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Fox News and Hannity at Odds with Each Other? (1 Viewer)


Air Muscle
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2020
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I'm sensing that Fox had their hands full with a few of their program talking heads concerning and related to DJT's Big Lie / Election Fraud. Hannity was hooked into Mark Meadows about working together to promote the Lie. Here I thought that during the second half of 2020 into early 2021, Hannity was coordinating mostly with DJT. Or maybe he was as well. Whatever comes out of all of this, Fox News may be seen as trying to move away from their most risky tv hosts. imo

Throughout the logs, Hannity both gives advice and asks for direction, blurring the lines between his Fox show, his radio show and the Trump White House.

The texts also show the two men debating Trump's strategy to challenge the election, complaining about Fox, and plotting about what to do after Trump left office -- including possibly working together.

"You also need to spend at least half your time doing business with us," Hannity texted Meadows on December 12. "And I'm serious. Did u ever talk to Fox. I've been at war with them."
I'm sensing that Fox had their hands full with a few of their program talking heads concerning and related to DJT's Big Lie / Election Fraud. Hannity was hooked into Mark Meadows about working together to promote the Lie. Here I thought that during the second half of 2020 into early 2021, Hannity was coordinating mostly with DJT. Or maybe he was as well. Whatever comes out of all of this, Fox News may be seen as trying to move away from their most risky tv hosts. imo

Throughout the logs, Hannity both gives advice and asks for direction, blurring the lines between his Fox show, his radio show and the Trump White House.

The texts also show the two men debating Trump's strategy to challenge the election, complaining about Fox, and plotting about what to do after Trump left office -- including possibly working together.

"You also need to spend at least half your time doing business with us," Hannity texted Meadows on December 12. "And I'm serious. Did u ever talk to Fox. I've been at war with them."
CNN BS. As usual.
Hannity both gives advice and asks for direction, blurring the lines between his Fox show, his radio show and the Trump White House.
What do you mean "blurring the lines"?

Hannity is not a journalist or newsman, he's the host of a political opinion show.
And when it doesn’t work out…….

Hannity wrote. “Also if this doesn’t end the way we want, you me and Jay are doing 3 things together. 1- Directing legal strategies vs Biden 2- NC Real estate 3- Other business I talked to Rudy. Thx for helping him.”
... Initially after the November 2020 election, Hannity appeared to be all in with Trump's false election claims. On November 29, he texted Meadows saying he had his team trying to prove election fraud: "I've had my team digging into the numbers. There is no way Biden got these numbers. Just mathematically impossible. It's so sad for this country they can pull this off in 2020. We need a major breakthrough, a video, something." ...

Not surprising that a hyper-partisan college dropout like hannity (and other dumb right-wing chimps like meadows) failed to realize how MASSIVELY DESPISED drama queen trump was by many voters.

THAT'S what led to the HUGE, historic turnout for Joe in '20 and trump's big loss, you insular, corrupt, pathetic right-wing MORONS...
It was pretty obvious through Trump's whole tenure that Hannity was using his Fox visibility to be the unofficial spokesperson for the Trump White House.
Hannity bought into so much that he cheated on his wife, and got a nice orange spray tan.
He's a sanctimonious piece of shit.
I'm sensing that Fox had their hands full with a few of their program talking heads concerning and related to DJT's Big Lie / Election Fraud. Hannity was hooked into Mark Meadows about working together to promote the Lie. Here I thought that during the second half of 2020 into early 2021, Hannity was coordinating mostly with DJT. Or maybe he was as well. Whatever comes out of all of this, Fox News may be seen as trying to move away from their most risky tv hosts. imo

Throughout the logs, Hannity both gives advice and asks for direction, blurring the lines between his Fox show, his radio show and the Trump White House.

The texts also show the two men debating Trump's strategy to challenge the election, complaining about Fox, and plotting about what to do after Trump left office -- including possibly working together.

"You also need to spend at least half your time doing business with us," Hannity texted Meadows on December 12. "And I'm serious. Did u ever talk to Fox. I've been at war with them."
I have no idea how much of that is true, but it seems plausible that he would have at least SOME disagreements with the people who pay him.

Whether it equates to being "at war", even metaphorically, or if it's just workplace grousing, I don't know.
Hannity is an absolute whore and deserves nothing but scorn. He helped whip those lunatics into a frothy rage and then wrings his hands over how they might damage the GOP? Idiot. He's complicit in the destruction of the party, and the coming to power of the fringe nutters who ransacked it.
I'm sensing that Fox had their hands full with a few of their program talking heads concerning and related to DJT's Big Lie / Election Fraud. Hannity was hooked into Mark Meadows about working together to promote the Lie. Here I thought that during the second half of 2020 into early 2021, Hannity was coordinating mostly with DJT. Or maybe he was as well. Whatever comes out of all of this, Fox News may be seen as trying to move away from their most risky tv hosts. imo

Throughout the logs, Hannity both gives advice and asks for direction, blurring the lines between his Fox show, his radio show and the Trump White House.

The texts also show the two men debating Trump's strategy to challenge the election, complaining about Fox, and plotting about what to do after Trump left office -- including possibly working together.

