubiquitous mouthpiece for the GOP that really did it. After that they brought conspiracy theory culture into the mainstream and the rest is history.
Preach it.
Preach it.

Well, here's the six million dollar question: how do you combat that without going awry of the 1st Amendment? It's a serious predicament Democrats need to address. I firmly believe that Trump's unwavering 44.5% support is explained in no small part to Fox News.
Well, here's the six million dollar question: how do you combat that without going awry of the 1st Amendment? It's a serious predicament Democrats need to address. I firmly believe that Trump's unwavering 44.5% support is explained in no small part to Fox News.

Didn't the "fairness doctrine" that was repealed by Reagan deal this adequately?

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