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Fox News Digital finishes 2024 as top news brand among key metrics during unprecedented year of news (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2023
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Political Leaning
Hey way to go Fox News Digital! Let's all give a well deserved round of applause to those guys!! They do a great job! 🎉

Fox News Digital finished 2024 as the top news brand among multiplatform views and minutes while seeing yearly growth across all metrics, according to Comscore.

The year featured an unprecedented news cycle that saw President Biden perform so poorly during an infamous presidential debate that he ultimately withdrew from the race, Vice President Kamala Harris emerge as the Democratic nominee without a primary and President-elect Donald Trump survive a pair of assassination attempts. All of that occurred ahead of November's election, which ended with Trump's decisive victory over Harris.

The election-related chaos happened as wars in the Middle East and Ukraine continued, college campuses erupted with anti-Israel protests and everyone from Hunter Biden to alleged CEO killer Luigi Mangione dominated news cycles.

Along the way, Fox News Digital secured a staggering 41 billion total multiplatform minutes to grow 11% compared to 2023. CNN settled for 23 billion total multiplatform minutes, dropping 3% from 2023.

Fox News Digital also delivered 21.1 billion total multiplatform views, up 5% compared to 2023. The New York Times managed 18.8 billion total multiplatform views and CNN had 14.2 billion.

Fox News Digital topped a list of news brands including CNN, The New York Times, CBS News, NBC News, Washington Post, ABC News, USA Today and Insider, among others.

click here to read... unless you are triggered by Fox News. If that's the case then here is your binky. :)
Enjoy it while it lasts. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Hey way to go Fox News Digital! Let's all give a well deserved round of applause to those guys!! They do a great job! 🎉

Fox News Digital finished 2024 as the top news brand among multiplatform views and minutes while seeing yearly growth across all metrics, according to Comscore.

The year featured an unprecedented news cycle that saw President Biden perform so poorly during an infamous presidential debate that he ultimately withdrew from the race, Vice President Kamala Harris emerge as the Democratic nominee without a primary and President-elect Donald Trump survive a pair of assassination attempts. All of that occurred ahead of November's election, which ended with Trump's decisive victory over Harris.

The election-related chaos happened as wars in the Middle East and Ukraine continued, college campuses erupted with anti-Israel protests and everyone from Hunter Biden to alleged CEO killer Luigi Mangione dominated news cycles.

Along the way, Fox News Digital secured a staggering 41 billion total multiplatform minutes to grow 11% compared to 2023. CNN settled for 23 billion total multiplatform minutes, dropping 3% from 2023.

Fox News Digital also delivered 21.1 billion total multiplatform views, up 5% compared to 2023. The New York Times managed 18.8 billion total multiplatform views and CNN had 14.2 billion.

Fox News Digital topped a list of news brands including CNN, The New York Times, CBS News, NBC News, Washington Post, ABC News, USA Today and Insider, among others.

click here to read... unless you are triggered by Fox News. If that's the case then here is your binky. :)
CNN is nearly non existent in the amount of viewers and MSNBC is in about the same boat. Since the election viewership for the two is going rapidly down. Could if be the many lies they kept spreading?
CNN is nearly non existent in the amount of viewers and MSNBC is in about the same boat. Since the election viewership for the two is going rapidly down. Could if be the many lies they kept spreading?
But... but... but... Faux News is the one who lies!! :ROFLMAO:
Hey way to go Fox News Digital! Let's all give a well deserved round of applause to those guys!! They do a great job! 🎉

Fox News Digital finished 2024 as the top news brand among multiplatform views and minutes while seeing yearly growth across all metrics, according to Comscore.

The year featured an unprecedented news cycle that saw President Biden perform so poorly during an infamous presidential debate that he ultimately withdrew from the race, Vice President Kamala Harris emerge as the Democratic nominee without a primary and President-elect Donald Trump survive a pair of assassination attempts. All of that occurred ahead of November's election, which ended with Trump's decisive victory over Harris.

The election-related chaos happened as wars in the Middle East and Ukraine continued, college campuses erupted with anti-Israel protests and everyone from Hunter Biden to alleged CEO killer Luigi Mangione dominated news cycles.

Along the way, Fox News Digital secured a staggering 41 billion total multiplatform minutes to grow 11% compared to 2023. CNN settled for 23 billion total multiplatform minutes, dropping 3% from 2023.

Fox News Digital also delivered 21.1 billion total multiplatform views, up 5% compared to 2023. The New York Times managed 18.8 billion total multiplatform views and CNN had 14.2 billion.

