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Freedom Pre-requisite For Human Species' Survival (1 Viewer)


Sep 23, 2005
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When certain segments of the human species that live on this globe become disenfranchised or have injustices committed upon them or their basic rights to freedom denied, the possibility of the destruction of the human species becomes more real. Some will inevitiably grow tired of these things and decide to take up arms or use unconventional warfare against the governments that oppress them. Some might resort to smuggling suitcase nukes or nuclear devices and set them off in the nations they percieve as oppressing them. The US wouldn't be the only target for such nuclear nightmare terrorist attacks. Russia has also had to keep eye for the possibility of Chechen terrorists stealing or acquiring materials or devices to build a nuclear type bomb to use against Russia. We also have to consider a chemical or biological terrorist attack as well. All of these scenarios are very real and the result of some segment of the population of the human species being disenfranchised and denied their freedom. September 11 was the result of a very determined enemy who is determined to fight and win and to use any means necessary against the US. It required alot of dedication and careful planning to pull of September 11. It also demonstrated that these same organizations have the ability, skill and will to carry out other similar or far worse attacks than that of September 11. September 11 was a declaration of war. It symbolized the very real possibility that man could destroy himself as well.
TimmyBoy said:
When certain segments of the human species that live on this globe become disenfranchised or have injustices committed upon them or their basic rights to freedom denied, the possibility of the destruction of the human species becomes more real. Some will inevitiably grow tired of these things and decide to take up arms or use unconventional warfare against the governments that oppress them. Some might resort to smuggling suitcase nukes or nuclear devices and set them off in the nations they percieve as oppressing them. The US wouldn't be the only target for such nuclear nightmare terrorist attacks. Russia has also had to keep eye for the possibility of Chechen terrorists stealing or acquiring materials or devices to build a nuclear type bomb to use against Russia. We also have to consider a chemical or biological terrorist attack as well. All of these scenarios are very real and the result of some segment of the population of the human species being disenfranchised and denied their freedom. September 11 was the result of a very determined enemy who is determined to fight and win and to use any means necessary against the US. It required alot of dedication and careful planning to pull of September 11. It also demonstrated that these same organizations have the ability, skill and will to carry out other similar or far worse attacks than that of September 11. September 11 was a declaration of war. It symbolized the very real possibility that man could destroy himself as well.

Intersting encapsulation of our current state and worldwide predicament. Did you have a solution, or do you accept the Bush administration's plan to help Democratize the Mid East as being a start in alleiviating this worldwide scourge?

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