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Free Market Is Key To Cheaper Gas (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
America (A.K.A., a red state)
Political Leaning
When price controls and other government interferences in deregulation caused the energy crisis in California a few years ago, it did so for the same reason that big oil monopolies are now able to greedily cause this national energy crisis-the free market was suppressed. Markets truly free from both over-regulation and from monopolies will not allow such disasters to take place.
Comrade Brian said:
Well, cars and oil suck.

your debate skills are the greatest! :roll:
Well, cars and oil aren't going away any time soon. There's no point in implementing price controls. That will just lead to long lines and shortages.

I say, keep the market free and follow the free market. It will cause people to conserve more, and it will encourage investment into alternative sources of energy.
aquapub said:
When price controls and other government interferences in deregulation caused the energy crisis in California a few years ago, it did so for the same reason that big oil monopolies are now able to greedily cause this national energy crisis-the free market was suppressed. Markets truly free from both over-regulation and from monopolies will not allow such disasters to take place.

Actually, the problem in California was two fold. On one hand, the deregulation in that state of the utilities was lopsided. On the other, Enron was shutting down powerplants to keep energy prices artificially high.

The key to lower gas prices is greater fuel efficiency. An increase in CAFE standards is the only significant step that can be taken to help curb fuel prices.

Well, I am against cheap gas.

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