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Forget Left Wing/ Right Wing Bias----How bout Overall Brainwashing Bias (1 Viewer)

Well no Duh! I've been saying it in nearly all of my posts! PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD! :2wave: Thanks for giving more information, to prove to the non-believers. :mrgreen:
This thread should be stickied. Anyone who is in here needs to read this.

LOL @ your sad chomsky reference.:doh

Clearly you only read the first couple lines of that page...

He may be a famous left winger who understands the corporate media's powerful role in society, sure.... but his contention is that its all slanted to the right.

He leaves out the part about it being a giant brainwashing machine that isnt actually leaning right or left but is actually a brainwashing distraction that pumps up this showy hyperpartisanship to get you all to take sides blindly to think there is a real difference between the two parties... and both democrat and republican politicians want this because it gives every one of them job security.

I hope you understand what a scam this hyperpartisan charade has become, the corporate media and politicians are into it for financial reasons, its there livelihoods. Anyone who really looks at politics can see this.
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TheHonestTruth said:
He leaves out the part about it being a giant brainwashing machine that isnt actually leaning right or left but is actually a brainwashing distraction that pumps up this showy hyperpartisanship to get you all to take sides blindly to think there is a real difference between the two parties... and both democrat and republican politicians want this because it gives every one of them job security.

That's exactly what he says. Perhaps you've never watched the film.
BooRadley said:
That's exactly what he says. Perhaps you've never watched the film.

I havent, but I have watched other films that featured him for 30+ minutes discussing the corporate media which he says isnt left but is right, which is partly true, the people who run the media are far right for financial reasons. Chomsky he makes some great points, but I think that hes part of the hyperpartisan problem because he represents the far far left.
TheHonestTruth said:
I havent, but I have watched other films that featured him for 30+ minutes discussing the corporate media which he says isnt left but is right, which is partly true, the people who run the media are far right for financial reasons. Chomsky he makes some great points, but I think that hes part of the hyperpartisan problem because he represents the far far left.

To me, it's always seemed like Chomsky represents Chomsky. He's a libertarian socialist, which I suppose would be far left, on a left-right scale, though. From watching Manufacturing Consent, he doesn't seem to think it's either right or left, and that the right-left fights that go on are fodder, a part of a divide and conquer strategy for the genuine powers, which are the conglomerate corporations, which are neither right nor left, but are just ruling powers who's only ethic or platform are to maintain as ruling powers.
I have been saying these things for years!
independent_thinker2002 said:
I have been saying these things for years!

A lot of us have. The question is: How well are we saying it, and to whom?
The media is biased. Not liberally or conservatively as some would suggest, the medias main two biases are Corporate and competitive.

The Media’s first bias is its own profit and loss statements. The media and the news media in particular have put sensationalist stories and programs above quality and thoroughness. We have gone from OJ, the trial of the last century, to Michael Jackson, the trial of this century. Meanwhile the Supreme Court works on case of true importance involving freedom of political speech, the detention of foreign nationals without a trial and the balance between the freedom of religion and the establishment of religion. I think that if you took a poll of the average citizen they would know far, far more about the Jackson case that the ten biggest Supreme Court cases combined. Meanwhile camera crews are searching for the best camera angles in Rome awaiting the passing of the Pope.

Competition between media sources leads to sensationalist journalism as media corporations compete for an audience in an increasingly competitive market. The members of the media are constantly looking to break a story that will increase their future ratings, and that they will be able to brag about. Healthy competition is a good thing for the media and in theory it would make the media better, but in reality it causes the media to not ask tough questions in fear of offending its viewers and losing ratings.

People tend to watch media outlets that reinforce their own positions, and in today’s world they have many options to choose from. For instance a republican would be more likely to watch the right wing Fox news channel, and a liberal would not be as likely to watch that channel.

There is extreme bias in the media and there are the opinions of even the most neutral reporter that influences the stories that they cover. The viewer needs to beware and be aware of extreme and subtle biases in the media, consider differing opinions and reach their own conclusions.

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