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Fox figures prod Trump to call a national emergency for his wall (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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Fox News figures are sending a message to President Donald Trump: Pull the trigger on declaring a national emergency.

With a little over two weeks until another possible government shutdown, multiple Fox hosts and commentators are goading the president into taking the emergency option to build a wall on the southern border, despite the political and legal risks involved.
This may not be sedition or treason but it certainly appears to be government by Rupert Murdoch. We know that Trump spends several hours of 'executive time' in the mornings absorbing the crap spewed by Fox News & their invited guests. Fox News is almost acting as a shadow government with unclear intentions.

Fox News figures are sending a message to President Donald Trump: Pull the trigger on declaring a national emergency.

With a little over two weeks until another possible government shutdown, multiple Fox hosts and commentators are goading the president into taking the emergency option to build a wall on the southern border, despite the political and legal risks involved.
This may not be sedition or treason but it certainly appears to be government by Rupert Murdoch. We know that Trump spends several hours of 'executive time' in the mornings absorbing the crap spewed by Fox News & their invited guests. Fox News is almost acting as a shadow government with unclear intentions.

The very moment he declares it....And he will....It will immediately be challenged and tied up the courts...Still trump has NO choice.....Right Wing Media has spoken...and trump must obey

Fox News figures are sending a message to President Donald Trump: Pull the trigger on declaring a national emergency.

With a little over two weeks until another possible government shutdown, multiple Fox hosts and commentators are goading the president into taking the emergency option to build a wall on the southern border, despite the political and legal risks involved.
This may not be sedition or treason but it certainly appears to be government by Rupert Murdoch. We know that Trump spends several hours of 'executive time' in the mornings absorbing the crap spewed by Fox News & their invited guests. Fox News is almost acting as a shadow government with unclear intentions.

Just off the crazy scale........ the government is being run by Rupert Murdoch. OMG :monkey:joke:
And fox news is the shadow government? Do you actually believe this horse crap? :lamo
Just off the crazy scale........ the government is being run by Rupert Murdoch. OMG :monkey:joke:
And fox news is the shadow government? Do you actually believe this horse crap? :lamo

When a conservative 'news' outlet compels a President to take a major & divisive action, yes I do. That's not the way this country was intended to be run.
The very moment he declares it....And he will....It will immediately be challenged and tied up the courts...Still trump has NO choice.....Right Wing Media has spoken...and trump must obey

When the IDIOTS of the 9th Circus intervene, it will be FAST TRACKED to the USSC , where the POTUS' authority in declaring a national emergency has ALREADY BEEN AJUDICATED...in FAVOR of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH.
When a conservative 'news' outlet compels a President to take a major & divisive action, yes I do. That's not the way this country was intended to be run.

Yeah...he is being "compelled"...whereas the Fake News/Lying Left could be charged as CONSPIRATORS in SEDITION.
I too hope he declares the national emergency. It will end in spectacular embarrassment for him.
When the IDIOTS of the 9th Circus intervene, it will be FAST TRACKED to the USSC , where the POTUS' authority in declaring a national emergency has ALREADY BEEN AJUDICATED...in FAVOR of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH.

Dream on...It will not be "fast tracked".......
Dream on...It will not be "fast tracked".......

The eminent domain issues alone will keep this in the courts until long after Trump is just a name in history books.
I too hope he declares the national emergency. It will end in spectacular embarrassment for him.

Would not be good for his political party in the long run either (though he probably doesn't care about that). When the next Democrat is in office, they can just declare a "national emergency" too on whatever issue they support, and ram it down the GOP's throats the way Trump's minions want Trump to do. Not exactly a smart move on the GOP's part, isn it?
Just off the crazy scale........ the government is being run by Rupert Murdoch. OMG :monkey:joke:
And fox news is the shadow government? Do you actually believe this horse crap? :lamo

Heh, you guys believe in "deep states" and "shadow governments", all run by Obama and Hillary Clinton, and now your upset when someone throws your tripe back in your face? How deliciously hypocritical.

Fox News figures are sending a message to President Donald Trump: Pull the trigger on declaring a national emergency.

With a little over two weeks until another possible government shutdown, multiple Fox hosts and commentators are goading the president into taking the emergency option to build a wall on the southern border, despite the political and legal risks involved.
This may not be sedition or treason but it certainly appears to be government by Rupert Murdoch. We know that Trump spends several hours of 'executive time' in the mornings absorbing the crap spewed by Fox News & their invited guests. Fox News is almost acting as a shadow government with unclear intentions.

Not almost, not "appears", it always was, always has been and it IS, it's not "almost".
Not almost, not "appears", it always was, always has been and it IS, it's not "almost".

Yep. Trump is most certainly terrified of alienating the far right wackos in his base, as well as his cheerleaders on Fox. They are ALL he has at this point.
When the IDIOTS of the 9th Circus intervene, it will be FAST TRACKED to the USSC , where the POTUS' authority in declaring a national emergency has ALREADY BEEN AJUDICATED...in FAVOR of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH.

Just for fun, what case has the supreme court has heard that you believe is relevant?
Just for fun, what case has the supreme court has heard that you believe is relevant?

Don't you remember? It was that case where the USSC ruled that the president can do whatever he wants whenever he wants to whomever he wants and nobody gets to say shxt about it. That's the case Grok is talking about.
Unlike his discussions with Putin, at least we know what Fox News is telling Trump to do.
If the emergency is declared and the USSC rules that the wall is indeed a valid emergency because Congress has failed to allocate funds Trump has demanded, then we in fact live in a dictatorship and the USSC, along with the senate, are completely neutered. And the next president will do the precise same thing whenever he/she does not get what they want from Congress.

The democratic republic had a good run.
Yeah...he is being "compelled"...whereas the Fake News/Lying Left could be charged as CONSPIRATORS in SEDITION.

Oooh, I get all excited when you quote Joe McCarthy. And in CAPS, too!
Anybody know how Trump will define the emergency?
I suppose Trump can indeed do that. The left will seek an injunction from the 9th and that will be squashed. Sad to see time and effort wasted on blocking something that common-sense illustrates would help our nation.
I hope he does declare a National Emergency..

I would like to see him send troops to the border to take American citizens land at gun point.. That will be 1 hell of a photo op. His base won't care, hell they'll love it, more authoritarian tactics by their cult leader will probably get them all warm and fuzzy and orgasmic.

But it 'might', 'MIGHT' be the kick in the ass moderate Republicans need to finally say enough. I've been waiting for 7-8 years for the moderate Republicans to wake up though, and they haven't yet. So I'm not optimistic. But damn, something eventually has to wake them up and say no more.
Good luck with the eminent domain court battles. Ego wall is going to take a lot more than an executive action.
I suppose Trump can indeed do that. The left will seek an injunction from the 9th and that will be squashed. Sad to see time and effort wasted on blocking something that common-sense illustrates would help our nation.

Spending 5.7 Billion on a useless wall helps America?........BULL****

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