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Former Enron accountant pleads guilty to fraud (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2005
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Political Leaning
This is fantastic news! I want Skilling and Lay to suffer for what they did to the Enron employees. I cannot imagine having my pension taken away from me after all the years I have put money in there. These jerks took away all that from so many people while spending money like it was going out of style. No morals. (Aren't these two guys republicans? ;))

aps said:
This is fantastic news! I want Skilling and Lay to suffer for what they did to the Enron employees. I cannot imagine having my pension taken away from me after all the years I have put money in there. These jerks took away all that from so many people while spending money like it was going out of style. No morals. (Aren't these two guys republicans? ;))


Yup, and they financed President Bush's political campaign. Hmmm, wonder what they wanted in return from Bush? I heard they used their political connections in the UK and in Washington to score contracts overseas. During the 1980s, I heard they used accounting tricks to hide debt or losses as a way to steal millions of dollars from the company and to place that money in their personal bank accounts.
aps said:
This is fantastic news! I want Skilling and Lay to suffer for what they did to the Enron employees. I cannot imagine having my pension taken away from me after all the years I have put money in there. These jerks took away all that from so many people while spending money like it was going out of style. No morals. (Aren't these two guys republicans? ;))


Yea, he only got 7 years, but in exchange, he gives up Kenny Boy Lay, and Skilling both. If he is completely forthcoming in his testimony, the 7 years is reduced to 5, which means he could be out of prison in 2 1/2 years. And yes, Kenny Boy was one of Bush's largest contributors, and he was also one of those on Cheney's secret energy task panel. He is also toast. :)

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