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Fox News cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski killed in Ukraine (1 Viewer)

Who said it was ok?
Gotta respect the reporters who are putting their lives at risk to cover this war.
"Pierre was a war zone photographer who covered nearly every international story for FOX News from Iraq to Afghanistan to Syria during his long tenure with us," she added. "His passion and talent as a journalist were unmatched. Based in London, Pierre had been working in Ukraine since February."
Last year, he played a key role in getting Afghan freelance associates and their families out of the country after the U.S. withdrawal, Scott said.
Faux News is the idiot and all those within that support the position that Putin is a respectable and savvy leader while he's killing their reporters. Clear enough?
Not clear at all. You hate Fox news, but what does that have to do with their news crews being killed?
Not clear at all. You hate Fox news, but what does that have to do with their news crews being killed?
do you side with Putin or the Ukraine in the current invasion/occupation/slaughter?
If you didn't want to discuss your position, why did you start a thread?
I explained my position, you claim to not understand. I'm not going to play your game, they praise Putin while he kills their people and you can't understand the hypocrisy of that. I can't help you.
Not clear at all. You hate Fox news, but what does that have to do with their news crews being killed?
Fox News commentators like Tucker have spread misinformation and helped the Russians with their messaging, one of their own gets killed by Russians. Understand?
I explained my position, you claim to not understand. I'm not going to play your game, they praise Putin while he kills their people and you can't understand the hypocrisy of that. I can't help you.
Well, I can't help you if you are under a bizarre misconception that this news organization somehow supports Putin's invasion of the Ukraine.
Fox News commentators like Tucker have spread misinformation and helped the Russians with their messaging, one of their own gets killed by Russians. Understand?
Yes, you hate Carlson. You follow a lot of Russian propaganda? You believe it's true?
Well, I can't help you if you are under a bizarre misconception that this news organization somehow supports Putin's invasion of the Ukraine.
I can only go by what their bizarre talking heads say, you can believe what you want or just stick your head back in the sand. Either is OK by me.
The attackers are being egged on by Fox News infotainer, Tucker Carlson.

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