Fox News Digital topped a list of news brands including CNN, The New York Times, CBS News, NBC News, Washington Post, ABC News, USA Today and Insider, among others.

click here to read... unless you are triggered by Fox News. If that's the case then here is your binky. :)
There you go again.

Confusing popularity with credibility.
But... but... but... Faux News is the one who lies!! :ROFLMAO:

They do.

But since when did people care about that?

CNN just got sued and lost as well...and some people (but none that I know, LOL) watch them too.

People don't want facts, they want entertainment, and confirmation of what they just know is the truth.

I can definitely see Fox being on top, they're showy, they're always either super-excited or super-upset, and they make the Great Unwashed feel they're actually a part of current events rather than, well...average people going to work every day, coming home, eating, hopefully making love with the spouse, and going to sleep. 'Cause thinking that's all there is to every day is dreadful.

But are they news...


Anyway, congrats to Fox! Obviously a fantastic year! They have a formula that truly works.
Hey way to go Fox News Digital! Let's all give a well deserved round of applause to those guys!! They do a great job! 🎉

Fox News Digital finished 2024 as the top news brand among multiplatform views and minutes while seeing yearly growth across all metrics, according to Comscore.

The year featured an unprecedented news cycle that saw President Biden perform so poorly during an infamous presidential debate that he ultimately withdrew from the race, Vice President Kamala Harris emerge as the Democratic nominee without a primary and President-elect Donald Trump survive a pair of assassination attempts. All of that occurred ahead of November's election, which ended with Trump's decisive victory over Harris.

The election-related chaos happened as wars in the Middle East and Ukraine continued, college campuses erupted with anti-Israel protests and everyone from Hunter Biden to alleged CEO killer Luigi Mangione dominated news cycles.

Along the way, Fox News Digital secured a staggering 41 billion total multiplatform minutes to grow 11% compared to 2023. CNN settled for 23 billion total multiplatform minutes, dropping 3% from 2023.

Fox News Digital also delivered 21.1 billion total multiplatform views, up 5% compared to 2023. The New York Times managed 18.8 billion total multiplatform views and CNN had 14.2 billion.

Fox News Digital topped a list of news brands including CNN, The New York Times, CBS News, NBC News, Washington Post, ABC News, USA Today and Insider, among others.

click here to read... unless you are triggered by Fox News. If that's the case then here is your binky. :)
?????????? why is that criteria significant for a news channel....???
?????????? why is that criteria significant for a news channel....???
I think he's trying to advance the point that the mainstream media is conservative.

I just don't know why he thinks that's such a big surprise. It's been conservative for decades.
Hey way to go Fox News Digital! Let's all give a well deserved round of applause to those guys!! They do a great job! 🎉

Fox News Digital finished 2024 as the top news brand among multiplatform views and minutes while seeing yearly growth across all metrics, according to Comscore.

The year featured an unprecedented news cycle that saw President Biden perform so poorly during an infamous presidential debate that he ultimately withdrew from the race, Vice President Kamala Harris emerge as the Democratic nominee without a primary and President-elect Donald Trump survive a pair of assassination attempts. All of that occurred ahead of November's election, which ended with Trump's decisive victory over Harris.

The election-related chaos happened as wars in the Middle East and Ukraine continued, college campuses erupted with anti-Israel protests and everyone from Hunter Biden to alleged CEO killer Luigi Mangione dominated news cycles.

Along the way, Fox News Digital secured a staggering 41 billion total multiplatform minutes to grow 11% compared to 2023. CNN settled for 23 billion total multiplatform minutes, dropping 3% from 2023.

Fox News Digital also delivered 21.1 billion total multiplatform views, up 5% compared to 2023. The New York Times managed 18.8 billion total multiplatform views and CNN had 14.2 billion.

Fox News Digital topped a list of news brands including CNN, The New York Times, CBS News, NBC News, Washington Post, ABC News, USA Today and Insider, among others.

click here to read... unless you are triggered by Fox News. If that's the case then here is your binky. :)
Ho-hum, here we go again with the Faux News blowing it’s own horn, pretending to be what it isn’t, a source of factual “fair and balanced” news.

Fact; Fox scores high viewer ratings for the simple reason that it is the only nationwide msm right wing propaganda source for those that prefer their information source to match their desired narrative.

Meanwhile, all of the other center left/left leaning outlets reporting much the same as each other cumulatively crush Fox.

Face it, Fox News is like that lone sucker fish that lives at the bottom of the aquarium, subsisting on the shit and rejected crumbs left by the larger population of fish that live in the clean, brightly lit water above, leaving most of the shit loving MAGAt viewers with little choice of where to get their crap information from.

