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From China to Israel, Where Kamala Harris Stands on Foreign Policy (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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From China to Israel, Where Kamala Harris Stands on Foreign Policy


Though not traditionally a prominent voice on foreign policy, Harris' Senate record, presidential run and past interviews suggest she is an internationalist who values America's traditional alliances and leans towards multilateralism to address global challenges like climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic. Last year, Harris told the Council on Foreign Relations: "The greatest U.S. foreign policy accomplishment has been the post-war community of international institutions, laws, and democratic nations we helped to build." Harris has pushed for human rights and the promotion and protection of democratic values worldwide, prioritizing diplomacy to push back against authoritarian regimes including those in Russia, China, Syria and Saudi Arabia. As a senator, Harris co-sponsored the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019. She also co-sponsored the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020. She told the CFR last year that Beijing's human rights record is "abysmal." Harris has also been involved in efforts to improve electoral security in the U.S., following Moscow's meddling in the 2016 race. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and others are all accused of interfering in U.S. elections, and 2020 looks set to be no different. Harris also supports Biden's plan to rejoin the Paris accord—from which Trump withdrew the U.S.—and fully engage with international partners to try and avoid predicted environmental disaster.

Harris has also spoken out against Russia, expressing her continued support for the Ukrainian government, which is still fighting Moscow-backed separatists in the east of the country. She also vowed to "consistently stand up to Putin in defense of democratic values, human rights, and the international rule of law," if elected president. This is something Harris will continue as vice president in a future Biden administration seeking to break away from alleged Trumpian Russophilia. She voted to clock arms sales to Saudi Arabia in the aftermath of the murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul. Harris also voted to end U.S. support for the Saudi-led military intervention in Yemen. Harris said Israel remains "a critical ally and friend and its security is a top priority," and is a supporter of the two-state solution. Biden and Harris have both said they would rejoin the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action—i.e. the Iran nuclear deal—from which Trump withdrew, with Israeli backing, in 2018. Harris stands behind Biden's plan to engage with North Korea and pursue Pyongyang's denuclearization.

In a small nutshell. These viewpoints will be expounded upon at the Democrat virtual convention which begins tonight.

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Sanctions are not going to change China. Where does she stand of the tariffs, or combating their corporate espionage, or claims on the So. China Sea?
Sanctions are not going to change China. Where does she stand of the tariffs, or combating their corporate espionage, or claims on the So. China Sea?

You have a TV or a computer I assume? I provided all the convention broadcast info in the OP.

Take a break from FOX and your questions will probably be answered by either Kamala or the DNC.

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