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French magazine accuses Armstrong of cheating (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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Seven years after Lance Armstrong won his first Tour de France title -- and a month after he won his seventh -- the doping allegations have returned.

According to the French sports daily L'Equipe, six urine samples provided by Armstrong during the 1999 Tour tested positive for the red blood cell-booster EPO.

``Unfortunately, the witch hunt continues and tomorrow's article is nothing short of tabloid journalism,'' Armstrong wrote on his Web site. ``I will simply restate what I have said many times: I have never taken performance-enhancing drugs.''

The allegations surfaced seven years later because EPO tests on the 1999 samples were carried out only last year -- when scientists at a lab outside Paris used them for research to perfect EPO testing. The national anti-doping laboratory in Chatenay-Malabry said it promised to hand its finding to the World Anti-Doping Agency, provided they were never used to penalize riders.

L'Equipe's investigation was based on urine B samples -- the second of two samples used in doping tests. The A batch was used in 1999 for analysis at the time. Without those samples, any disciplinary action against Armstrong would be impossible, French Sports Minister Jean-Francois Lamour said.

You really need to read the whole thing... a new low for the French imo.
The Frenchman says "Lance Armstrong, bah, he is on chemicals!"

The American replies "It's called radiation therapy ya stupid ass"

scottyz said:
You really need to read the whole thing... a new low for the French imo.
Nothing like a little xenophobia to start a post, right?

Here are the facts, let's see if you want to blame the French or Lance Armstrong?

His urine test from 1999 was frozen. He passed that test in 1999 coming up negative for a steroid EPO that increases one's red blood count and gives you more stamina.

Now his frozen urine is retested, and now there are more sophisiticated tests that are able to detect EPO in urine. More modern tests, different result. he failed the test. What about this has to do with as you so nastily put it "a new low for the French, imo"?

I can answer it for you NOTHING! Armstrong is a hero in France, beloved, adored, considered the "Babe Ruth" of cycling.

Writing posts that are ill informed and chock full of hate for an entire nation is pretty damn ugly.

The truth is that Armstrong, like Rafael Palmierro, was busted, and now he must live with the consequences of his behavior. Do you have a problem with the truth if it's exposed by "the French"?
Who is to say the French didn't tamper with those blood samples? There is conveniently no sample A for comparison.
Well said, Champs.

I'd hate to think that Lance used any type of performance enhancing drug. There's no doubt that his accomplishments in sport are to be highly admired and accoladed. That said, I doubt there are many top athletes that don't use. Perhaps I'm jaded, but it seems to me that the risk of getting caught is less important than achieving glory (which, of course, can lead to multimillion dollar contracts).
scottyz said:
Who is to say the French didn't tamper with those blood samples? There is conveniently no sample A for comparison.

Are you, by chance, Johnny Cochrane? Thought you died. ;)

Gotta just love those conspiracy theories.
scottyz said:
Who is to say the French didn't tamper with those blood samples? There is conveniently no sample A for comparison.
What a bunch of bullshit this post is!

Let me guess? You also believe that we found WMDs in Iraq and that Saddam was directly involved in 9-11? :rofl

How would you feel if it was a French cyclist busted like this? Would you still write the same bullshit post?

Ugly, very, very ugly is the best way to describe certain Americans who are too damn stupid to know the truth because they are so hate-filled.
scottyz said:
Who is to say the French didn't tamper with those blood samples? There is conveniently no sample A for comparison.

look man I get tired of hearing the French try to bash Armstrong too, but this is going a little over the top...
The Fogs congenitally hate not have a Frog win the Tour, so they have been always on the attack againt Lance...it is there thing....

The fact that they retested so many old samples but only identified Lance as those samples mysteriously were the only once traceable says it all.

I don't trust drug tests anyway......my wife crashed a car, smacked her head senseless, hospital did a standard blood draw/toxicology, came back THC negative (tetrahydracannabinol, active ingredient in marijuana)..... police in violation of her 5th amendment rights stole half the draw, and the LAPD lab showed THC positive, and our own third independant lab confirmed negative THC consistent with the hospital....of course they still charged her anyway.....

