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Fox that attacked congressman and others near Capitol had rabies, officials say (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2019
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Long Island NY
Political Leaning
A fox that bit a congressman and at least eight other people near the U.S. Capitol was euthanized and found to have rabies, city health officials said Wednesday.

Among those who had a run-in with the fox was Rep. Ami Bera, D-Calif., who said he was nipped on his leg on the way office Monday.

Bera, a medical doctor, told NBC News on Tuesday night that he'd started rabies prophylaxis treatment as a precaution. The treatment includes a round of seven shots, and requires three rounds of follow-up shots in the next 14 days.

Read more: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/co...l0qtDP8xw_zc1Cf4G4DQcEwU7P1LoL-jJ8MexRzQzdJbQ
It is a good thing that Rep Bera is a doctor and knew to start rabies treatment o_O
A fox that bit a congressman and at least eight other people near the U.S. Capitol was euthanized and found to have rabies, city health officials said Wednesday.

Among those who had a run-in with the fox was Rep. Ami Bera, D-Calif., who said he was nipped on his leg on the way office Monday.

Bera, a medical doctor, told NBC News on Tuesday night that he'd started rabies prophylaxis treatment as a precaution. The treatment includes a round of seven shots, and requires three rounds of follow-up shots in the next 14 days.

Read more: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/co...l0qtDP8xw_zc1Cf4G4DQcEwU7P1LoL-jJ8MexRzQzdJbQ

Yes, and those shots that Bera has to take are terribly painful.

It was predictable that the fox was rabid when this all occurred during the day. Poor thing.
A fox that bit a congressman and at least eight other people near the U.S. Capitol was euthanized and found to have rabies, city health officials said Wednesday.

Among those who had a run-in with the fox was Rep. Ami Bera, D-Calif., who said he was nipped on his leg on the way office Monday.

Bera, a medical doctor, told NBC News on Tuesday night that he'd started rabies prophylaxis treatment as a precaution. The treatment includes a round of seven shots, and requires three rounds of follow-up shots in the next 14 days.

Read more: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/co...l0qtDP8xw_zc1Cf4G4DQcEwU7P1LoL-jJ8MexRzQzdJbQ
Hope those who were bit will be okay. :)
Fox bites member of Congress contracts rabies. Sad story

So was the Fox a Trump supporter, a Russian plant, or was global warming to blame for the behavior?
A fox that bit a congressman and at least eight other people near the U.S. Capitol was euthanized and found to have rabies, city health officials said Wednesday.

Among those who had a run-in with the fox was Rep. Ami Bera, D-Calif., who said he was nipped on his leg on the way office Monday.

Bera, a medical doctor, told NBC News on Tuesday night that he'd started rabies prophylaxis treatment as a precaution. The treatment includes a round of seven shots, and requires three rounds of follow-up shots in the next 14 days.

Read more: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/co...l0qtDP8xw_zc1Cf4G4DQcEwU7P1LoL-jJ8MexRzQzdJbQ
Poor guy--I hear those shots are a nightmare--long needle straight into the sternum, some of them anyway. Beats dying of rabies, though.

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