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Fox bait and switch Ukraine Russia (1 Viewer)

Sand Castle

DP Veteran
Jan 8, 2019
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Fox is spending a lot of time this morning covering the Ukraine Russia matter.

That's legit. The problem is they are coming across as using the coverage to bash Biden, spread propaganda.

Is this News coverage or Right wing campaigning disguised as news
Fox is spending a lot of time this morning covering the Ukraine Russia matter.

That's legit. The problem is they are coming across as using the coverage to bash Biden, spread propaganda.

Is this News coverage or Right wing campaigning disguised as news
I'm sure Fox is disappointed that Biden and his administration haven't made a major blunder yet. To this point in time I'm satisfied with the approach being taken.
I'm sure Fox is disappointed that Biden and his administration haven't made a major blunder yet. To this point in time I'm satisfied with the approach being taken.
Pretty much this. The right is standing by to see how then can portray the narrative as a Biden blunder once things heat up...if they do.

Trump will claim he "would have" negotiated the greatest peace treaty in the history of the universe and the right wing media will malign Biden in any way they can...probably mixed with actual Russian propaganda.
Fox is spending a lot of time this morning covering the Ukraine Russia matter.

That's legit. The problem is they are coming across as using the coverage to bash Biden, spread propaganda.

Is this News coverage or Right wing campaigning disguised as news
Fox is spending a lot of time this morning covering the Ukraine Russia matter.

That's legit. The problem is they are coming across as using the coverage to bash Biden, spread propaganda.

Is this News coverage or Right wing campaigning disguised as news
It's the propaganda arm of the RNC doing what it always does.

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