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Former Trump University student recalls aha moment: 'This is a joke’“ (1 Viewer)


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Aug 4, 2017
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Former Trump University student recalls aha moment: '''This is a joke’

“I listened to what Trump said, they put him up on video, ‘Oh, you're going to get the best of the best,’” Simpson, a bankruptcy lawyer in Florida, recalled in an interview with Yahoo Finance’s Illegal Tender. “You have the same language he's been using for the last three and a half years [as president]: 'It’s the top of.. the top. It's the best. It's the most beautiful, it’s whatever.’”

“Immediately I went online, I was very excited to get started, and I went into the course and I started looking around and they had a bunch of videos,” she recalled. “Some of the videos were five years old, many of the videos only related to New York.”

Very quickly, she knew something was off.

“I realized: ‘This is a joke,’” she said. “‘There’s nothing there.’”

Come on. That's EXACTLY what he's still doing. His con doesn't change and his marks are all very similar.
There’s an old saying “you can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time. But you cannot fool all the people all the time.”

Here’s to hoping that at least most of America realizes it’s been conned for the last 4 years by a clever real estate huckster.
Former Trump University student recalls aha moment: '''This is a joke’

“I listened to what Trump said, they put him up on video, ‘Oh, you're going to get the best of the best,’” Simpson, a bankruptcy lawyer in Florida, recalled in an interview with Yahoo Finance’s Illegal Tender. “You have the same language he's been using for the last three and a half years [as president]: 'It’s the top of.. the top. It's the best. It's the most beautiful, it’s whatever.’”

“Immediately I went online, I was very excited to get started, and I went into the course and I started looking around and they had a bunch of videos,” she recalled. “Some of the videos were five years old, many of the videos only related to New York.”

Very quickly, she knew something was off.

“I realized: ‘This is a joke,’” she said. “‘There’s nothing there.’”

Come on. That's EXACTLY what he's still doing. His con doesn't change and his marks are all very similar.

Except that now his marks are all like "thank you orange daddy, please bitchslap me again!":lamo
There’s an old saying “you can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time. But you cannot fool all the people all the time.”

Here’s to hoping that at least most of America realizes it’s been conned for the last 4 years by a clever real estate huckster.

Donald is literally using the same trick/con that he's always used. Do you think it will work for one more election?
Except that now his marks are all like "thank you orange daddy, please bitchslap me again!":lamo

Can he use this tried and true (Trump) con one more time? Will it work?
Can he use this tried and true (Trump) con one more time? Will it work?

Actual footage from Barrack HUSSEIN Obama's (AKA, the dark lord, Satan) Innauggeration:

And now out of PURE (totally for NO reason) hatred of Trump, Kamala has them all on steroids, the whole country will be like this 20 minutes after he wins, It's a known fact! Literally every square inch of the United states, and Canada is next! Everyone knows this!
Actual footage from Barrack HUSSEIN Obama's (AKA, the dark lord, Satan) Innauggeration:

And now out of PURE (totally for NO reason) hatred of Trump, Kamala has them all on steroids, the whole country will be like this 20 minutes after he wins, It's a known fact! Literally every square inch of the United states, and Canada is next! Everyone knows this!

if sane people don't stand up to Trump and his supporters then we don't deserve a decent country.

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