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Fox News Digital finishes 2024 as top news brand among key metrics during unprecedented year of news (1 Viewer)

I wonder if he believes he is doing well in this discussion, whether he is successfully baiting the libs, or whether he is instead making himself look foolish.

I guess his critical thinking skills will provide him with the correct answer.
You take the posts as they come. It's not on anyone to define that group, either.
I simply asked them a question, then you butted in with a bunch of nonsense.

It's unfortunate that your critical thinking has led you to believe that your internal rules apply to everyone else.
Where is YOUR critical thinking? A smug attitude and insults are not critical thinking. You need to go back to your textbooks and brush up.

Perhaps more schooling would have helped with that thinking error.
My critical thinking is screaming at me that continuing this conversation with you is an extreme waste of my time. I will give you the last word, if you like. I am sure you have a good zinger all ready to go, right?
Hey way to go Fox News Digital! Let's all give a well deserved round of applause to those guys!! They do a great job! 🎉

Fox News Digital finished 2024 as the top news brand among multiplatform views and minutes while seeing yearly growth across all metrics, according to Comscore.

The year featured an unprecedented news cycle that saw President Biden perform so poorly during an infamous presidential debate that he ultimately withdrew from the race, Vice President Kamala Harris emerge as the Democratic nominee without a primary and President-elect Donald Trump survive a pair of assassination attempts. All of that occurred ahead of November's election, which ended with Trump's decisive victory over Harris.

The election-related chaos happened as wars in the Middle East and Ukraine continued, college campuses erupted with anti-Israel protests and everyone from Hunter Biden to alleged CEO killer Luigi Mangione dominated news cycles.

Along the way, Fox News Digital secured a staggering 41 billion total multiplatform minutes to grow 11% compared to 2023. CNN settled for 23 billion total multiplatform minutes, dropping 3% from 2023.

Fox News Digital also delivered 21.1 billion total multiplatform views, up 5% compared to 2023. The New York Times managed 18.8 billion total multiplatform views and CNN had 14.2 billion.

Fox News Digital topped a list of news brands including CNN, The New York Times, CBS News, NBC News, Washington Post, ABC News, USA Today and Insider, among others.

click here to read... unless you are triggered by Fox News. If that's the case then here is your binky. :)

Fox News, who argued in court that they can’t be liable for disinformation and lies spread on their programs because no reasonable person could possible believe they are factually reporting the news?
Fox News, who argued in court that they can’t be liable for disinformation and lies spread on their programs because no reasonable person could possible believe they are factually reporting the news?
Did you come to apologize?
Fox News, who argued in court that they can’t be liable for disinformation and lies spread on their programs because no reasonable person could possible believe they are factually reporting the news?

Yep...that would be the one.
I see you are still treating a source that you know lies as if they are valid.
It's really none of your concern. You still owe me an apology though.
It's really none of your concern. You still owe me an apology though.

It’s not a concern that you think a source who admitted in court no reasonable person should think they are reporting news is a good news source?
It’s not a concern that you think a source who admitted in court no reasonable person should think they are reporting news is a good news source?
So where is my apology?
So where is my apology?

Where is your admission that no reasonable person should take Fox News’ reporting seriously?

It shouldn’t be difficult for you. You’d just be repeating what Fox has said about themselves.
Why am i not surprised? It not easy subject matter even with a BS in biology.
Where is your admission that no reasonable person should take Fox News’ reporting seriously?

It shouldn’t be difficult for you. You’d just be repeating what Fox has said about themselves.
So where is my apology?
Hey way to go Fox News Digital! Let's all give a well deserved round of applause to those guys!! They do a great job! 🎉

Fox News Digital finished 2024 as the top news brand among multiplatform views and minutes while seeing yearly growth across all metrics, according to Comscore.

The year featured an unprecedented news cycle that saw President Biden perform so poorly during an infamous presidential debate that he ultimately withdrew from the race, Vice President Kamala Harris emerge as the Democratic nominee without a primary and President-elect Donald Trump survive a pair of assassination attempts. All of that occurred ahead of November's election, which ended with Trump's decisive victory over Harris.

The election-related chaos happened as wars in the Middle East and Ukraine continued, college campuses erupted with anti-Israel protests and everyone from Hunter Biden to alleged CEO killer Luigi Mangione dominated news cycles.

Along the way, Fox News Digital secured a staggering 41 billion total multiplatform minutes to grow 11% compared to 2023. CNN settled for 23 billion total multiplatform minutes, dropping 3% from 2023.

Fox News Digital also delivered 21.1 billion total multiplatform views, up 5% compared to 2023. The New York Times managed 18.8 billion total multiplatform views and CNN had 14.2 billion.

Fox News Digital topped a list of news brands including CNN, The New York Times, CBS News, NBC News, Washington Post, ABC News, USA Today and Insider, among others.

click here to read... unless you are triggered by Fox News. If that's the case then here is your binky. :)

Fox is fake news incarnate.

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