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Fox News Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 10 points, both seen as flawed (1 Viewer)

Its strange that the same people that were telling people that Trump's bump was from his convention. Now they are posting every poll that is after Clinton's convention. Oh wait, its not strange at all.

From the article :

"Trump leads among whites by 10 points (49-39 percent), men by 5 (45-40 percent), white evangelical Christians by 50 (69-19 percent), and whites without a college degree by 16 (52-36 percent).

Right now he’s underperforming his 2012 counterpart. Romney won whites by 20 points (59-39 percent), men by 7 (52-45 percent), white evangelicals by 57 (78-21 percent), and whites without a degree by 26 (62-36 percent)."

Sounds like good news to me.
From the article :

"Trump leads among whites by 10 points (49-39 percent), men by 5 (45-40 percent), white evangelical Christians by 50 (69-19 percent), and whites without a college degree by 16 (52-36 percent).

Right now he’s underperforming his 2012 counterpart. Romney won whites by 20 points (59-39 percent), men by 7 (52-45 percent), white evangelicals by 57 (78-21 percent), and whites without a degree by 26 (62-36 percent)."

Sounds like good news to me.

You conveniently ignored "Clinton is favored among women by 23 points (57-34 percent), blacks by 83 (87-4 percent), Hispanics by 48 (68-20 percent), and voters under 30 by 18 (49-31 percent)"
You conveniently ignored "Clinton is favored among women by 23 points (57-34 percent), blacks by 83 (87-4 percent), Hispanics by 48 (68-20 percent), and voters under 30 by 18 (49-31 percent)"

No, i was just pointing out how (1) evangelicals still overwhelmingly support Trump (in spite of attacks on Melania's lack of modesty), (2) Trump leads among the uneducated, and (3) Trump is doing even worse than Romney was.

Not looking good for Trump (thank goodness), and it definitely seems like attacks on Melania are as ineffective as they are despicable.
When FOX News says the GOP candidate is toast, the GOP candidate is toast. LOL.
IOW, Trump is the only GOP candidate so widely loathed that he is likely to lose to the worst candidate that the DNC has put up in decades.

Gosh. If only someone had warned the Trump fans. You know, like, for months. :roll:
This is good to see, though that 40% is embarrassing:

Finally, 77 percent of voters are familiar with the exchange between Trump and the parents of a Muslim-American soldier who died while serving in Iraq. Some 69 percent of them describe Trump’s criticism of the Khan family as “out of bounds.” Among Republicans, 40 percent think his response was “in bounds,” while 41 percent say “out of bounds,” and 19 percent are unsure.
Hillary is going to win this, but Trump's disastrous handling of the Khan family saga will come down as one of the dumbest in the history of politics. It's a textbook example of what not to do for future politicos.
Hillary is going to win this, but Trump's disastrous handling of the Khan family saga will come down as one of the dumbest in the history of politics. It's a textbook example of what not to do for future politicos.

Somewhere Howard Dean is scratching his head going "all I did was yell kinda funny?"
Biased poll run by a Liberal outfit.

What I love is when the people that are sitting on the fox news channel use all of the polls besides the fox news poll. It's just hilarious that they pay for all this polling, which I think is generally regarded as unbiased, and then they toss it to the side and use what ever poll has Hillary doing the worst or Trump the best.

Fox should just drop the polling and hire Rasmussen to do it since that's usually what they cite anyways.
Somewhere Howard Dean is scratching his head going "all I did was yell kinda funny?"

Poor bastard, I remember learning about him and finding out how that somehow sank his campaign. This was in 2012, while Romney was putting out gaffe after gaffe and still holding his own against Obama, so I was thoroughly confused by the backlash against the funny yell.
Poor bastard, I remember hearing how that somehow sank his campaign while Romney was putting out gaffe after gaffe and still holding his own against Obama.

Sank him like a rock. And he would have had a much better chance against GWB than John Kerry did imho.
I still don't understand why that sank him. "Oh no, this candidate is too... enthusiastic?"

People had expectations of candidates back then. They had working brains, too. Today's primary voters have no brains, which is how we ended up with Queen Deception and King Assclown as the candidates.
I still don't understand why that sank him. "Oh no, this candidate is too... enthusiastic?"

IDK. Slow newsweek and it just kept going and going. It was talked about for weeks. It made him seem like a crazy person kinda.

It was dubbed the "I have a scream" speech, lol.
People had expectations of candidates back then. They had working brains, too. Today's primary voters have no brains, which is how we ended up with Queen Deception and King Assclown as the candidates.

IDK. Slow newsweek and it just kept going and going. It was talked about for weeks. It made him seem like a crazy person kinda.

Given that Bush and Kerry were the eventual picks, I'm inclined to believe the slow news week answer. I don't remember much of the 2004 election, but I remember someone on here (maybe Cardinal?) saying that this election mirrored it: America said "Anyone but Bush!" Then the Democrats nominated John Kerry, and America said "Well, ****."
Its strange that the same people that were telling people that Trump's bump was from his convention. Now they are posting every poll that is after Clinton's convention. Oh wait, its not strange at all.

You don't understand why polls after both parties have had their conventions are more relevant than polls after only one party has had its convention?
You don't understand why polls after both parties have had their conventions are more relevant than polls after only one party has had its convention?

In a few weeks, sure.
Trump is already claiming Hillary rigged the poll.

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