"You also need to spend at least half your time doing business with us," Hannity texted Meadows on December 12. "And I'm serious. Did u ever talk to Fox. I've been at war with them."

There isn’t an inch of space between Sham Hammity and Fox.

He’s a right wing talk radio host with a camera.

And since Fox was always intended to be right wing talk radio with pictures, his occasional bouts of excessive feigned outrage are what the network wants.

Fox is an entertainment network that serves up a shallow quantity of news, and a whole lot of wink and nod editorial comments in all of what little real news coverage it provides.

Fox is the megaphone for the right wing noise machine.

Keeping the eyeballs is first priority.

And to do that, you need to entertain the no nothings with the kind of tired old stretotypes and ginned up cofeve that gets the bobble heads bobbing.

Unfortunately many Trump supporters don't know the difference.

No they don’t.

Most can’t, or don’t bother to distinguish between factual reporting and editorial comment. You can see that from the routine instances of right wingers trying to pass off idiotic ideological BS as factual reporting. That happens every day here.

Donald Trump spoke perfect Archie Bunker…right down to the accent.
What do you mean "blurring the lines"?
Not my quote.
Hannity is not a journalist or newsman, he's the host of a political opinion show.
Did you miss my quote? "Fox News may be seen as trying to move away from their most risky tv hosts"
CNN going after Hannity and FOX news.
Oh my such a big surprise.

FOXnews the #1 cable news for many years. CNN not so much. 😝
Point? Beethoven is a much better artist than Nicki Minaj but she has sold more albums. Jerry Springer was on the air for over 20 years. Ratings do not equal quality.
Point? Beethoven is a much better artist than Nicki Minaj but she has sold more albums. Jerry Springer was on the air for over 20 years. Ratings do not equal quality.
Many on the right equate ratings with truth, and wealth with moral righteousness.

It's why TDS runs rampant in the GOP.
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What do you mean "blurring the lines"?

Hannity is not a journalist or newsman, he's the host of a political opinion show.
Even so, it is concerning when a high profile host on a news network is a little too buddy, buddy with the person his network reports on.
Even so, it is concerning when a high profile host on a news network is a little too buddy, buddy with the person his network reports on.
Yep. Hannity actively promoted, campaigned for, and defended Trump. Entertained if not actively promoted whackjob conspiracies. And then has the gall to turn around and brag to his audience that while he is just a pundit he's the best source of hard hitting investigative journalism and truth.

And now he's developed a conscience for what he helped the GOP descend into? Not buying it. Maybe his buddy Lindell can create "My Soap" so Hannity can try to wash the mark of "political parasite" off his forehead.
CNN going after Hannity and FOX news.
Oh my such a big surprise.

FOXnews the #1 cable news for many years. CNN not so much. 😝
And that proves what? It seems to me that FOX caters to a demographic that is slightly more male and thus more conservative. FOX, much like MSNBC no doubt reinforces and does not challenge its viewers beliefs. One can assume that's why that Carlson is so popular.
You expect FOX to report this more fairly?
Wouldn't matter, I don't watch Fox. BTW Just assume your response applies to every post you make citing any of the MSM.
CNN didn’t make up the texts, mate.They’re real.
I wouldn't bet on that. This is CNN. I didn't see any of them say "let's invade the Capitol". Did you?
I'm sensing that Fox had their hands full with a few of their program talking heads concerning and related to DJT's Big Lie / Election Fraud. Hannity was hooked into Mark Meadows about working together to promote the Lie. Here I thought that during the second half of 2020 into early 2021, Hannity was coordinating mostly with DJT. Or maybe he was as well. Whatever comes out of all of this, Fox News may be seen as trying to move away from their most risky tv hosts. imo

Throughout the logs, Hannity both gives advice and asks for direction, blurring the lines between his Fox show, his radio show and the Trump White House.

The texts also show the two men debating Trump's strategy to challenge the election, complaining about Fox, and plotting about what to do after Trump left office -- including possibly working together.

"You also need to spend at least half your time doing business with us," Hannity texted Meadows on December 12. "And I'm serious. Did u ever talk to Fox. I've been at war with them."
IF you really want to discuss the "Big Lie", explain the Trump Russia Collusion lie. It's a whopper and involves, a former SOS and presidential candidate, a political party, a foriegn brit spy, a russian nationalist, the DOJ, FBI, several attorneys, the FISA court, and numerous members of those organization.
... Initially after the November 2020 election, Hannity appeared to be all in with Trump's false election claims. On November 29, he texted Meadows saying he had his team trying to prove election fraud: "I've had my team digging into the numbers. There is no way Biden got these numbers. Just mathematically impossible. It's so sad for this country they can pull this off in 2020. We need a major breakthrough, a video, something." ...

Not surprising that a hyper-partisan college dropout like hannity (and other dumb right-wing chimps like meadows) failed to realize how MASSIVELY DESPISED drama queen trump was by many voters.

THAT'S what led to the HUGE, historic turnout for Joe in '20 and trump's big loss, you insular, corrupt, pathetic right-wing MORONS...

I've had my team digging into the numbers

I wonder if he borrowed Trump's team that was on the hunt for Obama's secret Kenyan birth certificate.

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