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Fossil Fuel Industry Received $5.9 Trillion In Tax Subsidies in 2020 (1 Viewer)

This is the same business group that billed we the taxpayers $700 a gallon for gasoline through the military during the Iraq war ........maybe they still are?

I thought Iraq was full of oil?

Israel seeks pipeline for Iraqi oil | World news | The Guardian​

https://www.theguardian.com › israelandthepalestinians

Apr 19, 2003 — Plans to build a pipeline to siphon oil from newly conquered Iraq to Israel are being discussed between Washington, Tel Aviv and potential ...

How a Haditha-Haifa Pipeline Would Benefit Iraq - The ...​

https://www.washingtoninstitute.org › policy-analysis

Nov 24, 2020 — The pipeline's official operation would end with the outbreak of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, when the Iraqi government refused to pump more ...

Iraqi Oil for Israel? 15 Years later, new Light on the Iraq War​

https://www.juancole.com › 2018/04 › iraqi-israel-years

Apr 26, 2018 — The pipeline carried oil from the Red Sea Israeli port of Eilat to the Mediterranean port of Ashkelon. This secret pipeline was constructed in ...

Every American could be enjoying a FREE Cadillac BidenCare™ plan just as I am doing right now, plus our infrastructure could all be upgraded, plus free higher education to anyone who wanted it and could keep up the grades.

lets just nationalize the oil companies.

MOBILIZE to NATIONALIZE!!!! I support it!!

View attachment 67379627
standing ovation ........
This is the same business group that billed we the taxpayers $700 a gallon for gasoline through the military during the Iraq war ........maybe they still are?

No, they billed the U.S. government $400 per gallon, and your duly elected representatives had no problem with paying the bill using money that was taken by force from Americans.
No, they billed the U.S. government $400 per gallon, and your duly elected representatives had no problem with paying the bill using money that was taken by force from Americans.
$400 per gallon makes it no bargain .............. it should read OUR DULY ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES had no problem paying the bill with money extracted by force = an everyday venture on many fronts such as Supply Side Economics and the Global Economy.
Only using the left wing definition of a 'subsidy' ,which normal , knowledgeable people know to be inaccurate.
it should read OUR DULY ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES had no problem paying the bill with money extracted by force

Correct, so we both agree it's democracy working as intended.
standing ovation ........
nationalize the oil industry. can't imagine the amount of alcohol one must consume to thing THAT is a good idea.

Only using the left wing definition of a 'subsidy' ,which normal , knowledgeable people know to be inaccurate.

Yeah, in this case “subsidy” seems to mean “we didn’t tax you as much as leftists want to”.

Now let’s get back to all those threads here where people are claiming Democrats haven’t been trying to suppress oil and gas production for decades.

Subsidies Are the Problem, Not the Solution, for Innovation in ...​

https://www.mercatus.org › government-spending › sub...

Mar 24, 2015 — This cycle of “tax and subsidize” is just another example of the government ... 1) subsidized firms get an unfair competitive advantage over ...

How Corporate Welfare Hurts You - The American Prospect​

https://prospect.org › economy › corporate-welfare-hurts

Jul 23, 2019 — The most obvious comes through subsidies or tax breaks for ... Every year, oil companies get to deduct millions of dollars from their tax ...
I love how people scream about oil companies when for the last 10 years they have all averaged 6-7% net margins. Meanwhile every major tech company is running 20's and 30's.
Bernard Looney (51yo), CEO of British Petroleum...

Friday February 18 2022...
"Bernard Looney’s total pay package, which also includes a salary of £1.3 million, is likely to more than double to at least £4 million thanks to the bonus revealed in a stock market filing this week."

Bernard Looney’s total pay package is likely to more than double to at least £4 million

Subsidies Are the Problem, Not the Solution, for Innovation in ...

https://www.mercatus.org › government-spending › sub...
Mar 24, 2015 — This cycle of “tax and subsidize” is just another example of the government ... 1) subsidized firms get an unfair competitive advantage over ...

How Corporate Welfare Hurts You - The American Prospect

https://prospect.org › economy › corporate-welfare-hurts
Jul 23, 2019 — The most obvious comes through subsidies or tax breaks for ... Every year, oil companies get to deduct millions of dollars from their tax ...
….lw agitprop.

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