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Fox won’t cover Koran-burning; AP to block pictures (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2007
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San Antonio Texas
Political Leaning
With concern growing among some journalists that the coverage of a Florida church's planned Koran-burning could cause harm to Americans, some major news sources are saying they will limit their reporting on the event.

The Associated Press announced Thursday that it will not distribute images or audio of the event, and will seek to highlight that the event is being carried out by a small congregation.

"Should the event happen on Saturday, the AP will not distribute images or audio that specifically show Qurans being burned, and will not provide detailed text descriptions of the burning," AP deputy managing editor told staff in a memo, as cited at The Hill.
Fox won’t cover Koran-burning; AP to block pictures | Raw Story
As we all know, the media doens't air hate, or show it.


Fox won’t cover Koran-burning; AP to block pictures | Raw Story
As we all know, the media doens't air hate, or show it.



So what you're telling us is that events which would put any and every American in a Muslim country in danger should be broadcast? Interesting. I remember when the Iraq war started, the mere mention that Arabs were dying supposedly put our soldiers in jeopardy more than the fact that we had invaded a country. Now that some jerk-off bigot is about to start a **** storm that anyone with more than two brain cells would want to avoid getting involved in - it doesn't matter what the media prints or says anymore? Your bias doesn't escape us.
So what you're telling us is that events which would put any and every American in a Muslim country in danger should be broadcast? Interesting. I remember when the Iraq war started, the mere mention that Arabs were dying supposedly put our soldiers in jeopardy more than the fact that we had invaded a country. Now that some jerk-off bigot is about to start a **** storm that anyone with more than two brain cells would want to avoid getting involved in - it doesn't matter what the media prints or says anymore? Your bias doesn't escape us.

Bias? I'm pointing out hypocrisy. I'm pointing out that all you have to do is threaten violence and the media cowers. They WIN. Don't you people get it? When we fear them, they WIN.

What good is freedom of speech, or freedom of the press if we let others determine what we will show because we fear their reaction! This isn't about the Flag, or the Koran, or Islam, or Christianity. This is about letting FEAR control us.

And some of you, shake in your boots.
Bias? I'm pointing out hypocrisy. I'm pointing out that all you have to do is threaten violence and the media cowers. They WIN. Don't you people get it? When we fear them, they WIN.

What good is freedom of speech, or freedom of the press if we let others determine what we will show because we fear their reaction! This isn't about the Flag, or the Koran, or Islam, or Christianity. This is about letting FEAR control us.

And some of you, shake in your boots.

if that's what the post is about, why didn't you say so in the first place? personally, i don't see any reason to give a two bit ****head preacher the time of day, much less air time.
if that's what the post is about, why didn't you say so in the first place? personally, i don't see any reason to give a two bit ****head preacher the time of day, much less air time.

I'm not impressed with him or the other idiots doing this either. But to "not" show or cover it, but the media covers Flag Burnings and other highly offensive events... that's my problem. They FEAR the reaction, and that's not right man, not at all.
I'm not impressed with him or the other idiots doing this either. But to "not" show or cover it, but the media covers Flag Burnings and other highly offensive events... that's my problem. They FEAR the reaction, and that's not right man, not at all.

the media shows what sells.
Cop out liblady. You know as well as I do they'd get rating showing this idiot torching Korans.

true. i have to say that as our military leaders have said this would endanger our soldiers, how can they show it? and the other side of the coin is as i posted, why give the douche air time?
true. i have to say that as our military leaders have said this would endanger our soldiers, how can they show it? and the other side of the coin is as i posted, why give the douche air time?


I don't fear him, and neither should you. I think our military leaders are caught in the same trap, and appeasing Islamic Idiots that rage over stupid **** isn't helping us it's helping them.



Michelle Malkin » The eternal flame of Muslim outrage
Special shout out to Okham for bringing this to my attention. You should read it liblady, it's a very good piece and even if you should find yourself NOT in agreement, you might find it educational as to why we on the right feel the way we do on some issues, it dovetails this thread BEAUTIFULLY.

Bias? I'm pointing out hypocrisy. I'm pointing out that all you have to do is threaten violence and the media cowers. They WIN. Don't you people get it? When we fear them, they WIN.