When there is motive someone will cook the results.
26 X World Champs said:
Nothing like a little xenophobia to start a post, right?

Here are the facts, let's see if you want to blame the French or Lance Armstrong?

His urine test from 1999 was frozen. He passed that test in 1999 coming up negative for a steroid EPO that increases one's red blood count and gives you more stamina.

Now his frozen urine is retested, and now there are more sophisiticated tests that are able to detect EPO in urine. More modern tests, different result. he failed the test. What about this has to do with as you so nastily put it "a new low for the French, imo"?

L'Equipe, the newspaper reporting the allegations had printed such allegations before. Several of Lance's contemporaries as well as cycling legend Miguel Indurain also have expressed doubts as to the veracity of the reports.

I find the timing of the reports rather interesting and rather troubling. I also haven't seen their evidence.

Funny how the fan of the Evil Empire is so ready to pounce and pronounce Lance guilty. Have you taken a look at HIS side of the story?

ludahai said:
L'Equipe, the newspaper reporting the allegations had printed such allegations before. Several of Lance's contemporaries as well as cycling legend Miguel Indurain also have expressed doubts as to the veracity of the reports.

I find the timing of the reports rather interesting and rather troubling. I also haven't seen their evidence.

Funny how the fan of the Evil Empire is so ready to pounce and pronounce Lance guilty. Have you taken a look at HIS side of the story?


Labs in Canada have demonstrated the stability of EPO after being frozen for seven years is highly questionable. It was also highly questionable that they leaked the results to a French magazine rather than going through the proper channels. I'm sure if they had a solid case against him they would have done it properly.
26 X World Champs said:
Nothing like a little xenophobia to start a post, right?

Here are the facts, let's see if you want to blame the French or Lance Armstrong?

His urine test from 1999 was frozen. He passed that test in 1999 coming up negative for a steroid EPO that increases one's red blood count and gives you more stamina.

Now his frozen urine is retested, and now there are more sophisiticated tests that are able to detect EPO in urine. More modern tests, different result. he failed the test. What about this has to do with as you so nastily put it "a new low for the French, imo"?

I can answer it for you NOTHING! Armstrong is a hero in France, beloved, adored, considered the "Babe Ruth" of cycling.

Writing posts that are ill informed and chock full of hate for an entire nation is pretty damn ugly.

The truth is that Armstrong, like Rafael Palmierro, was busted, and now he must live with the consequences of his behavior. Do you have a problem with the truth if it's exposed by "the French"?

Well, you're right and wrong.. :)

Right: racism has nothing to do whith this. The French outed that because it's the "Tour de FRANCE"..
Wrong: Amstrong is not a hero.. well sort of. It's really special to see the relation between Armstrong and the French. It's a love-hate relationship. They love him because winning the tour seven years in a row is just exceptional. They hate him because he's not like the other champions, he's a lot less accessible. That's just him, but it is a PR problem for Armstrong.
Wrong: the samples tested during his first tour were not tested for EPO, as the test for this in urine was not ready at the time. It only started being used in 2000.
What I don't like in all this is that it comes out at then end of August, when news are low. It comes out without any chance to do counter-expertises (the take 2 samples of urine. The first (A) is used directly and the second (B) is congealed. There's NO C sample that could be used for counter-expertise). So, the accusation could not be brought in front of a sports court, because it could not hold.
What I also don't like is that he won the tour SEVEN times, with the EPO test starting during the second one. So, how did he win the 6 following ones if EPO was responsible for his first victory?

I don't buy the story.

Just my opinion.
"This thing stinks"
-- Lance Armstrong.

Last night Lance completely denied all allegations on Larry King Live. In his own words:
"If you consider my situation: a guy who comes back from arguably, you know, a death sentence, why would I then enter into a sport and dope myself up and risk my life again? That's crazy. I would never do that. No. No way."

From CNN.com
Armstrong noted that earlier this year, when he announced his retirement, that the same paper wrote, "Never has an athlete's retirement been so welcome."

Here is Lance's side of things, I suggest you read the entire article.

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