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France Tests Huge 140mm Tank Gun (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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France Tests Huge 140mm Tank Gun As It Pushes Ahead With Germany On A New Tank Design


French defense contractor Nexter has reportedly been testing a modified Leclerc main battle tank with a massive 140mm main gun as part of the development of a future Franco-German tank, known as the Main Ground Combat System, or MGCS. For decades, France, as well as Germany, among many others, have considered adding bigger cannons to its tanks to improve their armor penetration and range capabilities, but have repeatedly decided not to do so. So, it still remains to be seen how seriously they’ll pursue this course of action now. Jane’s 360 reported the news, which the outlet had learned at the International Armored Vehicles (IAV) 2019 conference in London, on Jan. 24, 2019. The up-gunned Leclerc has fired more than 200 rounds successfully and Nexter claims the weapon is 70 percent more effective than existing NATO-standard 120mm tank guns. The MGCS program, which began in 2012, aims to replace France’s Leclercs and Germany’s Leopard 2 tanks with a common design by 2035.

continued @ the link above

Informative article about tank gun barrels.
Larger turret, two piece ammo, 25% fewer rounds than an Abrams. Slower rate of fire, I would guess, along with slower and more complicated ammo restocking.
Larger turret, two piece ammo, 25% fewer rounds than an Abrams. Slower rate of fire, I would guess, along with slower and more complicated ammo restocking.

I think that the French/German collaboration is more geared to eastern targets than western ones.....:gunner:
I think that the French/German collaboration is more geared to eastern targets than western ones.....:gunner:

Doesn't change the technical and logistical points.
A Franco-German tank? Who woulda thunk?

Well, much of the designs seen in WWI were originally part of a joint German-Soviet design program.

The Germans wanted to design new tanks, but were forbidden to make tanks. So they joined with the Soviets and made the "Kama Tank School". And both profited from the arrangement. The Germans got to build new tanks and test them and work on tactics away from the treaty restrictions. The Soviets got some great advice and assistance in modernizing their own tanks.
Militaries around the world have been talking about the possibility of a 140mm or larger tank gun since at least the 80's. The cost-benefit of it never adds up, especially when gun-fired ATGM's continue to improve.

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