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Fries and Mayonnaise in Europe (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Is this true? YUK!!
vauge said:
Is this true? YUK!!

It's a Belgian speciality. Try it, they're lovely that way.

The secret is, you don't supersize and you stop when you're full. I know that's a strange concept on your side of the pond.
I've got a (Bohemian) friend that mixes ketchup with mayo for her fries. I've tried it and it really wasn't bad.

Urethra Franklin, is there any subject that you don't try to slam the U.S. in? Seriously. It's getting to be a one trick pony that's trailing a blanket statement.
shuamort said:
Urethra Franklin, is there any subject that you don't try to slam the U.S. in? Seriously. It's getting to be a one trick pony that's trailing a blanket statement.

Oh that's really unfair :eek:

The US is responsible for some great things:
Fantastic music (usually black), Rita Mae Brown novels, The Simpsons.
That's about it I think.
Urethra Franklin said:
Oh that's really unfair :eek:

The US is responsible for some great things:
Fantastic music (usually black), Rita Mae Brown novels, The Simpsons.
That's about it I think.
Ahh, much better :applaud ;)
Urethra Franklin said:
Oh that's really unfair :eek:

The US is responsible for some great things:
Fantastic music (usually black), Rita Mae Brown novels, The Simpsons.
That's about it I think.

How about MTV? :)
Urethra Franklin said:
Oh that's really unfair :eek:

The US is responsible for some great things:
Fantastic music (usually black), Rita Mae Brown novels, The Simpsons.
That's about it I think.

Oh, Urethra, if you're a Brit don't forget that Ronald Reagan provided fab material for Spitting Image! :rofl
Naughty Nurse said:
It's really yummy. (But not if you call them Freedom Fries!!)

The thought of it still gets to me.

About the freedom fries thing... what goes best with them?

Naughty Nurse said:
Oh, Urethra, if you're a Brit don't forget that Ronald Reagan provided fab material for Spitting Image! :rofl

Ronnie boy also informed the world that trees produce pollution and ketchup is a vegtable. Though it may have only been a vegtable when used in school lunch programs, I can't remember.

What's "Spitting Image?"
Urethra Franklin said:
Oh that's really unfair :eek:

The US is responsible for some great things:
Fantastic music (usually black), Rita Mae Brown novels, The Simpsons.
That's about it I think.

Aren't you the person that accused someone on here of "French Bashing?" I find it odd that you would make that assessment then go on and on about how awful we Americans are.
vauge said:
The thought of it still gets to me.

About the freedom fries thing... what goes best with them?

Would that be (Theresa) Heinz (Kerry) Ketchup? LOL

The really ironic thing about that is this. According to Followyourmoney.org, the H.J. Heinz company gave much more money to the republican party than to the democrats.

Republicans $172,610 (71.43%)
Democrats $64,436 (26.66%)
Others $4,604 (1.91%)
Total $241,650
shuamort said:
Would that be (Theresa) Heinz (Kerry) Ketchup? LOL

The really ironic thing about that is this. According to Followyourmoney.org, the H.J. Heinz company gave much more money to the republican party than to the democrats.

Republicans $172,610 (71.43%)
Democrats $64,436 (26.66%)
Others $4,604 (1.91%)
Total $241,650

And to think the GOP spent much of the last election going around the country calling her crazy.
"Spitting Image" was a TV programme, quite a while ago. It used puppets that were caricatures of famous people. Nobody was immune, and the programme sairised without mercy. It was absolutely brilliant TV!
Naughty Nurse said:
"Spitting Image" was a TV programme, quite a while ago. It used puppets that were caricatures of famous people. Nobody was immune, and the programme sairised without mercy. It was absolutely brilliant TV!
Weren't they also used in a Genesis video ("Land of Confusion" or some such)?
Naughty Nurse said:
"Spitting Image" was a TV programme, quite a while ago. It used puppets that were caricatures of famous people. Nobody was immune, and the programme sairised without mercy. It was absolutely brilliant TV!

Man, I miss that show! Even God was satirised, it was hilarous - I was really young and didn't get all the politics but I thought it was the best - and then they stopped it damnit!

Man, Spitting Image would have been a great programme to watch for the last 4 years. I could imagine Bush being one of the small puppets whizzing about and Cheney - the big menacing puppet. God I loved that show! :(
Pacridge said:
Aren't you the person that accused someone on here of "French Bashing?" I find it odd that you would make that assessment then go on and on about how awful we Americans are.

Oh work it out :rolleyes:
Urethra Franklin said:
Utter ***t

OMG, I agree with Urethra!!

*Grabs jacket, its about to get really cold*
Pacridge said:
Aren't you the person that accused someone on here of "French Bashing?" I find it odd that you would make that assessment then go on and on about how awful we Americans are.

Can't you make the distiction between somebody stating what they dislike about a nation and bashing? Can't you take it? Does the truth hurt too much? If you can't hack debate, and a bit of banter, why are you even on a forum like this, let alone moderating?????
Urethra Franklin said:
Can't you make the distiction between somebody stating what they dislike about a nation and bashing? Can't you take it? Does the truth hurt too much? If you can't hack debate, and a bit of banter, why are you even on a forum like this, let alone moderating?????
HERE Here!
Urethra Franklin said:
Can't you make the distiction between somebody stating what they dislike about a nation and bashing? Can't you take it? Does the truth hurt too much? If you can't hack debate, and a bit of banter, why are you even on a forum like this, let alone moderating?????

I'm all for debate. Personally, I have no problem with you're telling people they live in "Trashville." I just find it odd that that you seem so despiteful to anything American and yet were so quick to accuse someone else of what you called "French Bashing." I mean how exactly is telling someone they live in "Trashville" engaging in a debate? Sounds more like American bashing. Or is it simply banter when you do it and bashing when someone else does it?
Pacridge said:
I'm all for debate. Personally, I have no problem with you're telling people they live in "Trashville." I just find it odd that that you seem so despiteful to anything American and yet were so quick to accuse someone else of what you called "French Bashing." I mean how exactly is telling someone they live in "Trashville" engaging in a debate? Sounds more like American bashing. Or is it simply banter when you do it and bashing when someone else does it?

But Pacridge, why are they bashing America? It's obvious. France never (in the 20th-21st centuries) invaded a country based on the notion of 'premptive' war. France doesn't continually move to the right, giving corporations more and more power. France is sensibe, we are not. That's why America is getting 'bashed'. Frankly, we deserve it.

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