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Freedom without democracy (1 Viewer)


Active member
Jan 6, 2006
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Political Leaning
Lately I have been starting to doubt democracy. You see, it leaves room for the people to be dictators, mob rule, where 51% of the people can take away the rights of the other 49%. Hong Kong is the freest country on Earth, but it never had democracy. It has remained a night watchman state because you don't have liberals out there legislating in the name of "social justice" or conservatives in the name of "moral values." I actually think a benevolent dictatorship like this could be a good thing. I am thinking of starting a group advocating that, I of course will be dictator.
Benevolence and dictatorship are contradictory. When one gets absolute power, they are anything but benevolent. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Benevolent dictators are great in theory but rare in practice. Then there's that pesky problem of what happens when your dictator dies.
It worked in Hong Kong and Singapore, and those are some f**kin successful countries.
That's why we are not a democracy and the founding fathers made sure we were not.
CB said:
Benevolence and dictatorship are contradictory. When one gets absolute power, they are anything but benevolent. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

True for the vast majority of the time.

CB said:
Benevolent dictators are great in theory but rare in practice. Then there's that pesky problem of what happens when your dictator dies.

A vacuum in such power is often violent and usually ends badly.

CB said:
That's why we are not a democracy and the founding fathers made sure we were not.

Constitution protected Republican-Democrasy. "Mob rule" is prevented by constitution as "supreme law," and abuses of power are protected by checks from seperate branches. Mostly.

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