Americans get it, too. That’s why Fox consistently ranks as one of the least trusted sources of information.



Trust in Media 2024: Which news sources Americans trust — and which they think lean left or right | YouGov


CNN is nearly non existent in the amount of viewers and MSNBC is in about the same boat. Since the election viewership for the two is going rapidly down. Could if be the many lies they kept spreading?

Um yeah. That's why when Pubs snark "maybe you should stop getting your news from CNN/MSNBC" so many libs insist, "I didn't." The response is always along the lines of a sarcastic "sure" but um...duh? They really DON'T get watched. 😆 You can see that for yourself.

It's not since the election. They've been losing viewers for at least two years, but my guess is longer. I'm just being on the safe side.
CNN is nearly non existent in the amount of viewers and MSNBC is in about the same boat. Since the election viewership for the two is going rapidly down. Could if be the many lies they kept spreading?
🤣 Fox is consistently rated among the least trusted news sources for good reason.
Corporate media outlets like CNN are laying off hundreds of staffers, including some of their top stars, following poor ratings on election night that saw the network trailing rivals MSNBC and Fox News.

Los Angeles Times whose owner just fired the entire editorial board and promised to create a new “fair & balanced” one, are distancing themselves from what has largely been a left-wing echo chamber.

MSNBC, whose hosts have been reliable daily sources of anti-Trump content for years, has seen its ratings tumble by 54% in prime time following Trump’s decisive election victory. Now there’s talk that Comcast is considering putting MSNBC up for sale.

ven more remarkable is the decision of large mainstream outlets like the Guardian to withdraw from X (formerly Twitter) because their narrative can be challenged in real time via the platform’s Community Notes feature.

There’s a certain irony when when a legacy media outlet chooses to withdraw from one of the least censored social media platforms because it cannot peddle misinformation without being publicly corrected.
Corporate media outlets like CNN are laying off hundreds of staffers, including some of their top stars, following poor ratings on election night that saw the network trailing rivals MSNBC and Fox News.

No, they haven't yet. Planning stages. Literally starts right off with a lie.

I could keep reading but why? 😂

This is what people want.

Not news. Drama.
Hey way to go Fox News Digital! Let's all give a well deserved round of applause to those guys!!
Why? Do you own stock in this deplorable lying media?

If not, and you don't, it seems strange to be so giddy about this.
No, they haven't yet. Planning stages. Literally starts right off with a lie.

I could keep reading but why? 😂

This is what people want.

Not news. Drama.
as"in the process of" surely you can read the writing on the wall and numerous reports as well as.Viewer are going "cross platform"
Earlier this year, CNN laid off about 100 employees — or 3% of its workforce.
Signs of change were apparent on Monday after Chris Wallace confirmed that he was leaving CNN — ending a three-year stint at the network that was marred by low ratings and turmoil in its corporate board.
CNN will also do away with redundant assignments while either reducing — or outright eliminating — various divisions, according to Puck.
Congrats to Fox News!

I used to prefer watching Santa Barbara myself. Mason Capwell could really crack me up. It"s the only soap opera I've ever watched regularly. The Fox story lines don't make me laugh like that.

Too, not owning a TV has been a hindrance, but it is a requirement among us tofu eaters.
as"in the process of" surely you can read the writing on the wall and numerous reports as well as.Viewer are going "cross platform"
Earlier this year, CNN laid off about 100 employees — or 3% of its workforce.
Signs of change were apparent on Monday after Chris Wallace confirmed that he was leaving CNN — ending a three-year stint at the network that was marred by low ratings and turmoil in its corporate board.
CNN will also do away with redundant assignments while either reducing — or outright eliminating — various divisions, according to Puck.

Um, my friend, CNN just got their pants sued off for assuming. 😂
Um yeah. That's why when Pubs snark "maybe you should stop getting your news from CNN/MSNBC" so many libs insist, "I didn't." The response is always along the lines of a sarcastic "sure" but um...duh? They really DON'T get watched. 😆 You can see that for yourself.

It's not since the election. They've been losing viewers for at least two years, but my guess is longer. I'm just being on the safe side.

That"s an interesting contradiction. I hadn't thought of it that way before.
I seem to remember, when I got my ROKU TV a couple of years ago, I was offered a list of free stations. As I recall, the only news stations on the list were ABC Newsline and Fox News, but not MSNBC or CNN. So I picked the free stations. Other frugal viewers may have done the same, which may account in part for the Fox lead.

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