None of the media outlets in my area report false fire alarms or bomb threats involving schools, on the grounds that they don't want to encourage such things by paying attention to them.

As a policy, it works pretty well.

Maybe this is the same thing.
None of the media outlets in my area report false fire alarms or bomb threats involving schools, on the grounds that they don't want to encourage such things by paying attention to them.

As a policy, it works pretty well.

Maybe this is the same thing.

If it was equally applied I'd agree with you. That's my point. Yes, I admit Islam's getting hammered on this right now... but whose fault is that... right now?

If the Media FEARED to show a Bible Burning because Baptist would riot and kill people I'd be just as in arms against the Media.

I don't fear him, and neither should you. I think our military leaders are caught in the same trap, and appeasing Islamic Idiots that rage over stupid **** isn't helping us it's helping them.



Michelle Malkin » The eternal flame of Muslim outrage
Special shout out to Okham for bringing this to my attention. You should read it liblady, it's a very good piece and even if you should find yourself NOT in agreement, you might find it educational as to why we on the right feel the way we do on some issues, it dovetails this thread BEAUTIFULLY.


i read it and have no comment.
If it was equally applied I'd agree with you. That's my point. Yes, I admit Islam's getting hammered on this right now... but whose fault is that... right now?

If the Media FEARED to show a Bible Burning because Baptist would riot and kill people I'd be just as in arms against the Media.

Why does it have to be FEAR?

Why can't it be a simple unwillingness to encourage this kind of nonsense? A turning of your back, if you will?
Why does it have to be FEAR?

Why can't it be a simple unwillingness to encourage this kind of nonsense? A turning of your back, if you will?

Because you're being highly disingenuous with your comments. Why does the media cover flag burnings? Do they not piss off a lot of people, are they not very angry affairs? Free speech aside, why encourage that kind of nonsense?
I'm sure it would be a good idea if they did.

I suppose in this particular case, the added dimension is that it would deeply offend people we're trying to work with in another part of the world. It seems only logical that we'd avoid glorifying something like that.

That still isn't fear.

I don't fear him, and neither should you. I think our military leaders are caught in the same trap, and appeasing Islamic Idiots that rage over stupid **** isn't helping us it's helping them.



Michelle Malkin » The eternal flame of Muslim outrage
Special shout out to Okham for bringing this to my attention. You should read it liblady, it's a very good piece and even if you should find yourself NOT in agreement, you might find it educational as to why we on the right feel the way we do on some issues, it dovetails this thread BEAUTIFULLY.


I read your Malkin piece. Now take a look at this. See a connection?

Nuclear summit logo designed by Obama to appeal to Muslims, says noted wingnut - Boing Boing
1.So what you're telling us is that events which would put any and every American in a Muslim country in danger should be broadcast? Interesting. I remember when the Iraq war started, the mere mention that Arabs were dying supposedly put our soldiers in jeopardy 2.more than the fact that we had invaded a country. 3.Now that some jerk-off bigot 4.is about to start a **** storm that 5.anyone with more than two brain cells would want to avoid getting involved in - it doesn't matter what the media prints or says anymore? 6.Your bias doesn't escape us.

In bold:
1. You implying Muslims are intolerant and dangerous?
2. We didn't invade a country. We finished some businesses pertaining to Gulf War 1; a war that was fought, won and where the loser agreed to disarm... 12-years earlier and 16 UN Resolutions later.
3. He is a performance artist that happens to be a Reverend. It's always tough breaking new ground.
4. start a ******* storm? Sorry, the terrorists and their quiet masses started a ******* storm provocation long, long ago.
5. Flaming Korans or not, anyone with two brain cells would know we have been at war with these cretins for quite a while now... but we have some twits that ban the use of War on Terror...
6. And your lack of critical thinking... is a sight to behold.

Maybe if we riot, kill a bunch of libs, and burn a city down Barry will change it.


Oh I have her on ignore, is that what she was on about?
Cop out liblady. You know as well as I do they'd get rating showing this idiot torching Korans.

If you want to see burning Korans just go to you tube. Why this nut in Florida got so much attention is beyond me these other people burning Korans weren't even a blip on the mass media radar.

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